Chapter 147 9.7 points!

“When Director Lin Qiu first handed me the script of Hachiko, my first reaction was that the story was very simple and it was a relatively niche literary film.

But to be honest, I didn't expect the effect of the movie just played on the big screen.

I can only say that Director Lin Qiu is so talented. There are more than one or two veteran actors like me in Xiazhou, but there is only one Lin Qiu in Xiazhou.

Chen Daohua's voice was low, and he sincerely told his true feelings about starring in this movie and his praise for Lin Qiu, a young director.

When Chen Daohua reached the middle and late stages of filming Eight Masters, the scene was finished.

I didn't witness the filming of the second half of it.

Just from the words of the script, you will definitely not be able to appreciate the sincere and deep emotions on the big screen.

When he just watched the finished film of Eight Masters, Chen Daohua himself was deeply moved.

The audience in the theater understood Chen Daohua's words deeply.

Before watching it, everyone thought it was a very sensational film.

If it is about the friendship between humans and dogs, the protagonist will definitely encounter many disasters and witness the true love with dogs in various adversities.

But that's not the case in movies.

After watching it, all the viewers changed their minds.

The story of this movie is simple and plain, but it touches the softest part of people's hearts in silence and achieves emotional resonance.

Applause rang out again, and Lin Qiu also clasped his hands together and thanked Teacher Chen for praising him.

Teacher Chen gave Lin Qiu, a young man, unlimited respect both on and off the stage.

As he said, he is an actor, and Lin Qiu is the director, so he is not relying on his old age to show off.

This is rare among seniors in the entertainment industry.

Tang Jia, the wife who plays Professor Chen, said emotionally:

First of all, I must be very grateful to Director Lin Qiu for allowing me to play this precious role, and to Chang'an Film and Television Company.

While filming this movie, what impressed me most was the scene where I met Hachiko again at the train station.

In that scene, I didn't need to adjust my emotions at all. But when I got to that scene and saw Hachiko, I couldn't help but shed tears. This was a shooting experience I had never had before.

Hachiko knew that the professor would never come back, but he still spent his whole life waiting.


Morning bacteria don’t know Hui Shuo, and worms don’t know Spring and Autumn.

A dog's life is limited. For humans, it lasts only ten years, but that is their whole life.

Maybe in real life, the intrigues in the human world are too great, and the simple and pure loyalty that animals bring to the audience makes people cry.

Then, several cast members who played the professor's daughter and son-in-law briefly talked about their feelings about starring in this movie!

What I feel the most is that you can never forget the one you love.

If dogs are like this, how can humans be embarrassed?

Jiang Han took the phone.

Her voice was muffled, and she had obviously cried just now.

It is really rare to make an actor like Jiang Han shed tears.

Because I have been raising dogs since I was a child, I feel deeply about it. I cried just now.

I won't praise Director Lin Qiu and Teacher Chen too much. Everyone has praised them.

What I want to say is that without any special effects, Xiaoba's performance is really perfect. This kind of interpretation of true emotions, I believe, is a kind of inner cleansing for any audience. .”

Lin Qiu also nodded when he heard this.

Hachi Gong can present such an effect, and Xiao Huang is indispensable.

Dogs are man's most loyal friends. There is a saying that has been passed down from ancient times to this day, 'A son will never be too ugly for his mother, and a dog will never be too poor for the family.' In the world of dogs, which are black, white, and gray, they must be pure and white without any impurities. Immaculate.”


Even if Jiang Han is like this, Ye Zhiyuan, who shed tears after watching a movie for the first time, will definitely praise this movie even more.

In Ye Zhiyuan's view, this film is not a despairing film, but a masterpiece that truly heals the audience.

Even if you watch it again, you will be moved.

Ye Zhiyuan learned a lot from Lin Qiu's movies.

The microphone was passed from the media in the front row to the audience in the back row.

Almost all the audience members who spoke spoke about how moved they were by this movie and how excellent it was.

The product produced by Lin Qiu must be of high quality.

Just as the premiere was in full swing.

Across Xiazhou, moviegoers who had been looking forward to the late-night premiere of Hachigong for a long time couldn't wait to come to the theater and check in.

'Hachiko' is finally released! I've been waiting for a month!

Lin Qiu's movie will definitely be good! Don't worry!

Don't cry. This movie will definitely be very touching. I almost couldn't stand it just after seeing the introduction. I probably have no resistance to movies with this kind of theme.

You can just cry, why don't you let others cry?

The pressure in my life is not small, and it would be great to be able to release myself in a theater.

Check the ticket, check the ticket!


In theaters everywhere, thousands of Lin Qiu's fans sat down in the theaters.

