Reba held a cup of coffee and slowly walked to Chen Yu.

While savoring a sip, he was still looking at his computer screen.。

“Are you really humble? Praising you is no better than scolding you, but you are still not satisfied? ”

Facing Reba’s criticism, Chen Yu just glanced at her and said nothing else.。

“I feel that our lives and work have not been changed by this.。”

“I used to be a celebrity in the eyes of fans, but now I am a celebrity in the eyes of everyone. In fact, it boils down to the same thing! ”

She took another sip of coffee.

Then she placed the cup on the table next to the computer.

She knocked on the table and signaled Chen Yu to look less at the computer and apply more mask.

Due to their busy schedules recently, their skin condition has changed. Okay, my face is yellow and my skin is dry. It is not suitable for putting on makeup or participating in the recording of subsequent programs.

After understanding what the other party meant, Chen Yu also turned off the computer.

After all, being in front of electronic products all the time will only accelerate aging and cause more damage. More radiation.

It is always better to stay away.

The tag of traffic king appears on every video related to the two.

Some fans even commented on this under the updates of Chen Yu and Reba. Three words, just to increase the traffic of the idol.

The official also interviewed the two people because of this matter。

“What were you thinking about this at the time?”

“As a public figure, aren’t you afraid of getting hurt? ”

Chen Yu heard the host’s question, “In the face of natural disasters, we are just ordinary people, as insignificant as ants.。”

“But as long as everyone unites together, we are not afraid of any difficulties. Just like this fire, it was finally put out. This is also the credit of everyone, not just the two of us. ”

Reba also said about this。

“Injuries are inevitable, and firefighters and volunteers suffer far more than us。”

“You should pay more attention to them, they are all the protagonists! ”

In the show, the two people’s answers were perfect, and the audience and the host applauded them. As soon as

this show was released,

it won praise from all the viewers.

And people who had been to the scene that day were even more excited outside. I can’t stop praising you.

The ratings of this show are booming, and the official side has also taken the initiative to contact the directing team. They

said that after the last recording of the show and its popularity, the official program team planned to give Reba and Chen Yu a sum. Reward money.

This is also the practice in their show.

After the director asked Reba and Chen Yu what they wanted, they accepted the money.

In addition to the tax money, the two also received as much as one million yuan.。

“How do you two want to use this money? ”

Hearing the director’s question, the two people looked at each other.。

“We decided to donate this money and use it during this wildfire disaster. Many people have lost their homes or are in need of help in rebuilding forests.。”

“In this case, the corresponding part of the money may not be distributed to the director team. ”

The two people have already had a private conversation about the use of the money.

They told the director this time that they told it after careful consideration.

I don’t know what the director meant, because it involves many things.。

“Yes, your idea is very good. ”

The director actually directly agreed to the proposal of the two of them. It turned out that after this incident occurred, the director actually had such a plan. After all, the director

is also

a human being, and he also hopes to reduce such disasters.

It can help more people He will also be very happy.

Now that the three people have exactly the same ideas, he is naturally very satisfied with their ideas and actions.。

“Then I will hand over the money directly to you, or handle it in your name. ”

It is indeed okay for the director to do this.

After all, this matter was started by them and they have been promoting it.

Now it is reasonable for these two to do the final work. In this way,

the two will All the million-dollar reward money received was donated to the fire for subsequent construction work. After

this story was made public again, many media rushed to get an exclusive interview with the chief executive.

However, the director team kept refusing. I don’t want to have anything to do with them, and I don’t want to make money by making money through such things. I

have been busy these days and haven’t had a good rest at all.

The director asked them to go back to the room earlier to replenish their energy.

After all, they have to go back to the room for the next two days. There were follow-up shooting tasks, and the two of them could not be absent.

It was still early when they returned to the room, but they were exhausted and fell asleep one after another.

When they woke up again, they were woken up. Reba was wearing an eye mask. Staggeringly, they opened the door.

They found that Chen Yu was also woken

up. The two of them followed the source of the sound. It turned out that the people from the photography team were adjusting the camera here.

They looked at the sky outside and it was still dark. It was fully lit, and the time was only 5 o’clock in the morning.

The two of them couldn’t understand why they had to debug the camera so early.。

“It’s like this, don’t we have a shooting mission today?”

“The camera you have here has not been used recently. The director is afraid of some malfunction, so he asked us to debug it.。”

“After finishing your work here, there are other tasks that need to be done, so I’m a little early. ”

They said they were very sorry, and they didn’t mean to disturb their sweet dreams.

It was just that the movement was gentle enough, but it still woke them up.。

“Forget it, let’s do it. I’m up anyway, and I won’t be able to fall back asleep. ”

Reba was very generous. She didn’t complain about the other party. She

just turned around and went back to the room, changed into her usual clothes, and then walked into the kitchen, thinking that she couldn’t sleep so early, so it would be good to have some breakfast. Come to the

kitchen But she found that she was not the only one who had such thoughts.

Chen Yu also felt the same way。


“you? ”

The two people said this word almost at the same time.

Then because of this special tacit understanding, they laughed at the same time.

Only the two of them knew the point of laughter like this.

The people working on the side looked at each other in confusion. Looking at each other, no one knows what happened。

“In that case, let’s cook delicious food together。”

“What should we make to eat? ”

Chen Yu took the lead in opening the refrigerator and rummaging around. There were some vegetables and a few eggs in it. After

thinking about it, he came up with the recipe for today’s breakfast.

He took out a few eggs.

Then he found some in the cupboard. For the mold, first heat the pot and

then spray oil in the pot. After it is hot, crack the eggs into the mold.

These eggs have different shapes.

Some are heart-shaped, some are piggy-shaped, and some are sun-shaped.

They look very interesting.

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