Entertainment: Let You Do A Side Job And Set Up A Stall To Tell Fortunes?

Chapter 452 Weird Celestial Phenomena And Heavy Rain

Although Jiangcheng is not an important economic city in the Dragon Kingdom like the Magic City, its status in the country is still high.

Coupled with its unique geographical location, it also plays an important role in the Dragon Kingdom.

Perhaps that's why it became one of the goals in those little days.

After Yang Lin explained the situation to the leaders of Jiangcheng City, they did not dare to delay at all.

He immediately led Yang Lin and others to the place they had prepared earlier and held an emergency meeting.

At the same time, large dark clouds suddenly floated over the huge Jiangcheng for no reason.

Without any warning, it soon started pouring rain.

Because the rain came so suddenly, pedestrians on the road were soaked in the rain.

They were cursing as they ran.

"What the hell is going on? The sky was clear just now, but it suddenly started raining heavily."

"That is to say, this heavy rain is too strange."

"When I went out in the morning, I checked the weather forecast. The weather forecast said it wouldn't rain in the next week."

"Do you believe the nonsense in the weather forecast?"

"Although there were some errors in the past, it has never been as outrageous as it is today."

"Why is the rain getting heavier and heavier? The dark clouds in the sky are so scary."

"I feel like something's not quite right."

As time went by, the heavy rain in the sky showed no sign of stopping.

The area of ​​​​dark clouds also began to spread toward the surrounding area.

The whole city seemed to be covered by a black curtain. It was still broad daylight, but the sky was as dark as night.

The originally calm river surface was now turbulent, causing waves.

Such a strange celestial phenomenon instantly made the people of Jiangcheng City panic.

When the time came to 12 noon, Yang Lin and others were led to the municipal building of Jiangcheng City.

The huge conference room was packed with heads from different departments in Jiangcheng City just like it was in the Magic City before.

Hundreds of people gathered together, but no one spoke.

Everyone looked at Yang Lin in front of the conference room.

However, Yang Lin's gaze at this moment was just looking out the window. At this moment, the heavy rain outside the window continued to hit, and the black clouds were getting lower and lower.

Buildings 50 meters away are almost completely invisible, let alone other places further away.

Standing in this rapid rain, there is even a feeling of isolation from the world.

Faced with this situation, Boss Yang and the other five disciples standing next to him all showed sad faces.

"The rain is so weird."

"It's not just weird, it's simply bizarre. It's only been a few months, how could there be such a heavy rainstorm."

"The heavy rains in typhoon days will not be this heavy."

"What's even more coincidental is that it started raining heavily as soon as we came here. It feels like this rain was specially made for us."

The five people looked at each other while talking, and they had basically guessed what the rain was about.

You don't need to think about it to know that this is a small day, in order to prevent them from destroying the arrangements they made in Jiangcheng.

A certain Feng Shui secret technique was specially used to induce heavy rain to cover up the sun and confuse the heavens.

In this way, they cannot use the true fire of the sun to break the evil spirit like they did in the previous Demon City.

At the same time, he can also cover his whereabouts.

And they can all think of this, and Yang Lin can naturally think of it too.

However, he just smiled contemptuously.

"It's just a small trick."

"Ignore them for now. After Pindao arranges everything, he can break their rules with just a few tricks."

After saying that, he turned his attention to the conference room again.

Just like in the Magic City before, he quickly told everyone about some matters that required the cooperation of local officials.

This includes evacuating the crowd, sealing off the scene, and preparing some props they need on site.

and the cooperation of some relevant personnel.

After hearing Yang Lin's arrangements, the leaders present naturally nodded their heads.

After a series of previous incidents, they already had unconditional trust in Yang Lin.

By the time the meeting ended, it was already an hour later. When a responsible leader was about to ask them what they needed to do next, Yang Lin had already spoken first.

"Please take us to the intersection of the two rivers now. There is one more thing to do before the official action."

As soon as these words came out, the leaders who were just about to leave the conference room immediately looked over.

At this moment, a middle-aged man wearing a raincoat and soaked to the skin suddenly ran in in a hurry.

"Sorry, we just detected that the water levels in several river sections have increased abnormally, and they will soon reach the warning level."

"And this heavy rain has no intention of stopping at all. If it continues like this, I'm afraid there will be a flood."

Suddenly hearing these words, the faces of all the leaders present changed immediately.

No one could have imagined that at such a critical moment, such an unexpected situation would arise.

But when they saw the continuous rain outside the window, they could understand.

"What's going on today? This heavy rain will come sooner or later, but it's coming at this time."

"Yes, we just picked a time when we are the busiest."

"Now what?"

"What else can we do? We can only divide some people to deal with the flood situation first, and the other people will follow Taoist Yang and the others."

A big leader present immediately made the decision.

However, at this moment Yang Lin suddenly spoke.

"It doesn't matter. These two things are one thing in themselves. Just solve them together."

"Daozhang Yang, what do you mean?"

"This heavy rain was caused by those little guys who used special means. If they can't break their rules, the rain won't stop."

After hearing Yang Lin explain the reason, everyone present suddenly became angry and angry.

They didn't care about their respective images and just yelled.

After they gradually calmed down, they remembered what Yang Lin had just said.

They immediately arranged vehicles and led Yang Lin and others to the intersection of the two rivers.

At this moment, the heavy rain had been falling for nearly two hours, and the entire city was shrouded in rain.

Coupled with the dark sky, visibility on the road did not exceed 10 meters.

Jiangcheng City, with a population of tens of millions, entered a state of shutdown at this moment, and residents were forced to hide at home and look helplessly at the sky.

The vehicle in which Yang Lin and others were riding was struggling to move forward on the city road with dozens of centimeters of water dripping from it.

Less than 10 kilometers away, they walked for an hour.

When the car stopped, a raging river appeared in front of them.

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