Her eyes were full of anticipation, ready to enjoy Lin Qiu's fourth big-screen work.

When the show time came, movie theaters everywhere dimmed one after another almost at the same time, entering the story of the loyal dog Hachiko.

Time flew by.

As the movie was shown, The Story of Hachiko was like tear gas bombs, smashing into the major movie theaters in Xiazhou!

At the very beginning of the film, the audience just felt warm and had happy smiles on their faces.

Lin Qiu's movies, even with simple plots and simple daily life, are so exciting, which is the most difficult to present in entertainment works.

But when the audience saw Professor Chen suddenly passing away due to a heart attack on the big screen, they gradually realized that something was wrong!


It doesn't feel good.

You're not going to start tearing up now, are you?

Even so, even if fans have a premonition, it has no effect at all!

In the next plot, the scenes of the mournful Hachi waiting for the professor still made the movie fans shed tears.

By the second half of the film, the theaters were bursting with tears and sobbing.



At the premiere alone, the tears and defense-breaking value of Hachiko reached an astonishing level!

Few moviegoers are spared!

Be it gay or lesbian.

As long as you step into the theater of Hachiko, you will shed tears in the theater!

Ahhh! Xiaoba! Xiaoba, why are you so stupid!

Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu——The snot is salty! So salty!

I collapsed! Lin Qiu's movies can never be watched a second time!

I don't know why, I just want to cry!

In major theaters, the tear-jerking effect of Hachiko is really explosive.

Almost all the first viewers to watch Hachiko came out of the theater with red and swollen eyes and wet tears.

Its tear-jerking effect is much more amazing than The Furnace and The God of Medicine!

Lin Qiu!

You should pay for my tears!

Many fans gritted their teeth as soon as it came out.

Since Love Letter, each of Lin Qiu's movies has been tear-jerking, and it's getting more and more tear-jerking!

When it comes to Hachiko, it looks like it wants to harvest the tears of the audience!

Among these gnashing fans is a student like Li Lizhen!

She is a loyal fan of Lin Qiu. In less than two hours in the theater, she cried so much that she almost ran out of oxygen.

The tears didn't stop during the second half of the film.

But the key is that the trailer of Hachiko didn't reveal any tear-jerking plot at all!

As soon as he left the theater, Li Lizhen's cell phone buzzed with a message from his best friend.

Lizhen, is Hachigong over yet? Is it good to watch?

My boyfriend and I were outside, and we were wondering whether to watch Hachiko. Wouldn't it be very tear-jerking?

Li Lizhen took a deep breath and gritted his teeth.

Then he showed a smile and replied:

A masterpiece! It's so exciting! It's not tear-jerking at all!

Literary film, very healing!

If you want to die, let’s die together; if we want to cry, let’s cry together!

After cheating the sisters, Li Lizhen directly gave Hachi Gong full marks on the Movie website and left in style!

Many viewers who are watching are waiting for the comments of the first batch of viewers.

When Movie software began to show a large number of high ratings, movie fans realized that Lin Qiu's movie was another high-scoring movie with at least 9.5 points!


Following this trend, Lin Qiu is creating history in Xiazhou movies!

You know, this is Lin Qiu's fourth film!

[(10 points) Hahahahaha! Hoo ho ho ho! 】

[(9.8 points) This movie is really funny! Ha ha ha ha! 】

[(9.7 points) Time passes, year after year, although Hachiko is old and faltering, he never stops waiting! Another classic! 】

[(9.9 points) If you support me, I will only have you for the rest of my life. There is nothing to say, Lin Qiu, you will be a god from now on! 】

[(10 points) There is no complaint when I am moved. There is a kind of love that knows no boundaries or races, but it is the softest string in our hearts! 】

Seeing so many high-rating reviews, some movie fans who were originally watching couldn't help but directly bought movie tickets for today or tomorrow!

As long as it is a good movie, it is worth going to the cinema to support!

Without their support, how can filmmakers develop good works?

They don’t want to see some crappy money-making movies appear frequently!

Among the comments from movie fans, there are many comments that are boastful and not tear-jerking at all. Anyone can be deceived.

The result is that it really deceived some movie fans who didn't know the truth.

During the release period of Hachiko, there were no worthy competitors.

Nowadays, as word of mouth spreads, movie tickets are being sold rapidly all over Xiazhou!

In the middle of the night, on the blog, several movie influencers almost all gave positive reviews.

[Rock Talk Movie]: (9.8 points) Another great movie!

Lin Qiu is simply amazing!

From now on, when it comes to movies about dogs, the first thing that comes up will definitely be The Story of Hachiko!

Love does not require intelligence, it requires stupidity.

