Entertainment: Let You Do A Side Job And Set Up A Stall To Tell Fortunes?

Chapter 449: The Law Of Heaven And Earth, The Key To The Rescue

Everyone thought that the matter had calmed down, but they never expected that the pillars under the building would explode.

When they saw the series of bursts of fire, they were all stunned.

But soon they also understood what was going on.

"What a fool, they actually planted a time bomb down there in advance."

"Even if we break their formation, they will blow up the building."

"And according to their arrangement of explosion points, after the building collapses, it will just fall into the river beside it."

"In this way, as Taoist Yang said just now, this saber will directly cut off the water veins of the Demon City."

"What a vicious mind."


However, it is obviously too late for everyone to understand this at this moment.

Those thick stone pillars are the foundation of this financial center building.

Now that the foundation has been blown apart, it naturally has no load-bearing capacity.

The tall building above, more than 400 meters high, became crumbling as a result.

Then, under the witness of countless pairs of eyes, the building, which cost billions and took nearly 10 years to build, began to slowly fall to one side.

Boss Yang and others who were on the top floor of the building also felt the changes in the building.

The body began to slide uncontrollably towards the leaning side.

If they hadn't grabbed the stairs of the building and the pillars next to them in time, they would have slipped out of the broken window at this moment.

Even if they could barely control their bodies, panic showed on their faces unconsciously.

"Damn it, haven't we already stopped their formation? Why is this building still collapsing?"

"Needless to say, those little guys must have blown up the foundation under the building."

"These bastards are not prepared to leave us any chance of survival."

"I can't control that much now. I just want to know what would happen to us on the top floor if the building fell down directly."

"What else could the outcome be? If you fall from such a high altitude, you will definitely be dead."

"Let's take advantage of this moment to quickly think of ways to save our lives."

While they were talking, everyone on the top floor began to use their own means to save their lives.

Some people invite gods to protect their bodies, while others plaster their bodies with talismans.

Boss Yang and the other five people had already taken out their flying swords, ready to fly away at any time.

Although this is somewhat sorry for the other people present, it is better than everyone dying here together.

At the same time, the speed of the building's collapse suddenly began to accelerate.

When the onlookers in the surrounding buildings saw this scene, their hearts were in their throats.

Many timid people even covered their eyes and did not dare to look.

They could already predict how much noise it would cause when the huge financial center building hit the river next to it.

I am afraid that the river will be cut off on the spot.

However, just when everyone thought that the collapse of the Financial Center Building was a foregone conclusion, Yang Lin leisurely walked towards the place where the building was about to collapse.

Seeing this scene, the leaders of Magic City immediately spoke out to remind him.

"Taoist Master Yang, don't go that way anymore, it's very dangerous."

"Yes, once the building falls down, there will be a danger zone hundreds of meters away. We must evacuate immediately."

"Since the result cannot be changed, we can only find ways to minimize the risk."

However, Yang Lin seemed not to hear the shouts of the crowd and continued to walk in the direction of the collapsed building.

It was at this moment that everyone suddenly realized that he seemed to be getting bigger with every step he took.

When he was a hundred meters away from the building, he had turned into a 10-meter-tall giant.

When he reached 50 meters away from the building, his figure expanded to about 100 meters.

Such a picture instantly attracted everyone's attention.

They even doubted whether they had seen it wrong.

Suddenly, a 100-meter giant jumped out.

However, just as they were rubbing their eyes desperately, the 100-meter giant suddenly grew again.

200 meters, 300 meters, 400 meters, until it is taller than the Financial Center Building.

The more than 400-meter-tall Financial Center Building only reached his chest.

At this moment, everyone on the top floor of the Financial Center Building also saw the giant outside.

While he was extremely shocked, his face also showed a look of extreme joy.

"This is Master!"

"Oh my god, how did he get so big?"

"The Ancestral Master has appeared."

"Could this be the legendary magical power, heaven and earth?"

"I don't know when we will be able to master such powerful magical powers."


Just when everyone was feeling confused, two huge palms firmly supported the slowly falling building.

Instantly the building stopped.

In the next second, the big hands pushed the building back to its original position.

After doing this, he even briefly reinforced the bottom of the building.

A skyscraper more than 400 meters high is like a toy in his hands, and he can play with it freely.

After doing this, the originally crumbling financial center building instantly returned to its original appearance.

Yang Lin slowly retracted his hand and even patted the dust on his palm.

The moment they slapped their palms, everyone felt a burst of thunder and gusts of wind coming towards them.

It almost blew everyone on the top floor away.

Perhaps sensing something was wrong with his behavior, Yang Lin immediately stuck his head out the window on the top floor and smiled awkwardly at everyone.

The next second he stretched out his two giant palms and motioned for everyone to come forward.

When everyone saw this, they didn't dare to delay, and they immediately walked into his palm one by one.

In Yang Lin's huge palm, they felt like ants.

Soon, with the movement of Yang Lin's palm, they were successfully placed on the ground.

It was only then that everyone present and the melon-eaters watching on the nearby building finally reacted.

In an instant, the scene burst into extremely warm applause.

The scene that just happened really stunned them.

They originally thought that the Financial Center Building was completely hopeless and that it was doomed no matter what.

However, no one expected that Yang Lin would turn into a 100-meter giant at this critical moment.

This huge crisis that affected the entire city was easily resolved.

Such a unique rescue method even reminded them of a certain special effects movie.

Amid the applause and cheers of the crowd, Yang Lin returned to his original size again.

This crisis has finally come to an end.

However, the impact of this incident has only just begun.

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