At best, moral turpitude. It’s not illegal.

Zuo Xiaoqing, who has been divorced for so many years, is still like a guardian, self-closed…!

In Gao Ziqi’s opinion, it is really unnecessary.

In particular, Zuo Xiaoqing is still under the banner of his own good…!

This made Gao Ziqi even more stressed.

She was even worried that if this continued, her mother would not have mental illness or something.

After all, I can’t be by my mother’s side for a long time…!

It takes several months to go abroad, and it takes up to half a year to return.

My mother is alone, guarding such a big house, although there are friends like Yu Mingjia who often gather.

However, if there is no one around who knows the cold and the heat, it will definitely not work.

Look at Dad, after the divorce, he changed four secretaries…!

Although people are getting more and more shriveled, their spirits are getting better and better.

Our family has this condition, mom, you must not suffer yourself!

Gao Ziqi returned to the bedroom, and as soon as she sat on the bed, she gasped in pain and stood up with her hips covered.

It hurts.

Mom is really ruthless.

In my memory, from childhood to adulthood, I have never been willing to do anything to myself.

But today…!

Whining. This account is counted on the head of this guy Li Mobai.

If it weren’t for him, my mother wouldn’t be so angry.

Poor Li Mobai has numbed his back to the black pot.

More is not too much.

Almost at the same time, Qin Lan posted several beautiful selfies.

Showed his best mental condition…!

The spirit of the whole person, under the nourishment of Li Mobai, was like a girl.

Not an exaggeration at all.

Qin Lan actually achieved an achievement, that is, the woman who fought the most fiercely with Li Mobai!

That’s right, this laurel was obtained by Qin Lan.

Whether it is Mao Xiaotong, or Jiang Kaitong, or Yang Mi.

There was also a confrontation with Li Mobai.

Qin Lan is different.

She ate it twice in a row.

Naturally, I eat a face full of collagen.

Originally, Qin Lan was the more active female star on Weibo.

I often share my status with my fans.

Of course, it must be retouched…!

Sister is so beautiful!?

Sister is so fairy!?

My sister looks like she is twenty years old!

The forward evaluation of fans is an important criterion to measure the popularity of a star.

This is also the reason why gray industries such as brush forwarding and brush comments were born.

Many female stars, because there is no popularity, do not have many fans at all.

However, in order to be exposed, in order to be able to play, let the director see that he has strength.

will spend money to buy fans, in order to act and act, you have to brush comments, brush forwards and the like.

People who don’t know look at it, good guys, just post a Weibo, there are tens of thousands of retweets, tens of thousands of comments!!

Isn’t it very powerful?

Come. Take an ad. Let’s take a endorsement…!

That’s how the opportunity came in.

Of course, not only female stars, but also many small fresh meat are also such a riotous operation.

Brushing the data, it is already a big gray product.

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However, Qin Lan’s coffee position does not need to brush the data.

Her casual news has tens of thousands of retweets and tens of thousands of comments.

However, although there were many praises, there were also a considerable number of those who complained about Qin Lan.

Say she’s pretending to be tender…!

The person who is almost forty years old still dresses himself like a young girl.

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Do you really think you are not an old goddess?

Look at the wrinkles at the corners of your eyes, right?

Although it is not an old dragon bell, how can a forty-year-old woman be compared with a twenty-year-old?

That’s pretty harsh. It’s a bit ugly.

However, it is also true.

Not moisturized by Li Mobai, Qin Lan, is a little too old.

Although Qin Lan, who is in his twenties, is very beautiful!!

Qiong Yao once used “Qin Lan a tear, a star in the sky” to describe her. With a gentle temperament, she is the kind of girl who can’t forget at a glance.

Delicate facial features, goose egg face, a pair of big watery eyes, very affectionate, giving people a very fresh and pitiful feeling……!!

But that was more than a decade ago.

The years are silent but there are traces.

Especially in these years, the rate of aging has accelerated.

If you don’t wear makeup, it’s actually not so stunning.

Qin Lan’s face was different from Yu Feihong’s attractive face shape.

Yu Feihong and them are estimated to be able to carry at least 60 years old!

They looked old when they were in their twenties, but now, they look young!

It’s so against the sky!

It is not the kind of face that looks mature when you are young, and does not show old when you are old.

It’s the type that is great when you’re young, but after forty, you start to go downhill.

And the downhill speed is quite fast.

Unless it’s an injection on the face, plastic surgery or something, it will age quickly.

Qin Lan actually planned to put hyaluronic acid on his face.

Because there is a play, that character is great, and it is also the design of sibling love.

But her face will make the audience play…!

Although the figure is very good, but the collagen loss on the face, standing with the little fresh meat of the play, like an aunt, it is ugly to shoot.

No matter how good the acting is, it is useless.

It’s like Liu Beiqing. A young girl who plays a young girl, the audience who will only watch it is disgusting.

The directors are hesitating to change.

As a result, Li Mobai went down with two needles, and the effect was better than hyaluronic acid.

The point is that hyaluronic acid that thing, hit (good) more, the face will become a zombie face.

A face of technology ruthlessness. Nobody will like it.

Isn’t Hu Yifei in the love apartment a living example?

Originally, there were many water spirits, and what a girl with personality characteristics?

Now! It’s almost forgotten by the public.

Nowadays, the audience has less and less tolerance for too many actresses who use technology to work hard.

Delicious is a natural beauty!

The mainstream concept agrees that it is better to age gracefully than to rely on technology to forcibly beautify.

But Li Mobai’s raw materials are different. Energy saving and environmental protection…!

No, it should be healthy, green, renewable!?

It belongs to the category of new energy.

The most important thing is that Li Mobai’s new energy filling process is still very comfortable!

Qin Lan wanted to give five-star praise anyway.

Understand the wave 666! Ask for data! Thank you!.

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