When Nanxun and Hongda engaged in a fake lottery draw.

Players need to recharge more than 5,000 to be able to draw prizes.

Seeing this, other game companies followed suit and launched this kind of lottery cheating activity. Although the amount was not as outrageous as Nanxun and Hongda, they still made a small profit.

During the time when the lottery was popular,

Originally, some materials were only output through duplication, processing, and collection.

But because of the lottery.

Single-production game materials can be obtained through lottery, because a large number of players participated in the lottery, resulting in a sudden pile of game materials in the game, and the prices of related products in the game also fluctuated greatly.

But this phenomenon did not last long.

The two companies were exposed to fraudulent lottery draws, and other small game companies have also restrained a lot.

But most of the players don't like it. The behavior of game operators not treating players as human beings has completely angered countless players.

This further caused a large number of players to withdraw from the pit.

Su Luochen instantly discovered the business opportunity hidden in the game.

After all, as a game studio, you have to find a way to make money in the game.

Su Luochen understands that the materials and props in the game will have various situations as the game is revised.

The prices of in-game materials fluctuate just like the stock market.

The previous version was still a hot item, a popular item.

By the next version, it may make this product worthless.

Items that were worthless in the previous version, in the next game version, after changes in game planning, the demand for this material will be increased by reducing the way to obtain it.

Items that were originally worthless will be sold at sky-high prices in an instant.

Even the price of this product will continue to rise for several versions.

The prices of commodities in online games fluctuate greatly.

It's no surprise.

In addition, the withdrawal of a large number of players does not directly uninstall the game. After all, there are only a small number of players who directly destroy all items in the game and delete their accounts.

Most players have a deep affection for the game.

Even if you don't play this game, you are reluctant to destroy these items, delete your account, and say goodbye completely.

It's not the game that's wrong.

It is the operation team of this game.

Some players will directly give their game property to others before withdrawing from the pit.

Such speakers will appear in some online games before.

"At an NPC in the 18th line camp, return the pit to send materials and gold coins, first come, first served."

"Retire from the pit, give away material gold coins, only for new players."

"This game is no longer interesting, and you need to come and trade by yourself if you send materials for free."

"Return to the pit, return to the book before leaving, the top-quality equipment and game characters have been listed on the game trading website, and you can pick up what you need."


This type of horn can often be seen.

Jiang Haochen naturally knew that although a large number of players retreated this time, it was a bit sad.

But it's also a great time to make money.

But he didn't know that in another egalitarian world, there was a typical representative.

He is Baby Xu Xu, the anchor of "Dungeon and Warriors". When he was live broadcasting before, he would broadcast various content live.

When he went online one day, he found many players' emails, which contained many valuable game equipment, game coins, and abyss tickets.

Most of the postscripts in the email are about ten years of players quitting the game. Now that they don’t play this game, the game is no longer playable. Before quitting, these equipment will be left to the anchor.

After playing a game for two or three years, I feel more or less emotional.

Even if you don't add friends or guilds, a real lone wolf player will leave memories in all games.

Add game friends and form a team to play PK together.

In the end, all these names were dimmed, and the level remained forever in the previous game version.


In addition to giving away your own equipment to others for free.

There are also some players who will list their equipment and materials on the auction house at extremely cheap prices.

Whoever gets in the way first is the one.

This kind of thing happens every day in the game.

When a large number of players withdraw from the pit, the in-game prices will also fluctuate significantly.

Su Luochen persuaded Jiang Haochen to buy these game items in large quantities, and then sell them after the price increases.

Jiang Haochen will not go to snatch back the equipment that old players gave to novice players.

But the auction house of the game will not let it go. If Su Luochen doesn't do it, other studios will take the lead.

There is a good joke, young people don’t always think about playing games, put down the phone, turn off the computer and go for a walk, see friends stepping on the road, and you will find out at the end of the day that it’s still fun to play games.

Afterwards, Xiaobo's wave of returning to the pit came, which also caused the prices in the game to rise again.

But at this time, Su Luochen discovered a new policy direction.

He found that the two companies, Nanxun and Hongda, were not cool, because the higher-ups wanted to attack these two companies.

It is estimated that the games of these two companies cannot escape the fate of shutting down the server.

Su Luochen advised Jiang Haochen to get rid of all the materials quickly, so as not to throw all these materials in his hands when the game announced the suspension of the service.

At first, Jiang Haochen felt that the situation should not be so serious.

But then he remembered that Su Luochen's previous predictions were all right, so he slowly sold the game materials and turned them into cash.

Subsequently, Hongda and Nanxun were involved in lawsuits.

A lot of negative news was reported.

The number of game players has decreased rapidly, and some games have issued suspension notices.

But fortunately, Jiang Haochen got rid of it quickly, and didn't let the game materials fall into his hands.

This meant that Jiang Haochen almost went bankrupt.

Hundreds of thousands of game assets almost turned into a bubble.

But other game studios are miserable.

A lot of game gold coins and a lot of game materials are in his hands.

Many players think that these games will close their servers sooner or later, and they are unwilling to charge money in the game.

A lot of material needs to be sold off.

But no player bought it.

Many studios lost their money as a result.

However, Jiang Haochen's feeling was not too great. After all, he sold the materials ahead of time, and he made a fortune instead.

"Can't I be extravagant? I don't have credit but hard work." Su Luochen said sadly.

"You eat mine, use mine, don't you charge for water bills, don't you charge for electricity bills?" Jiang Haochen said angrily.

But seeing his pitiful look again, he hesitated for a while and said, "However, considering the suggestions you provided before, I'll make an exception for the time being."

"Great." Su Luochen instantly became happy.

"However, why do I feel that your nose is more sensitive than a dog's, and you can see so many problems with a small movement." Jiang Haochen asked suspiciously.

"What do you mean? You are the dog's nose? Do you understand me?" Su Luochen explained dissatisfiedly, "This is called political style..."

In the middle of speaking, Su Luochen stopped and quickly changed the subject.

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