Entertainment: I Just Want To Get Rid Of My Aunt’s Curse

Chapter 115 Auntie Was Knocked Down And Broke Her Defense! Am I That Worthless? (Please Subscribe)

"They drove out, saying they wanted to go shopping and relax. It should take some time." Liu Shishi responded lightly.

This aunt's character is so calm and steady that even if the sky falls, it's hard for her to frown.

Lu Yan wondered: "With so many big stars, will the target be too obvious? Forget it, let them go, just protect Mimi."

Liu Shishi was slightly jealous and said, "I know you are thinking about her!"

"Even if the sky really collapses, they will stand up first."

Lu Yan asked back: "Auntie, why don't you go?"

"I...my back hurts and my butt hurts. It's better to rest at home and feel more comfortable."

Lu Yan quickly clarified: "This has nothing to do with me!"

"Dexing, who said it has anything to do with you? What a beautiful thought! These are all old injuries left over from filming. I don't know when they will relapse." Liu Shishi sighed.

Lu Yan frowned: "Auntie has made another martial arts movie recently?"

In fact, these so-called martial arts films made by actresses are all about children playing house, doing tricks, or even hiring stand-ins.

Only crazy fans would find it sassy.

Even in the more famous ones such as "The Legend of Chu Qiao", Zhao Xiaogu's fighting scenes are extremely embarrassing.

Not to mention Liu Shishi's martial arts films, which give people a headache.

But this aunt is quite dedicated.

The fight scenes are all performed in person, and there are very few substitutes.

So there are a lot of old wounds left all over the body.

The small and delicate body hides countless injuries.

"Yes, it was filmed, so the old injury recurred!"

Lu Yan chuckled and said, "Is it that kind of love and martial arts movie?"

"Nonsense! That kind of martial arts movie, the theme is basically romance, but it's just a martial arts film, don't you understand?"

"Don't think I don't know what you mean. I won't let you drive."

Lu Yan was speechless and said: "Why do you always think the worst of me? In fact, I plan to give you a massage to relieve your injuries."

"My techniques are much better than those of the so-called top masseuses."

"Massage, combined with other traditional Chinese medicine treatments, plus Western medicine. Your old injuries can be healed in up to three months.

Liu Shishi was full of suspicion and didn't believe it at all.

She has hired too many top masseurs and taken a lot of Chinese and Western medicines, but the results were average.

Lu Yan, a layman, actually dares to make such nonsense. Isn’t this just nonsense?

Are you afraid that you want to take advantage of the massage to take advantage of yourself?

"You know massage? I don't believe it."

Lu Yan smiled lightly and said: "You can ask other aunties, they can testify, they all agree after using it.

"You will take a bath later and rest for two hours before starting massage and cupping."

Liu Shishi hesitated: "Are you sure you can do it? Do you want to cover your eyes?"

You definitely can’t wear too many clothes for a massage.

And have close contact.

Because of this concern, Liu Shishi wanted Lu Yan to cover her eyes and stop her from looking around.

"What do you do when you are blindfolded? A blind man touches an elephant?" Lu Yan laughed and cried.

Liu Shishi retorted: "Fuck you, you are the blind man touching the elephant, you are the elephant! I want you to imitate the blind man's massage."

"I don't have the dexterity of a blind person. If you blindfold me, I will probably touch around in order to find acupuncture points. If you touch a place you shouldn't touch, don't hit me."

Liu Shishi sighed: "I believe you once, but if you don't know how to massage, I will be really angry.

"Do you think it is necessary for me to make up such a lie in order to take advantage of you? Among the goddesses around me, which one is not better than you? Am I the one?" Lu Yan collapsed.

Liu Shishi thought about it carefully.

Bird food!

When a man has Yang Mi, Reba, Liu Tianxian and Tang Yan at the same time.

It's really useless for her to be like this.

Liu Shishi did overestimate how much Lu Yan valued her.

She has delusions of persecution.

After thinking deeply, I came to my senses.

Lu Yan really doesn't lack people like her, but she is a little too tense.

She likes Lu Yan, and Lu Yan doesn't lack her.

