The angry Reba stood up and scolded Chen Yu for a while, then got on her glutinous rice balls and chased after him on the grassland.

After the director and assistant director saw this scene, they all snickered in front of the camera. No one had ever seen Reba perform such a funny thing.

Director: “What is Chen Yu doing? I can’t understand it.” Not

to mention the director, even the assistant director who was accompanying him was even more confused at this moment. “Did Chen Yu really fainted, or was he teasing Reba? No matter how I looked at it, I didn’t understand it.”

In the end, the two directors decided to observe carefully first. If nothing happened, they would rush out and they would only allow a good recording. pause.

Until Reba caught up with Chen Yu, the sheep stopped running.

Only then did Chen Yu smile knowingly, “Hey, what happened just now……Thank you for what I just said. If you hadn’t given me artificial respiration, I might have suffocated now. ”

Such words coupled with Chen Yu’s sneer smile really made Reba a little annoying.

But such disgust is not annoyance, but a feeling of confusion in her heart.

Although the two have been together for so long, their relationship has gradually begun to change. The situation is getting hotter day by day.

However, close contact like today is still rare. A girl like Reba took the initiative to do this just to save people.

But she didn’t expect the final result, but found that the other party was teasing her. How could she not be angry in her heart?

At that time, she just thought that if she didn’t save the other party, if something went wrong with the other party, she would feel uneasy. After all, the accident happened to help herself. But now that she has discovered the true situation

, Reba felt an indescribable feeling in her heart.

He knew that a wonderful clip like this would be cut into the main film according to the director’s habit, and it would be impossible to delete it. Attracting the

public’s attention is the key to the program. The key is.

When they returned to the studio, both of them were in a state of shock.

One was afraid that the woman would be hurt, while the other was thinking about the things just now and couldn’t recover for a long time. The

intimate contact that they once thought was now realized, but There is some unreal feeling。

“You are still angry with me! ”

Chen Yu is a man after all. He took the initiative to approach Reba and spoke these words into her ear. The

words were very hot and moist. What woman can withstand such an attack of gentle words? ?

Pushing Reba away from the other party, she felt a little regretful in her heart, but she was still very tough with her mouth.。

“What is anger? We were originally filming。”

“So what do you do seriously? ”

The director and the assistant director just pretended not to see the two people quarreling. They

didn’t say anything extra.

As expected, the director edited these clips into the feature film without any reservation. He

thought silently in his heart that this episode will definitely be released. It will cause quite a stir, and maybe the ratings will explode.

In order to express his apology in the evening, Chen Yu took the initiative to invite Reba to watch the show together.

I don’t know where Chen Yu heard it, saying that tonight is a year There were many local stars performing at the campfire show.

You could even sing and dance with them, which should be a good choice.

He did not tell anyone else except Reba the news, he ju

st wanted to do good for each other. Apologize.

At first Reba refused, but later she couldn’t stand Chen Yu’s tough words. She agreed

to his proposal.

The vastness of the grassland and the prosperity of the city formed two sharp contrasts.

There is a freshness in it. The air, the respectable people, and the cattle and sheep everywhere.

Each of them looks so simple, without any complicated state.

Perhaps life here will not be so stressful, and at the same time you can enjoy more high quality The environment.

As they lay on the grass and watched the stars, the bonfire party officially began.

Everyone sang and danced. Even Reba, who was watching from the sidelines, was enthusiastically drawn into the team. While

dancing, she forgot all her worries.

It wasn’t until she was exhausted after several dances that the other party allowed her to take a short rest.。

“You, a little girl, are so beautiful. You are really different from the people here. ”

A middle-aged woman stepped forward and handed Reba a piece of mutton leg meat, and then praised her for a long time.

The people on the prairie had been training cattle and sheep for a long time, and the cold weather also made them paint. Two red cheeks.

So she always looks older and her skin is not that good.。

“Thank you, you people here are really welcoming。”

“I have some cosmetics there. Let me give you some tomorrow. ”

When the other party heard about cosmetics, her eyes lit up, because she had never used those things and didn’t have time to use them. In

order to thank Reba for her kindness, she went to get a lot of delicious food, and then sat down again She stood next to Reba.

After briefly communicating with Reba for a while, she looked in the direction of Chen Yu’s dancing with her eyes.。

“The men here are very strong, not many are like your friend.。”

“But he is quite considerate and pays attention to your joys and sorrows throughout the night.。”

“How long have you two been together? It looks very loving. ”

Reba was stunned by these sudden words and waved her hands hurriedly.。

“We are not……”

This middle-aged woman acted like she was used to everything.。

“We all understand, we all understand, we are all people who have been there。”

“This bonfire party is almost all about interactions between couples, or boys wanting to pursue girls.。”

“But it’s really rare for a boy to be able to dance for a girl for so long, not to mention he’s not from our area. ”

Reba didn’t know how she spent that night. She only knew that it was already very late when she returned to the designated residence.

Before she could rest, the director hurriedly found the two of them.。

“Don’t be in a hurry to take a rest. There is something you need to deal with right now. ”

The director’s visit must be up to no good. It must be a matter of work. Reba’s eyelids are fighting now and she just wants to sleep.

Although Chen Yu wanted to help her deal with the matter alone, the director did not agree. He

said that the two of them must work together on this matter. .

It turns out that during today’s filming, I don’t know who took the two people’s backs. It

caused quite a stir on the Internet.

So the director meant to take advantage of the popularity and turmoil and let them start the live broadcast immediately.

Chen Yu I hope to have a rest today and start the live broadcast tomorrow morning, but the director doesn’t agree with it.。

“The heat will decrease tomorrow。”

“I’m all ready. You can go there now and don’t waste any more time on me. “

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