After hesitating for a while, Chen Yu chose the first classroom.

Seeing Reba’s confused look, he also explained directly. “Actually, the reason is very simple. The second classroom should not be chosen.。”

“Although the third classroom looks good, the ventilation effect is not good, which leads to the persistent musty smell.。”

“If we choose the third day of class, we will have to spend every day in that smell, which will not be of any benefit to rehearsal. ”

It’s indeed true. The two finally decided on the first classroom.

This classroom is better anywhere and is closer to where they live.

So no matter what, it is more convenient for them.

They are in this classroom There is a lot of equipment placed inside. Because the square meter here is very large, it is divided into several parts.

Such as dance studios, recording studios, lounges, etc., they are all available here.

You can rehearse anything here. It’s easy.

Because the two people in Phoenix Legend have relatively high voices, their songs are also known as more difficult songs.

Many people want to imitate or copy them, but they have never been able to reach their heights.

And Hot The reason why Ba chose this song this time

is because there are many singers on this grassland.

Their singing level is also very high. With their

strong and high voices, they often sing loudly when grazing sheep on the grassland.

And this song It is also one of the songs that they are familiar with, so it is a perfect choice to sing it.。

“We should open our voices first to avoid damaging them while singing. ”

Reba was the first to remind Chen Yu, hoping that the other party would pay attention to this.

At the same time, she also wanted the other party to know that before the performance, the two of them must protect their voices.

Otherwise, no matter how perfect the plan is, it will only end up because of this. situation, thus wasting good thoughts.

The two people opened their voices according to the normal training method.

Because they did not sing often, this process was very difficult and difficult. You

need to pay special attention to eating, such as sweet, stimulating, spicy, etc. Food is absolutely forbidden to touch.

Most of the water they drink is made from Pang Dahai.

At first, they thought that Linghua’s voice was relatively high and it might be a little difficult to sing.

But they never expected that However, when Chen Yu practiced singing, he discovered that the height of Zeng Yi’s voice was even two points higher than that of Linghua.

His voice was completely different from that of the other person, and it was not enough to practice hard.

In desperation , the two had to find relevant singing teachers and choreography teachers.

For singing teachers, it is not difficult to achieve such a height.

He pointed out the key to Reba and Chen Yu.

After more practice, It is indeed not that difficult to sing.

The singing problem is solved, and now the two people have to start choreography training.

Because they are performing on the grassland, the dance movements should not be too complicated.

For the choreographer, he thinks that the two Personal dance moves, the simpler the better。

“In fact, the dance moves you choreographed before are very good, but they are not suitable for such an occasion, nor for the song you chose.。”

“This song is very high-pitched. If you sing it on the grassland, it can be heard by people within a few kilometers.。”

“But there is also a disadvantage, that is, when singing with real voice, too many dance m

ovements will only make your breath unable to keep up.。”

“Then the dance and the song cannot be completed perfectly. ”

What the choreographer said was indeed true.

Then he made up a brand new dance for the two of them.

In the dance, he added some unique dance moves on the grassland and the actions they usually do well.

Like holding a riding crop, or Flicking the riding crop, turning in circles, shaking shoulders, etc.

These movements are particularly common in their lives. They

can even bring into people’s overall thoughts.

Perhaps when they sing this song and perform this kind of dance, these audiences will be Bring it into it.

Only when emotions and movements are completely unified can everyone’s heart be completely captured. Their

performance can be regarded as the most perfect success.

Since the dance teachers have such a proposal, it sounds like It’s very good. Reba and Chen Yu naturally have no reason to refuse.。

“Okay, I’ll do as you say. ”

In order to shorten the time, the two of them spent all day in this dance studio.

While practicing dancing, they also directly added singing, which can also save more time.

However, although they did this, they saved time. , but it caused a certain amount of damage to their bodies.

The high-intensity training often made the two sweat profusely.

When they were severely dehydrated, they also practiced singing forcefully, which also put a corresponding burden on their voices.

In While singing and dancing, my voice gradually becomes hoarse.

Sometimes my breathing becomes very rapid and I cannot keep up with the pace of the moment.

It seems that the ability of some trainees to sing and dance at the same time is not something that anyone can learn. .

They are all very tired, and the high-intensity training every day makes them complain endlessly.

The director knows that the two are training.

He will not disturb them unless necessary.

In this kind of training, the day of the performance is slowly approaching. .

Their song was arranged last and used as the finale song.

At the same time, the two were not idle backstage. While watching other people’s performances, they were still consolidating the corresponding dance moves.

When will they go on stage? The transition movements and the time limit for the end must be accurately remembered.

Otherwise, even if the performance is completed, the original perfect plan will be greatly compromised.

When the two come on stage, they will directly make the public’s eyes shine.

Only Reba and Chen The two of them, Yu, put on their unique local clothes.

Perhaps because these two people were handsome, wearing such clothes did not feel out of place and actually looked cooler.

They walked onto the stage and bowed first. To show their politeness and respect.

Afterwards, they reported the repertoire they performed and started the performance.

As the music sounded, the two people made the same riding movements.

The singing voice was relatively low at the beginning, but Reba still sang as soon as she opened her mouth. Everyone was shocked.

They waved their horsewhips from behind and performed their unique dance moves, which made everyone present excited to learn together.

The song they chose has a very good mood.

It matches the location where the stage is set up, with mountains next to it. , there are water, trees, and grassland.

The climax of the song was echoed by the audience’s applause.

It brought the atmosphere of the scene to its peak.

Everyone clapped and cheered, as if it was the New Year.

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