Pure love brain!

What does it mean to just be with him.

Are you willing to immigrate to Mars?

Looking at Reba’s loving eyes.

At this moment.

Damimi only has one idea in her heart~

Qin Feng obviously didn’t want to tell everyone where his destination was.

It can be said.

The answer he gave.

It’s the same as no answer~

But Reba was fooled into being stunned~

To this.

The netizens in the live broadcast room also feel the same~

-One [If you don’t understand, just ask, what does Brother Feng’s answer mean? 】

–[To put it more simply, he may not know where he is going? 】

One by one [Reba is pure in love, and it hurts to be fooled by Brother Feng QAQ]

One by one [I understand, Brother Feng is in CPU Reba! 】

One by one [Isn’t it KFC? 】

One by one [I think Brother Feng is right. The destination is not important, but the journey is important. 】

For the viewers in the live broadcast room.

They didn’t care where Qin Feng was going.

Not that I’m not looking forward to it.

It’s just what these ‘ten-year-old fans’ know about Qin Feng.

No matter where he goes.

It will inevitably use perspectives that silk people would never imagine.

It is the most humanistic thing to record the scenery of a place.

of course!

Now Qin Feng can be said to be ‘wearing many hats’.

On the one hand, CNTV-9’s “Traveling in China” documentary short film is to be filmed. On the other hand, Qin Feng and Director Yan collaborated on “An Ordinary Day”. One episode has been filmed before.


Reba has always been thinking about O

I want to shoot “A Bite of China”.

Reba was fooled~

Although it is not within the short-term shooting plan. But if there is time and conditions later. I think it will also be put on the agenda.

of course!

In contrast.

“Traveling in Huayuan” and “An Ordinary Day”.

In terms of priorities.

CNTV must have a higher priority~


“An Ordinary Day” is a life documentary program.

It was just a show that Director Yan Han and Qin Feng were excited about, and it was similar to a fun show. so.

According to Qin Feng’s character.

If there is a good theme and story.

I will definitely take Reba to experience “An Ordinary Day”.

In other words.

If there is no more suitable planning plan within a short period of time.

It can be left out for a while.

Diligence is difficult.

But it’s about being a little salted fish.

It’s so simple!

The big white (•一•) RV runs from south to north.

Damimi asked: “Qin Feng, are you driving north again? That’s all.”

Before that.

The smart and witty Reba has confirmed it.

The journey takes less than a day to reach your destination. Definitely not northern cities such as Hegang or Mohe. What the young couple didn’t expect was.

Damimi sitting in the back seat.

He even hummed the song “All the Way North” unconsciously.


About this song that Qin Feng sang before.

Damimi has also heard about it!

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