Entertainment: My Game Life

Chapter 290 Public Service Advertisement

Fang Yuan's series of ideas.

Some messy.

Even for a while, I don't know where to start.

He decided to rethink these ideas.

Find a way that looks the best and is more correct.

Fang Yuan cleaned up the table in front of him.

Make a space out.

Then he took out a piece of draft paper from the side and laid it flat on the table.

I took another pen.

Made a mind map.

In previous lives, many children liked to play games.

It may be instinct.

Or maybe just like playing games.

Or be interested in these novel things.

But whatever the reason.

The right to purchase game consoles is in the hands of adults.

Even if the child has been stalking.

But the parents didn't let go, and the children couldn't do anything about it.

Many game manufacturers have set their sights on parents.

Tell parents that playing games is a way of interacting with their children.

And that's true for some families.

It is also a way for children to communicate or make friends.

All for better communication and exchange.

Many advertisements, not just for games, incorporate family elements.

And this way of publicity has achieved a lot of results.

In addition, there are some tags added to the game.

Tell people that playing games can broaden their horizons, improve children's hands-on imagination and so on.

Some of the early Nintendo advertisements had these elements in them.

The game provides more topics for couples, father and son.

Can help people communicate better.

It is also a way of entertainment and leisure.

So in many countries in the early days, games were very popular.

As for some advertisements with sand sculptures, they were just out of the scope of the discussion.

The Xiaobawang game console in the previous life was originally used to play FC games.

Later, it will focus on the propaganda direction of "learning computers".

The slogan played is "Wish your child will become a dragon, and the little overlord will learn from the machine."

And directly placed advertisements on CCTV, which initially established his reputation.

It's just that this learning machine is mostly used to play FC games.

There is also a Wenquxing learning machine at the back, but more children are interested in the use of games.

In the previous life, he advertised on TV programs and achieved very good results.

Cast more nets and you will always catch a few fish.

Fang Yuan also knows the principle of big data.

"What if I put an ad for the game on TV, too?"

Think here.

Fang Yuan also had the idea of ​​putting game commercials on TV.

"No, this operation is no different from committing suicide."

Fang Yuan quickly pushed this idea down.

It was directly pressed to death.

This is not the method.

This is the way to survive.

If it is an advertisement for the promotion of the game.

That Fang Yuan's operation is no different from taking death.

It may even ruin the previous layout.

Taking big steps is not a good thing.

Be it concept or otherwise.

Fang Yuan was not allowed to do this.

Even if the social concept recognized the phenomenon of games, Fang Yuan didn't want to promote a certain game on TV.

Unless this game can achieve all benefits without any harm.

"Propaganda games are definitely not okay."

"But another way might work."

"Moreover, we have to take it step by step."

Fang Yuan pondered.

Fang Yuan then decided to make a public service advertisement about puzzle games first.

No commercials.

Public service advertisements are also a way out.

As for how to shoot public welfare programs.

What is the content of the topic?

Fang Yuan already had a rough idea in his mind.

The reason why Fang Yuan put public service advertisements on TV programs is also very simple.

Those who watch TV programs are mostly people of the older generation, and the audience is wider.

It can be said that it covers all groups of people.

It is much better than the effect played on the Internet.

And the concept of this game is not equal to the concept of video games.

But the concept can be swapped.

There will also be a subtle influence.

Thoughts and concepts cannot be changed in an instant.

Can only come step by step.

If it can play a role in promoting the game, it is naturally better.

But the first purpose is to change the traditional prejudices of many people a little bit.

And this public service announcement is just one step.

Fang Yuan didn't expect a single advertisement to change the minds of many people.

Fang Yuan continued to think.

And advertising is not an easy task.

It must also be reviewed.

Public service advertisements are not broadcast just as you say.

Fang Yuan naturally had to consider breaking through this level.

If the advertisement is made out, there is no point in not broadcasting it on the most influential CCTV.

It was played on a local station, and no one watched it.

Nature doesn't do much.

Fang Yuan naturally set his sights on Yang Shi.

It is also easier to have an impact across the country.

But dealing with CCTV is not easy.

"It seems that I have to take out the previous inventory again."

Fang Yuan complained helplessly.

An excellent, valuable, and socially influential program.

CCTV will never refuse.

There must be no problem.

Fang Yuan really didn't want to do TV shows.

But Fang Yuan thought that in the middle of the program, he could insert his own commercials.

It also seems to make sense.

"Okay, let's do it."

Fang Yuan must have made up his mind.

The little overlord in his previous life was still very exploratory.

I also want to develop new products.

But then unfortunately.

An advertising killer was invited to speak for it.

This advertising endorsement killer is also a legend.

Which product to endorse, which product will have some problems.

Although some misunderstandings may arise.

For these products, it will be a fatal blow.

This endorsement killer, after the endorsement of the bully.

The little overlord panicked.

Of course this is just a joke.

But Fang Yuan still decided to believe in metaphysics.

If developed later.

Need a spokesperson for the game.

It is still necessary to carefully consider whether the spokesperson is suitable.

Sometimes, there is still a wave of superstition.

Of course, endorsement of the killer is also a joke.

The main reason for the downfall of Xiaobawang is still because of policy issues.

Coupled with the differences in the company's decision-making, some people left.

After the millennium, the most stringent game ban in history was issued on the grounds of endangering the physical and mental health of young people.

The core content is to prohibit any country from producing and selling video game equipment to my country.

This move directly ruined the rapid development of the game for more than ten years.

After all, at this time, how to keep up with the pace of game development.

China's game market may be another situation.

And at the same time.

Public opinion demonizes video games.

There are also one-sided reports by unscrupulous media.

The content of these games suddenly became a street mouse that everyone shouted and beat.

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