Just when Chen Sheng was working hard for the establishment.

The bib and Douyin also had a huge quarrel.

This time it was actually divided into two factions.

One faction is radical and the other is conservative.

The radicals think Manager Lu deserves to die.

The conservatives believe that the radicals are too conservative and actually forced Jin Daxi to kneel down to him… he should be hanged. By the way, he will kill all the nine tribes and slaughter the whole family. The eggs laid by the old hens will be shaken loose and yellow, and the ant nests will be filled with scalding mercury!


“OK OK! Director Chen only showed the trailer to seduce us, right?!”

“I’m really impressed. There’s not even a notification, just a clip. What’s going on?”

“The promotional video has been promoted to theaters. Director Chen, is this how you play?”

“He really made me cry to death. The free anti-fraud promotional video was put into the theater by Director Chen. It was really a money grab!”

“Um…I also think Director Chen went a little too far this time…Don’t criticize me, I am a true fan of Director Chen!”

“What’s the point of a crappy promotional video? It’s just a short story to trick people into clicking on the link.”

“Upstairs, have you seen the behind-the-scenes footage Director Chen exposed?”

“It’s so funny… It’s been more than a year since Tang Tan arrived, but he just doesn’t shoot, right?”

“OK OK! Director Chen, please release it as soon as possible, and then go and film Detective Tang immediately!”


Reviews of the scarf have been mixed.

This time no one questioned the quality of Chen Sheng’s films. but……

Many people thought Mr. Chen was out of money…

They all said it was an anti-fraud propaganda film, but it turned out to be released in theaters.……

Isn’t this just a living scam?!

Who is a good person who wants to pay to watch his fucking promotional videos?!


It doesn’t matter whether it’s scolded or praised online.

Chen Sheng was too lazy to look and arrived at the door of the Anti-Fraud Bureau early the next morning.

In the laptop in his hand, he listed his thoughts in detail.

Standing at the door of Liu Cheng’s office, Chen Sheng knocked respectfully.

“Please come in”


Opening the door, Chen Sheng walked in.

Liu Cheng, who was still arranging music behind his desk, jumped up from his chair when he saw it was Chen Sheng.

“Director Chen!”

“Minister Liu”

Liu Cheng couldn’t even hide the excitement on his face.

I used to think Chen Sheng was a nice young man.

Now I feel that Chen Sheng is a good brother who can lead him to climb up!

“Minister Liu, I combined the idea of app with the all-or-nothing……”

“Don’t worry, Director Chen, I’ll invite us to set up a game right away!”

After that, Liu Cheng rushed out of the office in a hurry.

Tsk… This guy really wants to use himself to climb up!

After watching Liu Cheng leave, Chen Sheng couldn’t help but sigh in his heart.


Two minutes later, Chen Sheng didn’t even finish the cup of tea.

The office door was pushed open.

Chen Sheng turned his head, and an old man who looked almost fifty years old walked in, followed by Liu Cheng.

Good guy… Nowadays, telecommunications fraud methods are so sophisticated, why would two seniors who have trouble playing funny words be put in charge of the anti-fraud bureau?

However, Chen Sheng naturally would not show it.

Stand up immediately.

Liu Cheng stepped forward at the right time and introduced the two parties to each other.

“Director Chen Sheng, this is the director of our Magic City Anti-Fraud Bureau, Director Zhang”

“Director Zhang, this is Director Chen Sheng”


After hearing Liu Cheng’s introduction


Director Zhang was stunned for a moment.

He thought he heard wrongly.

He didn’t read entertainment news at all, so he really didn’t know that Chen Sheng was so young.

He looks like he is only in his twenties.

At such a young age, he can actually shoot a promotional video that makes the young people in the bureau applaud?

The most important thing is… he was the first to propose the idea of the anti-fraud app?!


However, it was a shock.

Bureau Zhang took the lead and took a step forward,”Hello, Director Chen, I am the junior director here.”

A capable young man, Zhang Ju is stubborn but he still admires him very much!

So he is very enthusiastic


Chen Sheng was a little flattered. Hearing Bureau Zhang greet him first, he quickly wiped his hands on his clothes, stretched out his hand, and held it.

“Hello, Director Zhang, I am Chen Sheng”

Neither humble nor arrogant, even when facing the director.

Chen Sheng still looked confident.

This attitude really makes Director Zhang appreciate it!


Director Zhang said with emotion:”I didn’t expect Director Chen to be so young. I didn’t mention the promotional video you shot. Just talking about the idea of developing an anti-fraud app, I thought you were thirty years old or older, Director Chen.””

“Hahaha… If you have watched his previous movies, you will feel that he is still too young.”

Liu Cheng behind him said with a smile.

Immediately, he reached out and asked Director Zhang to sit on the sofa and have a good chat about the idea of an anti-fraud app.


Chen Sheng acted very calmly and neither humble nor overbearing.

Sitting on the seat opposite Zhang Ju

“Director Chen……”

“Just call me Xiao Chen!”

Chen Sheng said quickly.

This humble little detail surprised Mr. Zhang.

He is so young, but he is not arrogant at all, which is great!

Then when he looked at Chen Sheng, there was even more appreciation in his eyes.

He He said politely:”Okay, let me call you Xiao Chen. Xiao Chen, I heard from Director Liu about your anti-fraud app. I think it is feasible and very good!””


Speaking of this, Chen Sheng also suppressed the smile on his face and put on a serious expression.

Take out your laptop, send the ppt, and show it to the two of you.

“My idea is to let the app detect all text messages with keywords or from overseas IPs, then identify them and file them with the Anti-Fraud Bureau. Once money is transferred, we can remind them in time”

“While giving a timely reminder, you should also pay attention to the direction of the transfer. If you are cheated, as long as someone calls the police, the receiving account will be locked and the funds will be frozen immediately.”

Be concise and to the point.

Chen Sheng said it in just two sentences.

As for what is written on the ppt, it is more detailed, and Chen Sheng even gave examples of key words.

Of course, the Anti-Fraud Bureau definitely doesn’t need Chen Sheng to remind them.

It’s just that Chen Sheng had to write it. This is sincerity.

Regardless of whether the anti-fraud bureau wanted to take it or not, Chen Sheng owed this favor the moment he let them see it.

Although compared to developing an anti-fraud app, this is just a small favor.


Zhang Ju squinted and read the entire ppt word for word.

Half an hour had passed, and Chen Sheng was sitting there, motionless.

“Very good, Director Chen, I think this idea is very good, but I still need to ask for instructions from above to develop an anti-fraud app.”

“Okay, I also hope to contribute to the fight against fraud”

I said a few more polite words.

Then, Chen Sheng said the most important purpose of today

“If the anti-fraud app can pass, it will definitely need publicity. If we talk about publicity, it will definitely work best on Douyin, the most popular platform at the moment.”

“Minister Liu, what do you think?”

Hearing this, Bureau Zhang smiled and looked at Liu Cheng, who was already shocked by the ppt.

“I think I can totally follow Director Chen’s advice!”

(End of this chapter)

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