.Before 2003 , domestic readers did not have the habit of paying to read , and online writers did not realize that their novels could make money .

.Everyone basically writes novels out of interest and hobby .

.This one .

.Only a very small number of works can be published in China , or published in Taiwan , and can earn royalties .

.Well in this case .

.Simple ” writing for love “, the first one is that there are few authors and few works , the entire market has not been cultivated , and there has not been a trend of expansion and development .

.It is more like a gathering of literature lovers , it is a small group, and it is self-entertainment .

.It was not until 2003 that a website first launched the VIP charging system , which opened the domestic online novel industry , which has continued to develop and expand for more than 20 years …

.If the market had not been cultivated in 2003 , then other novel websites would probably not have appeared in the future .

.Is the development of the novel industry a matter of course , is it inevitable ?

.Not necessarily !

.In this regard , you can see that by 2021 , hundreds of countries around the world , and how many countries have developed such a scale of novel markets and reader groups just like China ?

.Movies are the same .

.By 2021 , in addition to Hollywood , the world will be the best in the world. How many of the hundreds of countries have the film industry booming ?

.In fact, the rise and fall of an industry depends on the general environment , which determines your upper limit , but whether it can develop or not requires a leader .

.Then Su Ye , in the past few years, has contributed to the film industry by being a leader .

.The most direct credit is to explore and nurture such a super schedule as the Spring Festival .

.And the credit that is not presented is even greater !

.Developing the domestic film industry ten years earlier can increase the country’s ability to resist the impact of Hollywood blockbusters , otherwise …

.According to normal development , in the next ten years , Hollywood special effects blockbusters will occupy the top of the domestic box office list !

.This situation will continue until almost 2014, 2015 will not change .

.That’s not the most important thing !

.More importantly …

.Under the impact of the cultural industry for more than ten years , bad money drives out good money . By 2022 , the most domestic movie box office market will rise , but (dacc) is full of a lot of shoddy traffic , gimmicks and love. love …

.The domestic cultural industry has developed into a deformed monster !

.There are very few high-quality content . Most of them have invested hundreds of millions or hundreds of millions of dollars , but in the end they show bad dramas and bad movies !

.Why is this happening ?

.In fact , it is also Hollywood . Although it has special effects blockbusters every year , it has accumulated hundreds of years of heritage because of its early start .

.In the top 100 movies in the world’s film history , every step taken out is a classic old movie …

.Even in the era of special effects , because of this foundation , it is possible to achieve both business and literature .

.However, in China, it is precisely because of the impact of Hollywood special effects blockbusters for more than ten years that the lack of accumulation time has also made it impossible for those talents with real ability, aesthetic level and cultural background to survive in this industry .

.Who was the last person to survive ?

.It’s capital and those bad coins that cater to vulgar tastes , the so-called rice circle culture , and the so-called traffic ?

.The appearance of Su Ye was like a needle for Ding Hai Shen .

.In the next ten years , the entire domestic cultural industry will be protected from being destroyed by the Western consumerism culture with Hollywood as a concrete representation !

.Only .

.Except for a very few people who can really look forward to the future , most people can’t see this .

.Sometimes .

.This is also a sadness of the pioneers .

.What you do may not necessarily be understood by the public .

.even …

.Most of the people who have been favored , not only do not know how to be grateful , but because they are brainwashed , their values are distorted , and their personal interests are petty , they frantically attack and depreciate the system that protects them .

.It’s just that these people never think .

.What value do you have in continuing to benefit from outside powers when this system to protect you doesn’t exist ?

.It is equivalent to being sold and still helping people with money .

.Not just in cultural circles .

.In fact, in the whole country , especially in some areas related to national identity and identity , almost everywhere in the country is full of such ghosts .

.A small number of people are bad , thinking that they are the leading party , and even if the country is destroyed in the future , they can still be second-class devils , relying on oppressing the people of the country and continue to be their second-class people .

.And most people are just plain stupid .

.I don’t know .

.I am digging the corner of the system that protects me. If this system collapses suddenly , life will only be worse , and there will be no hope …

.It’s a pity .

.There are not many people who can really see the essence of things .

.Therefore .

.When those shy and private villains openly invert black and white in newspapers , obliterate Su Ye’s contribution to the film industry , and make various slanderous remarks , many people think it is justified …

.Why ?

.Because of Su Ye’s success and contribution , it has nothing to do with them on the bright side .

