Strictly speaking, Jilong Mountain is not a single mountain, but consists of dozens of large and small mountains that are connected together.

Due to the consecutive days of drought, the mountains had already become dry and soft.

This time, there was a sudden heavy rain, and the originally soft mountains suddenly swelled.

The hilltop in front of everyone happened to have experienced a landslide before and lost most of its vegetation.

Without the maintenance of plant roots and heavy rainfall in a short period of time, a large-scale mudslide finally occurred at this moment.

The sound caused by its collapse could be heard for hundreds of miles.

Even though Chen Ming and the others discovered this abnormality immediately, the speed of the mudslide was too fast.

They turned around and ran only ten meters, but the mudslide was already approaching them.

A stone weighing over a thousand kilograms passed by them under their noses and directly broke a big tree to their left.

You can imagine what the consequences would be if such a stone fell on them.

I'm afraid that he may not even need resuscitation, so he will be taken directly to the crematorium for cremation.

At this moment, they only hated their parents for giving them two fewer legs, and their eyes were full of fear and regret.

While running, I didn't forget to shout loudly.

"I'm dead, I'm dead this time."

"I told you not to go forward, don't go forward, now it's better, I think we will all be buried alive by the mudslide."

"Who would have thought that landslides would break out here for no reason."

"I've been really unlucky for eight lifetimes. I followed you here to explore, and I lost my life."

"If this was buried, the search and rescue people might not be able to find us."

"Is there really no other way?"

"What can we do? What we can do now is to bite the ID card in our mouth and wait for the search and rescue personnel to find us so that we can confirm the identity."

"I don't want to die yet!"

In an instant, the four people's hearts were filled with intense despair.

At the same time, the mudslide was getting closer and closer, and it was less than ten meters away from several people.

It happened that at this moment, the girl among the four accidentally tripped over a pit on the ground.

The whole person fell heavily to the ground.

She didn't have time to think too much and immediately called for help to her boyfriend in front of her.

But what she didn't expect was that her boyfriend, who had always been sworn to her in the past, would not even look back at her now.

It's not that he didn't hear it, but that he chose to escape alone at this critical moment.

Faced with such a result, the already desperate girl was completely heartbroken.

He glanced back at the coming mudslide and then chose to close his eyes, waiting for death to come.

But she waited for a long time but never came.

Confused, she slowly opened her eyes.

The moment she opened her eyes, she saw extremely thick fingers.

That's right, it's the finger, with clear lines on it.

It's just that these fingers are a bit scary thick, each one is more than one meter in diameter.

The five roots put together look like a five-finger mountain.

With a trace of doubt, she quickly looked around.

After taking a look, she realized that she was lying on a huge palm.

With her were Chen Ming and three other people.

The three of them seemed to be greatly frightened. They huddled there tightly, holding their heads tightly and shivering.

"what is happening...."

With such doubts, the girl looked around.

Only then did she realize that she and others had been carried dozens of meters into the air by the huge palm.

The raging mudslide was rolling under them at the moment, and soon it submerged a large area of ​​forest.

It is conceivable that if they were still on the ground now, they would have been buried under the mudslide.


Although she was still deeply shocked, the joy of surviving the disaster made the girl extremely excited.

At this time, Chen Ming and the other three people who were holding their heads seemed to have come to their senses and opened their eyes one by one.

But when they noticed that they were on a huge palm, their mouths suddenly opened wide and they were speechless for a long time.

"Am I dreaming? Are we on the same palm now?"

After a long time, Huakai Fugui was the first to react, and Kuang Kuang gave himself two big butt pockets.

After confirming that he was not dreaming, the expression on his face was amazing.

"Oh my god, how come there are such big hands? Is this the giant just now?"

"Obviously, we were saved by the giant, otherwise we would have been buried by the mudslide."

"A slap can almost catch up with the basketball court, how big this giant must be."

"Hurry up and see what the giant looks like."

While talking, the few people who had regained consciousness tried to look upward in the direction of the giant's wrist.

At the same time, Chen Ming also took out his mobile phone and used the camera to try to take a picture of the giant.

Only when they raised their heads did they realize that except for the palms under their bodies, all other parts of the giant were hidden in the clouds.

Not to mention the face, not even the giant's body could be seen clearly.

I could only vaguely see a huge black shadow standing there motionless.

There is a strong sense of oppression invisibly.

At the same time, the audience in Chen Ming's live broadcast room were also shocked by the picture shown by Chen Ming's camera.

They had already prepared for Chen Ming and others to be submerged by mudslides.

But who would have thought that a giant suddenly jumped out and saved several people.

Moreover, this giant is so big that it can fit all four people in one hand.

They couldn't help but think of the Tathagata Buddha in myths and legends.

What's the difference between this scene and this one?

Just when everyone was looking at the giant black figure hidden in the clouds with dull expressions, the palm carrying several people dropped rapidly.

By the time the four people reacted, they had been placed on a winding mountain road outside Jilong Mountain.

The giant in the clouds and mist took one look at them and walked towards the mountain with huge steps.

It disappeared without a trace in two seconds.

He only left a majestic figure and a bizarre legend to everyone.

Not long after the giant left, Chen Ming and the four of them looked at each other in confusion.

Confusion, shock, excitement, excitement, fear, and other complex emotions filled their eyes.

After they calmed down, they immediately checked the shooting equipment in their hands and the action cameras above their heads.

After making sure to record everything that had just happened, they immediately breathed a long sigh of relief.

Then an idea came into their minds.

"We're going red!"

It was almost a no-brainer to know what a sensation those videos would cause when they appeared online.

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