If he doesn't take the initiative, but is always wary of Lu Yan, he may not even be able to drink the soup.

"Then I believe you. If you can really help me heal the old wounds that have been lingering for many years, I will be your girlfriend."

"In this way, the last fragments of the four beauties of the Immortal Sword are gathered together! You can happily summon the dragon." Liu Shishi smiled charmingly.

Lu Yan mercilessly exposed: "You are greedy for me, so what excuses are there for you? Other aunties are very generous, but you are the only one who is coy. How can you look like an aunt at all?"

Perhaps because she was embarrassed, Liu Shishi wanted to forcefully restore her respect.

She pushed Lu Yan, intending to push him into the fish pond.

But Lu Yan's figure was as firm as a pine, motionless.

Liu Shishi looked at him awkwardly.

"Um...why are you like a mountain that you can't even push?"

Lu Yan smiled evilly and said, "If you didn't push me into the water, you would have suffered the same consequences."

Seeing Lu Yan rubbing her hands with evil eyes, Liu Shishi was so frightened that she turned around and ran away.

Lu Yan grabbed her and carried her to the top of the fish pond in a bear hug.

As long as he lets go easily.

Liu Shishi will immediately fall into the fish pond and become a drowned rat.

"Don't throw me away, really, please..." Liu Shishi struggled and begged.

Lu Yan smiled and said, "Auntie, is it inconvenient for you to touch the water these days? It's already autumn and the weather is quite cold. Are you afraid that you will feel uncomfortable if you touch the water?"

Have you made up all the reasons for yourself?

Of course Liu Shishi nodded without hesitation: "Ah, yes, yes..."

"How do you prove it?" Lu Yan suppressed a smile.

"Would you like me to show you my aunt's towel?" Liu Shishi rolled her eyes.

Lu Yan did not tolerate her at all: "Come on, show it. 21

"You...shameless! Can you watch this for free? You must at least be a monthly member."

"Please beg me quickly, beg me and I will let you go." This is because you tried to kill me first, and I was just acting in self-defense. "Lu Yan said with a bad smile.

Joking with this temperamental aunt has a different charm.

It's fun to bicker and fight with Yang Mi, a shrewd aunt.

But making fun of Liu Shishi, a quiet and dignified aunt, drove her crazy.

Even better!

"I...I'll be your girlfriend, can you let me go? I really can't get in the water, I'm a landlubber.

Liu Shishi cried and even agreed to be Lu Yan's girlfriend to beg for mercy.

"Are you afraid that the water will get in and drown you? You are such a land duck."

"But having said that, it's really early for you. It's time for the rain and dew to nourish you."

Liu Shishi slowly broke away from him, landed firmly on the ground, and breathed a sigh of relief.

"Yes, I was in drought, but you were drowned to death, right? You were soaked in floods every day."

Lu Yan nodded: "If you say that, then I really can't refute you. Flood, you are right."

Liu Shishi: “………………

"Be careful if they come back, I'll sue you."

Lu Yan was not afraid at all: "What gave you the illusion that I am afraid of them? Just complain, if you are afraid, I will lose."

"Seriously, I really want to see the scene of you falling into the water."

"With your figure... you can definitely sink in instantly. But those like Reba and Mimi will probably get stuck."

Sisters Yang Mi and Reba.

One is hot in front of him, and the other is proud behind him.

This long and narrow fish pond might really be stuck by their explosive bodies.

As for Liu Shishi…………

That figure is really ugly.

It's pretty good among ordinary people.

But compared to the two above, they are simply beaten.

Liu Shishi pouted her little mouth, almost dying of anger.

"What you said is so hurtful! I also want to be in good shape, but I was born with this, what should I do? I don't want to go into technology or work hard. 17

"If you dislike it, I won't be your girlfriend."

Lu Yan comforted her: "When I look for a girlfriend, I don't just look at my figure. I'm used to eating delicacies from the mountains and seas. It would be nice to change my taste occasionally. It would be nice to try pickled steamed buns."

Liu Shishi: "???"

Am I a pickled vegetable steamed bun claw?

Is my mother that bad?

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