“Come out and drink! ”

Bai Lu extended the invitation very straightforwardly.

Alcohol is a good thing.

It can temporarily make people forget their pain.

She can also enlighten him while drinking.。

“Ruth called me just now。”

“She is also in Hengdian。”

“Our two beauties will accompany you。”

“Keeping it allows you to forget the pain, start over, and welcome the bright sunshine of tomorrow! ”

Cao Wei said with some pity: “But I’m not in Hengdian. Bai

Lu was slightly surprised: “Have you gone back to your hometown?” ”

Cao Wei said: “No, I’m in the devil’s capital.。”

“What are you doing in the magic city?”

“Talk to Yang Mi about making a movie. ”

Bai Lu’s surprise reached its peak in an instant.。

“Did I hear that correctly?”

“You and Yang Mi are talking about making a movie. Do you want to make a movie?

Cao Wei laughed at himself: “Yes. “。”

“After this incident, I figured it out。”

“A man can’t only have love in his eyes, he must also have a career。”

“Otherwise, you won’t be able to keep your love。”

“So I plan to enter the entertainment industry and make movies. ”

Bai Lu is still in a state of surprise and disbelief.。

“It costs a lot of money to make a movie。”

“Where did you get the money?”

“Yang Mi invests in you?”


“Yang Mi would not be so stupid to take such a big risk to invest in a newcomer like you!

Cao Wei smiled and said, “Don’t worry about it. “。”

“Anyway, this matter has been decided。”

“And filming will start soon。”

“How about it, if you are interested, just think of it as doing me a favor! ”

Bai Lu didn’t hesitate at all.。

“I’m sure I’m willing to help you。”

“But your turn is too big, I simply can’t accept it. ”

Cao Wei’s smile became even stronger.。

“Then I’ll thank you in advance.。”

“Don’t worry, in terms of remuneration, I will definitely give you the market price, and you won’t suffer any loss. ”

These words made Bai Lu very dissatisfied.。

“what do you mean?”

“Are you looking down on me?”

“If you give me money, do I still count as helping?”

“Anyway, I have just finished filming The King, which is not easy, and I have no filming appointments for the next month or so. I told Teacher Yu, and he probably didn’t have any objections. I am here to help you, and I will treat it as poverty alleviation.。”

“Don’t be too moved, who gave me the heart of a Bodhisattva! ”

After saying that, Bai Lu, who knew Cao Wei’s character well, found an excuse, saying that she still needed to put on a facial mask to maintain a beautiful face, so she would stop talking nonsense with you and would contact you again tomorrow. Then without giving

Cao Wei a chance to speak, he directly posted the video Fucked up.

Cao Wei also knew what Bai Lu was thinking.

After all, this girl didn’t use any euphemism, she talked about poverty alleviation directly.

It was clear that she thought he was competing with Huang Xiaoming, and the movie was made to prove to the original bitch My girlfriend looked at it.

He didn’t have much money.

So he was unwilling to ask for his money and w

as willing to help without expecting anything in return.

I have to say that he was indeed moved by this girl’s loyalty.

Who said that the entertainment industry is all dirty?

Facts Proof that there is still sunshine!


The next day, I checked out of the room, booked a flight and flew to Hengdian.

On the plane, he closed his eyes and took a nap.

After finishing the phone call with Bai Lu last night.

He did not rest immediately.

Instead, I studied in the system space for more than two hours.

I further mastered Xing Ye’s acting skills in The Deer and the Cauldron 1.

Then sleep.

Got up early again this morning.

So I’m a little sleepy.

Refresh yourself on the plane.

The plane lands.

He was on the safe side.

Still wearing a hat and sunglasses.

When I arrived at the coffee shop where the address given by Bai Lu was.

Bai Lu is already waiting for him here.

There was a girl with me.

It was none other than Zhao Lusi.

Bai Lu joked rudely: “Hey, this movie hasn’t even been released yet, how come it’s dressed up like a great director when going out?”

Zhao Lusi explained softly: “In this situation, it’s better to be careful. .”

Bai Lu gave her a roll of his eyes, then looked at Cao Wei, who had taken off his hat and sunglasses, and asked for credit, “How are you going to thank me?”

“If I hadn’t told Ruth。”

“Ruth doesn’t know about you。”

“You won’t be here with me to help you now. ”

Cao Wei was moved again. He ignored Bai Lu’s request for credit and sincerely expressed his gratitude to Zhao Lusi.

This made Bai Lu very dissatisfied.。

“Hey, you haven’t even said thank you to me yet!

Cao Wei asked doubtfully: “Didn’t you say that you have a Bodhisattva heart? “”

“Do you still need to thank Bodhisattva for helping others? Bai

Lu was stunned for a moment, and then she and Zhao Lusi looked at each other.

The eyes of the two women said that Cao Wei had changed too much.

It seems that the trap of love can really make a man undergo earth-shaking changes in a very short period of time.

They said When I talked to Cao Wei like this before,

Cao Wei would either say thank you to them in a very humorless way.

Or he would smile and be reserved and not speak.

It would not be like this at all, and he would actually make fun of them instead.

What Bai Lu is not afraid of the most is other people making fun of them. .

Her mind was very flexible and she immediately said: “But Bodhisattvas also want incense.。”

“Tell me, what incense are you going to burn for me? ”

Cao Wei smiled and didn’t say anything to Bai Lu this time. He

looked at the two women seriously.

The two women were dressed very young and beautiful today.

They were both white T-shirts, jeans, and had ponytails. They

looked like they were the same person . To the sisters.

After watching for nearly half a minute, he said in a very sincere tone: “I am really grateful to the two heroines for their generous help.。”

“That’s it, I won’t say more.。”

“In return, I will give each of you 1% of the box office share after the movie is released! “

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