No need for calculation, only loyalty.

Hachi taught me the meaning of loyalty and that we should never forget everyone we have loved.

Xiazhou is lucky to have a director like Lin Qiu! The entire Xiazhou film industry is lucky!

[Reporter Wang Xuan]: (9.8 points) There is nothing to say.

After this movie, Lin Qiu will become one of the top directors in Xiazhou. Maybe Lin Qiu's directing skills are not as good as those of Wang An, but Lin Qiu is really talented in writing scripts and touching emotions.

I didn't shed a single tear when The Crucible was released, but this Hachiko really touched a chord in my heart.

The simple and sincere feeling reflected in this film is particularly precious compared to the cold temperament in reality.

In today's indifferent and impetuous society, I think this film brings us more of a sense of tranquility and yearning for peace.

While watching the movie, I was thinking, is this fast-paced life really suitable for me?

Compared to the life I have now, I would rather live in a small town, raise a dog like Hachiko, brag with familiar neighbors every day, and live with the people I love all my life. .

This is life, right?

Many spoiler-free reviews from big Vs have immediately raised the reputation of Hachiko to a whole new level!

Film and television companies throughout the entertainment industry sighed slightly when they saw Lin Qiu and Chang'an's unstoppable rise.

It's okay in the field of TV dramas, but in the world of movies, Lin Qiu is about to reach the top of Xiazhou. As long as he doesn't make a movie with explosive reputation, this popularity and the trust of movie fans will continue.

This kind of trust from movie fans cannot be suppressed by a few black drafts.

The key point is that Lin Qiu rarely participates in social interactions in the entertainment industry, and even if he wants to play tricks, he has no chance.

If he could have contact with Lin Qiu, any crime could be pinned on Lin Qiu.

Once Lin Qiu becomes dirty, it will be difficult to return to the public eye.

Xiazhou's entertainment stars, no matter what they are like in private, at least their conduct on the stage must pass the test and set a good example.

Using this method, some celebrities who had offended major film and television companies were killed.

I still don't believe it, you are really that clean.

Next to Chang'an Film and Television Company, there is a barbecue restaurant.

This barbecue restaurant is affordable and delicious.

After the premiere, Lin Qiu, Ye Zhiyuan, Tang Anning, Xu Xin, and many young people such as Liya gathered together.

Ye Zhiyuan treated him to a treat and was willing to admit defeat.

Lin Qiu has always been unwilling to get involved in the entertainment industry because he knows how dirty the entertainment industry is.

Most of the so-called communication is fake and will stab you in the back at any time.

No matter how unfair it is, it’s useless.

Once the public image is dirty, it will be difficult to return to the public eye. Lin Qiu understands this truth.

This life is different from the previous life. There are so many entertainment works in this life.

Even without any connections in the entertainment industry, Lin Qiu would still be able to reach the top with the quality and quantity of his works, sooner or later.

Ye Zhiyuan also doesn't like socializing in the entertainment industry, but this kind of private gathering of friends made Ye Zhiyuan smile and said:

If you really want to raise a dog seriously and are not just doing it on a whim, my dog ​​happened to have more than one litter.

Xu Xin's eyes suddenly lit up, Oh?

Director Ye, do you have a dog at home?

Well, I have several dogs at home, and the nanny takes care of them during filming. There are too many puppies.

The release of Hachiko will definitely make many viewers have the urge to keep dogs.

But raising a dog is a serious decision. Once you decide to raise a dog, you must be responsible. This is a living life.

Ye Zhiyuan's character had always been somewhat withdrawn and upright before coming to Chang'an.

When he is at home, Ye Zhiyuan stays with the dogs and is not lonely.

The current life in Chang'an is Ye Zhiyuan's real dream life in the entertainment industry.

The early morning premiere of Hachiko was just the beginning of a torrent of tears.

From the first day of its official release, tears from movie fans all over Xiazhou have contributed to this film!

When Lin Qiu woke up as the sun set, the reputation of Hachi Gong seemed to have completely expanded.

There are almost no negative reviews from celebrity actors, film critics, and ordinary audiences!

It depends on whether we can open up the Kyushu market.

Lin Qiu took a deep breath and murmured.

The quality of this The Story of Hachiko is definitely not high. The score of Hachiko in the previous life was as high as 9.4 points. You must know that only a handful of people could reach this score in the previous life.

What's more, Lin Qiu feels that the Eight Masters directed by him is better and more immersive than the original work in his previous life because of the superb acting skills of Chen Daohua and Xiao Huang!

There is no need to worry about word of mouth.

The shackles of literary films have always been slow pace and bland pictures, which are not in line with the public's taste.

