Entertainment: My Game Life

Chapter 511 Steady Flash

In the blink of an eye.

The two sides have reached the fifteenth inning.

Currently, Team Flash has nine wins and Team Thunder has five wins.

The playing styles of the two teams are also gradually exposed.

Some viewers were a little bored watching it, and felt that the game lacked a little meaning.

Can't tell what caused it.

"This game not only requires superb marksmanship, but also a tactical system." Fei Bai said with a smile. "If you make a distinction between marksmanship and tactics, the Thunder team relies more on marksmanship. This group of teenagers react quickly and shoot very accurately. As for the Flash team, their marksmanship is a little weaker. The previous rounds of duels are also very difficult. I can tell."

"Team Flash's teamwork is better, and they pursue tactical coordination in their play style. They use grenades to detect points and use smoke grenades to press forward. They have done a good job, and they have expanded their advantages bit by bit."

Jiang Tai also said with a smile, "If you only have marksmanship, you can only guarantee that you can quickly kill the opponent in a firefight, and a good tactical system can help your team build up a little bit of advantage, and break down the opponent's opponent bit by bit. .”

"Of course, Team Flash's ability to shoot is not weak. Without marksmanship as a guarantee, no matter how perfect the tactical system is, it will be defeated by the opponent."

"It seems that both sides have done enough training for these games."

"There was no random success, there was a huge effort on both sides."

The two commentators could hardly find anything to say.

Team Flash's style of play is too steady.

Not looking for show, not looking for kills, just looking for stability, steady and steady.

This style of play, the commentary is also very embarrassing, it has the same meaning, and the audience is almost tired of hearing it.

Even if the Thunder team wanted to break through, they couldn't think of a good way for a while, and they were easy to be killed by them, and they didn't have the courage to force their shots. After all, the opponent's skills were not good.

It also makes the game look a bit boring.

Many spectators couldn't see the reason, anyway, the game was a fight, and then the Thunder team lost the game.

Many players couldn't even figure out why Thunderclap lost so many rounds.

I just feel that this game looks really boring.

The two commentators also hope that there will be more waves of cool guns, and a Jedi anti-killing show to mobilize the atmosphere.

Without the classic kill shot, they can't blow it out.

Heartbeat said with a smile.

"Some people rely on talent to play games, and some people can also rely on long-term training to hone their superb skills and have a different understanding of the game. But I am different, I rely more on my teammates."

Heartbeat suddenly said such a short joke, and the audience couldn't help laughing.

"I think Team Flash gives people a feeling of..."

After thinking for a while, the heartbeat girl really couldn't think of too many adjectives to describe it, so she quickly changed the subject and said,

"The Thunder team gives me the feeling that they are very individual, and everyone has their own shining points."

Speaking of this, Xinbeat finally knew how to describe it, and said with a smile,

"But Team Flash, I think they are like a rope that is twisted together. They are all moving in one direction. Every step they take has a corresponding purpose."

Fei Bai and Jiang Tai had already seen it, looked at each other and nodded helplessly, saying,

"Team Flash's tactical system is very restrained by Team Thunder's aggressive style of play, forcibly slowing down Team Thunder's rhythm."

"The Flash team played very steadily, and it is a very good tactical play."

"Team Thunder also began to gradually try to change their style of play, trying to break through their style of play."

They didn't say that this style of play is too dull and has no soul at all.

Such a game is not worth watching.

Our commentators don't want to watch it, and the audience doesn't want to watch this kind of game. Even some professional players don't like this style of play, especially the Thunder team. You can tell by their aggrieved expressions.

I beg you, just shoot.

The audience brother is just watching the scene where one party shoots/explodes the other party

But these words, the two commentators can only be buried in their hearts and cannot be said.

If you say it, they won't have to do commentary in the future.

They can only keep looking for another angle to explain.


Sitting under the competition stage, Fang Yuan couldn't help laughing at the play of Team Flash and Team Thunder.

"What are you laughing at? Is this game exciting? Why do I feel that watching this game is boring?" Jiang Xinyu said absent-mindedly.

Then Jiang Xinyu looked around the scene. It was found that Jiang Xinghe was watching very seriously, and seemed to be enjoying the game.

Sun Yucheng also looked at it very seriously.

Not far away, there were some professional players from other teams, who watched with great interest.

But apart from Fang Yuan and these players, most of the audience at the scene showed a bored look, even the supporters of the Flash team showed such a look.

There is a feeling of not wanting to continue watching.

In addition, Jiang Xinyu is also paying attention to the situation in the live broadcast room.

Nearly a hundred thousand people watched the live broadcast, but there were too few bullet screens, and some netizens thought the game was boring.

At last he couldn't help but ask,

"It's not just me who finds it boring, but most of the people watching the game also think this game is boring, which makes you players and designers very interesting to watch. What's the reason?"

Fang Yuan looked at the people sitting in this area, most of them could see the excitement of the game, but Jiang Xinyu was very confused.

Originally, Fang Yuan did not suggest that Jiang Xinyu come to watch this game, because she didn't play this game, so she might not be able to understand the game.

But in the end, Jiang Xinyu said that even if he didn't understand the game, he could understand it.

And Jiang Xinyu also had to personally investigate the e-sports project.

After all, Fang Yuan intends to develop e-sports.

How to develop e-sports, how much money needs to be invested, and other problems, Fang Yuan is not very clear.

Fang Yuan said to Jiang Xinyu about these things, "I plan to develop e-sports, and you can arrange the rest."

Basically, Jiang Xinyu is solely responsible.

Apart from Fang Yuan's clear ideas and arrangements in game design, he is completely ignorant of other aspects.

Therefore, Jiang Xinyu had to take a look at the results of the Internet cafe league that spent so much money, how to increase the follow-up funds, and how to arrange some related resources.

It's true that the secretary does something.

Thinking of Jiang Xinyu's hard work, Fang Yuan also said seriously,

"It depends on what angle you look at the game from."

"If you look at it from the audience's point of view, if it weren't for the Thunderclap team's occasional brilliant moves, and if it wasn't for the fierce fighting at the end of the game, the game would look even more boring. What the audience likes to watch is the content of the players. The wonderful moment in between is when there is only one person left on a certain side, and there is a peak operation in which one person kills five people."

"I also like to watch the players kill the enemy from various tricky angles, and the two sides have a hearty gun fight."

"It doesn't have to be a gun fight where less wins more, anyway, I want to see them fight, all kinds of headshot kills, classic counter-kills with moves, both players show off each other, and the two sides also fight back and forth. The audience will enjoy watching it.

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