Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter in the female circle of the entertainment circle [古 穿 今]!

Lin Lin is the front desk of Jiangmen Studio. ;

The reason why this salary is not so high is simple. She is a fan of Tuoba Niang!

For leisure and peace of mind, you can often see Tuobayan infested. For Lin Lin, who has no ambition to be promoted and raise his life, the goalkeeper studio is heaven!

Tuoba Niangniang is really beautiful and gentle, she smiles and says hello to her every time she enters the door.

If it weren't for Tuobayan who already had a very good girlfriend in every respect, Lin Lin might have a hot head and boldly tried to hook her up.

No way, President Li Zhen of Weizhen can compare with ordinary girls like her.

However, it seems that there is only the top tuo Niang who Mr. Li can match. The two of them are standing right together!

So Lin Lin gradually became the CP powder of the two of them, and every day she was happily smashed by dog ​​food.

However, recently Tuoba Niang rarely came to the studio, Lin Lin couldn't help but feel a little lack of energy.

Since the lady came out of the cabinet, the studio has been idle a lot. This afternoon, she was preparing to get refreshed by the coffee, and she saw a young couple leading a little boy in.

Lin Lin smiled busy: "Hello, this is the general gate studio."

The young couple looked at each other, and the woman asked, "Your boss, is it Tuobayan?"

Lin Lin was confused about their intentions for a while, but he still answered kindly: "Yes."

The woman's eyes lit up, and she smiled and said, "We are here to thank her specially. May I ask if she is there?"

Recently, some bizarre rumors spread on some online platforms in Yuchuan City.

A few years ago, a news made the entire city of Yuchuan start a search. A young girl climbed the sixth floor freehand and rescued the child who was trapped in the security window. The girl disappeared afterwards, even if the Yuchuan city government To reward those who showed their courage, she did not receive the medal.

At that time, many people questioned whether this was hype. After all, it was too incredible to climb the sixth floor with bare hands? Still a young girl? What a joke!

However, the onlookers took a lot of sporadic videos. The strong girls in the picture were not allowed to leave. The neighbors in the residential buildings where the children were involved also confirmed that this was true.

However, after the topic of searching for female heroes was initiated, several major news media in Yuchuan City collectively lost their voices and stopped tracking reports. Although the people were curious, they gradually forgot about it.

Rumor has it that the mysterious girl is the topic Queen Tuobayan.

Tuobayan is from Yuchuan, and her fans in Yuchuan are countless. Last year, she also endorsed the public welfare image of Yuchuan and has a high popularity.

The fans who discovered the rumors exploded from ten to hundreds, and the mass exploded.

Which stupid | Frustrated heart disease so black Tuobayan! What a hatred!

Yes, everyone thinks this is a scumbag of some black powder.

What a joke, Tuobayan was only eighteen? Although this girl has been a martial art, there must be some effort on her body, but it is too nonsense to climb the stairs with bare hands! What's more, she is a public figure who goes out to buy a loaf of bread and has paparazzi squats. How could she go to the sixth floor to save the child.

This trick is really poisonous! The surface is to actively expose and praise Tuobayan for his courage, but in fact, he wants to create the illusion of Tuobayan's brainless hype. Once he lets it spread, he will bite back, and bring the rhythm to detonate public opinion. Even if the dumb eats Coptis chinensis, it is hard to tell, it is not hype but also hype!

So several rice circles made plans immediately:

1. Send a statement on various fan groups and forums to popularize science for some uninformed fans.

2. Once you find this statement, quickly clarify! Expose the evil intentions of sunspots!

3. Restrain younger fans, don't make violent speeches, and woo black girls.

But the rumors that originally only flowed within Yuchuan were still spreading from ten to hundreds, and quickly spread out. Fans were running around, but they couldn't keep up with the speed of the spread.

As fans are afraid, Tuobayan is really doing something this time!

Countless people turned black on her passers-by, swearing, saying that she was cheeky, put gold on her face, and used this kind of news hype to make the dog eat.

Tuobayan changed a Weibo, only a picture and a sentence.

Duobayan V: I wish you a blessing @@ 李雁 娆 V which is a little bit irritable recently [Image]

The picture shows Tuoba Yan holding Li Yanluo from behind, the palms of the two overlapped, and each wears a diamond ring on his left middle finger.

Although the face did not appear frontally, only the part below the collarbone was intercepted, but the fans naturally recognized that the slightly plump one was Li Yanluo, and the one holding her was Tuoba Niangniang.

Engagement was originally a happy and beautiful thing and worthy of blessings. But because the two are female, Tuobayan is on the cusp of the limelight, even if the fans are desperately controlling the field, Weibo comments are still occupied by insults.

What dead gays are perverted to die, will never watch your TV series again, the hype queen haha ​​da, a pair of shameless biaozi with unsung heroes hype broken shoes.

Internet violence is evident.

The next day, Tuobayan held a press conference again, responded to external queries, and broadcast it instantly on the Internet.

This time was much worse than the last reception. When she stepped on the stage, a tattered shoe was thrown over. Tuobayan slightly tilted her head and easily avoided the attack.

It was a middle-aged woman who threw in her shoes. She was scolded and scolded with swearing words, and was put out by the security guard.

Tuobayan said to the microphone: "Please be quiet, let the spokesperson of Yuchuan Foreign Affairs Office enter."

The noisy reporters were all stunned. Yuchuan City Publicity Office?

The following reversal dumbfounded everyone.

The spokesperson representing Yuchuan Foreign Propaganda Office was also nonsense. It simply confirmed the authenticity of the rumours posted on the Internet by Tuobayan for his courage, and all the evidence was exposed. At the same time, the parents of the rescued children also brought the children and the pennants. Thank you for coming to the scene.

At that time, the little boy in the duck jumpsuit had grown tall, and he glared: "It was this sister who saved me. I saw her on TV and told my mother that she was her, and my mother did not believe it."

The child ’s mother choked: "When the child said, I thought he was talking nonsense, and I knew that later the police said that he found the girl who was courageous, and took me to meet her privately. I realized that it was really Tuobayan himself. . Miss Tuoba repeatedly asked not to tell the story at that time, we have been tight-lipped. Now that many people on the Internet have attacked her, I am really angry and have to clarify the truth. "

The policeman who handled the matter that year also came forward to confirm.

This face hit, the blacks' cheeks were all swollen.

Tuobayan finally said: "People's hearts are full of flesh. I am not a clay idol. Being attacked like this, my heart will also hurt. I hope everyone will choose to speak carefully when they don't know the truth. The use of unpredictable villains. Finally, my wife and I, Li Yanluo, are preparing for the wedding ceremony. This wedding will not invite any media. In addition to friends and family, only some representatives from fans are invited to participate. It is a thank you for these years. Support and maintain me. "

After she finished, she took Li Yanluo's hand around her face, who was always speechless, and said softly:

"Let's go home."

Li Yanluo grasped back hard.

"it is good."


The author has something to say: Well, after finishing the chapter, I actually finished it last night. I originally wanted to expand it today, but I expanded some of the content that was expandable and it was all black cursing. I decided not to expand.

There are:

1. President Tuoba General Li's wedding ceremony.

2. The general's president wears both clothes and stuns the king (this may be longer, I am not very good at writing antiquity, it is a challenge).

In the new article "Feeding the Dragon", the domineering sticky little black dragon and her powerful cold noodle breeder, please support!

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