But truly excellent literary films also have plots and touch the emotions of the audience.

In a previous life, the Japanese version of Hachiko grossed 4 billion yen at the box office in 1987, causing a huge sensation.

The American version was released around the world and achieved good box office success everywhere.

As for the Chinese version, the quality is quite mediocre and it didn’t have enough publicity. Despite its reputation, it still took in 300 million at the box office.

Just know that this movie is not one of those bland and boring literary films worth tens of millions of dollars.

This time, the ratings of Movie software were released after only twenty hours.

As soon as this rating appeared, it instantly broke the internet!

【9.7 points】! !

【Fuck! 9.7 points? Are there really three masterpieces in a row? 】

[It’s amazing! It’s amazing! Lin Qiu! 】

[Xiazhou has only two movies with a score of 9.8. Doesn’t it mean that Lin Qiu is among the top three in Xiazhou at such a young age? 】

[The two films with a score of 9.8 are both works with extra significance. This Hachiko may be the best literary film in the past ten years, including the Kyushu market! 】

The audience is excited, and the movie fans are excited!

It is a fact that literary and artistic films are more likely to receive high ratings than commercial films.

Although Lin Qiu can continuously produce masterpiece movies with a score of 9.5, Lin Qiu cannot be described as rising at all.

Lin Qiu, who is only 22 years old, has already reached the top of the Xiazhou Film Directors list and has become one of the leading directors at the forefront of modern films!

In Xiazhou film history, there are only two films to reach a score of 9.8, one of which is Martial Arts 26 years ago.

This action film is the masterpiece of kung fu superstar Lien Cheng, and it is also the first film to make ripples in the Kyushu market.

The second film is directed by Song Hua, the most famous director in Xiazhou and known as the national master-level director in Xiazhou. His pinnacle work is Butterflies.

Colorful Butterflies tells the story of Xiazhou in the last century.

Because Xiazhou has a strong local flavor, it has not even made a ripple in the Kyushu market.

At the premiere of Hachi Gong, Lin Qiu himself said that this is a movie that explores the Kyushu market.

You know, rushing into the Kyushu market has been the appeal of generations of seniors in the film industry.

Director Song Hua failed, and director Wang An also failed.

The box office of Hachi reached an astonishing 370 million on the first day!

This result is considered normal during the Spring Festival in Xiazhou.

But if you put it in the summer time, it's a terrifying result.

Due to the double fermentation of box office and word-of-mouth, many viewers strongly recommended their friends to watch this comedy masterpiece.

Unfortunately, after two days, it was difficult to deceive people anymore, because Hachi was described by the media as the most tear-jerking film in the history of Xiazhou!

As long as you walk into the theater, anyone who can't cry is a hero!

Changan Film and Television Company will definitely not miss the opportunity to publicize, and started the topic on the blog:

# Share your dog’s story # .

For a time, the entire blog and Xiazhou were filled with topics about animals!

The heat is getting stronger!

The box office is so high.

Lin Qiu knew very well that the audience for a tear-jerking literary and artistic drama film like Hachigong would definitely not be as good as The God of Medicine.

Originally, Lin Qiu thought that around three billion was a normal number.

But I have to say that since The God of Medicine was released, my status among the movie fans is simply too high.

The box office appeal is incredible!

There are as many fans as there are fans who are waiting for Lin Qiu to fall from 30,000 feet.

The higher you fly, the more painful you fall.

You can't make every work a masterpiece. There will always be missteps, right?

Many film and television companies in the industry are holding the same idea.

On Movie software, the original box office forecast for Hachiko was 3.6 billion, and it continued to rise slowly every day.

Five days later, the predicted box office reached 3.87 billion.

In addition to Lin Qiu's appeal, there is also the fact that there is really no film competing with Hachi during the entire summer season. Hachi's film schedule is over 80%, leaving movie fans with very limited choices.

The Xiazhou box office is definitely stable.

The Kyushu market is the key.

Lin Qiu silently muttered that if Hachi Gong could open up the Kyushu market, it would bring him a base of popularity.

Then Lin Qiu will have more choices for the next film.

Lin Qiu opened the Movie software.

In Yingzhou, Hanzhou, and the two states adjacent to Xiazhou, the box office results of Hachigong are very stable.

After all, it has the basis of the previous movies, and its habits are close, and it has Lin Qiu's fan base.

As for the six major states of Michigan, Indiana, Texas, England, Oklahoma and the West, the box office was a bit low, just like all previous Xiazhou movies.

But unknowingly, the box office is rising every day!


[PS: 6K words. I woke up late today. It was too cold and was sealed by the bed. 】

[There will be more at night. 】

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