.The macro narrative of cultural self-confidence and institutional self-confidence , most people do not understand or understand , and only feel that it has nothing to do with themselves.�?

Chapter 270 _ Wen Wu is the first , Wu Wu is the second , Lao Mouzi and Su Ye, who is the first director in China ? ? Please customize ?

.Su Ye plans to spend a huge sum of 500 million to shoot war blockbusters such as ” Saving the Soldier Little Four ” .

.Of course …

.Except for the students in the 96 -level performance class .

.” It ‘s so irritating ! Which movie our teacher Su made was not a big hit ? What is the box-office theory ? ” The Richest Man in Xihong City ” is indeed a bit meaningless , but ” Knock When Happiness ” and ” I’m Not the God of Medicine ” , which isn’t more meaningful and meaningful than the shit movies made by those people ? ”

.” These people are jealous and jealous of our teacher’s achievements ! ”

.” That’s right !”

.” It ‘s just reversing black and white – right and wrong !”

.” Or let’s post an article and go to the ring with those people ?”

.Huang Xiaoming , Cheng Kun , Liu Ye , Qin Hao, and other boys from Class 96 were all so angry that they might have acted directly if they encountered a real person .

.What are you kidding ?

.I finally got through to graduation . Look at the girls in our class, who have already shown their faces in TV dramas and movies, and Da Mi Mi also won a best supporting actress .

.Now it’s finally the boys’ turn , and it’s still such a blood-sucking super-production of a war blockbuster. Which boy doesn’t have a military dream in his heart ?

.It’s naturally impossible to be a soldier in reality , but it’s good to be a soldier in the movie .

.Of course, these boys are all gearing up , waiting for a good performance in ” Saving the Soldier Little Four ” and showing Teacher Su the spirit of the boys in Class 96 !

.Unexpectedly .

.Someone jumped out to attack ” Saving the Soldier Little Four ” and attacked Su Ye ?

.They are all young men with strong vigor , how can they bear this kind of anger , and immediately shouted one by one , wanting to give these grandchildren some color …

.” Okay !”

.Unexpectedly, Su Ye didn’t care . Instead, he waved his hand and tapped the heads of the boys who were screaming the loudest , ” You all put your mind on filming , I can’t handle such a small storm. If you start shouting and killing someone after a few words , how can you be a big star in the future ?”

.” But Teacher Su , do we just let people arrange it like this ?”

.The boys were still a little unconvinced .

.Su Ye smiled and said , ” I’ve been with me for a few years , and I still don’t understand it ? What’s the use of calling them a few times ? In the end , it depends on the results of the movie . ”

.” If the movie smashes , it’s useless for you to talk about it. If the movie rises , you don’t need to say it . Naturally, everyone will come to hold you and flatter you . ”

.In fact , Su Ye really didn’t pay much attention to this so-called fishing trend .

.At the moment, this stance is not as powerful as Huang Xiaoyan and the Hong Kong and Taiwan circles before. Did Su Ye care about it at that time ?

.It wasn’t before , and it doesn’t matter now .

.without it .

.Like this kind of argument , the more you ignore it , but you give it face , and it screams more vigorously .

.With that kung fu , it’s better to focus all your energy on filming .

.” This time, you all cheered me up . Although ” Saving the Soldier Little Four ” is not a real war , the difficulty of filming will definitely exceed your imagination . ”

.” Don’t say I didn’t remind you in advance , if any one is holding back , don’t blame me for not reading the teacher-student relationship . ”

.Su Ye changed the topic and brought the topic back to the movie .

.” Do n’t worry, Mr. Su , we are going to go up the mountain of knives and go down to the sea of fire . Don’t say hardships. If you are hardships , you will look down on us !”

.The boys were so excited that they suddenly cried out .

.Go up the mountain of knives , go down to the sea of fire ?

.Su Ye looked at a group of students who were very energetic , but smiled deeply .

.You will soon find out that this ” going up the mountain of knives , going down to the sea of fire ” is definitely not an adjective , but a real reality that will emerge !


.Su Ye didn’t care about these fishing theories at all . Instead, it was Lao Mouzi’s ” Heroes ” crew . Hearing the rumors outside , everyone felt uneasy .

.” You said that these people are too . They are jealous of Su Ye . What are you doing if you want to get involved with the director ? It stands to reason that we are from the northwest circle , and we can’t pee in a pot with those so-called cultural circles in the capital. . ”

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