Sky Hunter: 8.8 points!

Cao Wei directly doubted his eyes.

After closing it and opening it, it still scored 8.8!

How can this be?

Brush it!

Definitely brush it up!

But isn’t Douban known as the strictest and fairest movie website?

How to play Sky Hunter?

With doubts, Cao Wei clicked in.

Read Sky Hunter’s comments.

Such a high rating.

The comments should all be positive.

But at a glance.

Eighty percent of the negative reviews!

Cao Wei was surprised.

This bad review is not unexpected.

Because Kongtian Lie received bad reviews, it was normal in Cao Wei’s opinion.

Although Cao Wei had never seen Kongtian Lie in his previous life, he still knew the reputation of Kongtian Lie.

The promotion method of Sky Hunt bundled with Wolf Warrior 2 is a promotion method that coexists with big risks and big benefits!

If the quality of sky hunting is good enough.

Taking advantage of the box office boom of Wolf Warrior 2, which has just been released, it will definitely capture a large number of viewers who have watched Wolf Warrior 2. Not to mention 80%, but 50% will definitely be there.

According to the number of viewers of Wolf Warrior 2, as long as 50% is harvested, it will be a box office starting from at least 2 billion.

So the benefits are absolutely explosive.


If the quality of aerial hunting is not good enough.

The risk is also explosive.

Originally, if it was promoted normally, it might still get a box office of 500-600 million yuan.

But if it fails with Wolf Warrior 2, don’t blame the audience who like Wolf Warrior 2 for giving angry negative reviews because the gap in psychological expectations is too large.

And now the results are obvious.

The quality of Sky Hunter is not good enough.

This bundle is tied to a steel plate.

That’s all it takes.

There are over a hundred negative reviews.

But why does it still have such a high rating?

What surprised Cao Wei was this.

Then, Cao Wei turned down.

Saw the original comments.

All good reviews.

Then contact the hot search you just read.

There is also Douban update mechanism.

If you think about it carefully, you will understand.

It is true that Douban has not been invaded by capital, but it has definitely been invaded by capital to some extent.

The Douban members who actively rated Kongtian Lie last night must have been instructed by the Kongtian Lie publicity department.

They have no control over the ratings behind Sky Hunter.

But at least it can guarantee that Sky Hunter’s score on the first day will be good.

Cao Wei smiled and shook his head. It seemed that he still underestimated the power of capital.

Is there any real pure land in this world?

There is only one thing to say: relatively clean and dirty!

Then, Cao Wei took a rough look at the ratings of several other movies!

All higher than expected!

The only difference is that it’s not as high as Sky Hunter!

Then Cao Wei quit Douban and clicked on Weibo again.

Take a look at the data for comments.


It was also higher than he expected.

It has actually exceeded a thousand!

It was twice as high as he thought!

Click to open.


Some laughed at him.

There are doubts.

I asked suspiciously, is it really so beautiful?

It’s not done by the navy, right?

The person who laughed at him was saying, Oh my God, did I read that correctly? It’s only 360,000?

So pitiful?

Forget it, because

the Compendium of Materia Medica sounds so good, I will buy a movie ticket later to support it, and it will be a good deed!

The confused person asked, how do you promote it yourself?

Is there no production company?

Why don’t they help you promote it?

Okay, I’ll go check it out tonight to support you!

Cao Wei was very happy to see it.

Then he edited a Weibo post.

Sent out.

The content is: Then thank you for your support!

After reading this, friends who are Douban members, don’t forget to go to Douban and give me a rating!

Strive to reach 10,000 people as soon as possible and display the ratings!

Finally, to thank everyone for your support, I promise to release three more rap songs before the end of this month!

The accompanying picture is an enlarged version of the pitiful and aggrieved expression on WeChat!

ten minutes later.

The number of comments exceeds 100!

: The most miserable director in history!

: So pitiful!

:keep your word! I’ll book a ticket right away!

: For three songs, I am willing to donate not to mention dozens of yuan, but a hundred yuan to the theater!


There is also a grumpy old man!

: If you don’t release a song by then, I’ll scold your ancestors until they can’t even get up for eighteen generations!

: If you lie, I’ll curse you to give birth to a son without an asshole!

: I will drag my brother to watch it in the afternoon, contribute two to you, and register on to give you a high score. If you lie to me, you will be banned from now on!

: Upstairs, are you willing to do it for three songs? But what I want to say is, add me!

: Add me!

Cao Wei chose an irritable comment, replied that he would never break his promise, and then withdrew from Weibo.

Get up and wash up!

As the saying goes: Do your best and obey fate!

But now he is doing his best to fulfill his destiny!

As long as half of the people who commented on it read it, they would spread the word to tens, and then spread the word to hundreds!

Within today, the number of people rating The Deer and the Cauldron will definitely exceed 10,000!

Tomorrow, he will be able to obtain the true destiny that belongs to The Deer and the Cauldron!

But it turns out!

Cao Wei was still conservative!

Cao Wei completely underestimated the love of those who follow him for Materia Medica, Ninja, and Luanwu Spring and Autumn!

As more and more people get up.

The number of his meager comments also grew.

Especially the last one.

The number of irritable comments has sprung up like mushrooms after a rain, with an average number of one hundred in ten minutes!

Wait until two o’clock in the afternoon.

The number of comments on this meager number has exceeded 10,000!

And also from this moment!

The style of comments has begun to change!

No more grumpy old man exchanging money for songs online!

But crazy praise for The Deer and the Cauldron!

At the same time, the number of comments on The Deer and the Cauldron on Douban is also increasing rapidly!

There are many first-level members complaining about Douban’s abnormal registration mechanism, saying that you are checking your household registration, right?

While writing the ultimate praise from the bottom of my heart for The Deer and the Cauldron!

Call this a real comedy!

No sensationalism, no big talk, it will make you laugh from the first second of the movie until the last second!

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