Li Jianlin, Ma Feng and Zhang Huateng are all the top three richest people in Huaxia, what mountain and sea delicacies have not been eaten?

But they really haven’t eaten such delicious medicated porridge, and this bowl of medicinal food is better than all the delicacies they have eaten in their lives.

Moreover, as soon as the medicinal porridge entered the abdomen, it immediately began to be digested by the gastric juice, turning into a stream of pure energy, which quickly surged into the flesh and blood cells of their whole body.

For a time, Li Jianlin and the three were as if they were soaked in a hot spring, and their whole bodies were warm and comfortable.

This medicinal meal was brewed by Yang Fan with a variety of rare elixirs, which could supplement the huge life energy of the human body.

The bodies of Li Jianlin’s three business tycoons have long been in deficit, and now they all rely on their own perseverance to support their bodies.

If there was no Yang Fan, his body would have completely collapsed in a year and a half.

With this bowl of medicinal food “080” to nourish their flesh, they can restore part of their vitality, lest when Yang Fan administers needle treatment for them tomorrow, their bodies are too weak to withstand the shock caused by Hua Tuo’s life-sustaining needle.

Not only Li Jianlin and the three, but all the business tycoons and top rich people who stayed in Heling Village to seek medical treatment all received a box of medicinal porridge sent by Yang Fan’s pet.

After they ate the medicinal porridge, they were also like Li Jianlin, and their bodies were warm, as if they had been re-injected with life energy.

An unprecedented sense of ease appeared in these top rich people, making them understand that their terminal illness really has hope of cure.

A bowl of medicinal food greatly alleviated his pain, what if Yang Fan’s divine doctor personally took action?

That can’t be eliminated by hand, and it can be cured in an instant!

So on this night, these rich people who used to be unable to sleep all night and couldn’t sleep all night slept well and slept until dawn.

As soon as dawn the next day, Yang Fan got up and took the medical box left by his grandfather out of the yard, and went to the small courtyard rented by Li Jianlin, Ma Feng, and Zhang Huateng next to him.

“Oh, Mr. Yang Fan is here, hurry up, please come in.”

Li Jianlin, who was playing tai chi in the courtyard, immediately greeted Yang Fan enthusiastically after seeing Yang Fan.

Li Jianlin has repeatedly topped the list of Chinese rich people and is known as the richest man in China, he joined the army in his early years and stayed in the army, so he has developed the good habits of many Chinese soldiers.

For example, getting up early, such as doing things rigorously, and the spirit of hard work and never giving up.

There was once a schedule of Li Jianlin’s day’s work schedule on the Internet, getting up at five o’clock in the morning and resting at ten o’clock in the evening, which made netizens marvel and like it one after another.

Habits developed over the years are difficult to modify, such as Ma Feng, chairman of Ali Group, and Zhang Huateng, chairman of Penguin Group, who are still sleeping in bed, while Li Jianlin has been getting up and playing tai chi in the yard for more than half an hour.

“Mr. Li seems to be in good spirits, he got up so early to boxing and fitness, why don’t you sleep more.”

Yang Fan said with a smile to Li Jianlin, chairman of Wanda Group.

“Hehe, the time of cultivation for so many years can’t be changed.”

Li Jianlin said with a smile.

For the richest man in China, Yang Fan is still quite good, never squanders money after making money, still frugal in life, and never extravagant and wasteful.

What is even more rare is that in a world full of temptation, Li Jianlin can always be strict with himself, never mess with flowers and grass, and never think of abandoning his wife who shares happiness and suffering with him.

And Li Jianlin has reached the twilight stage of liver cancer, and his body is severely depleted, and after eating Yang Fan’s medicated diet yesterday to replenish life energy, he should be able to sleep a rare good night’s sleep.

But he was able to resist this temptation, use strong willpower to wake himself up, get up and punch in the yard, this kind of perseverance is not ordinary people can have.

“It seems that your body has completely absorbed the energy in the medicated porridge yesterday, not bad, you can accept the needle today.”

Yang Fan glanced at Li Jianlin carefully, and then said to him with a smile.

“Haha, that’s great, I’ll go and call Lao Ma Lao Zhang!”

Li Jianlin, chairman of Wanda Group, said with a big smile.

Twenty minutes later, the energetic Ma Feng and Zhang Huateng appeared in the living room with Li Jianlin.

“Mr. Yang Fan, early!”

“Mr. Yang Fan, hello!”

Ma Feng, chairman of Ali Group, and Zhang Huateng, chairman of Penguin Group, greeted Yang Fan warmly.

“The two of you seem to be in good spirits, it seems that they slept well yesterday night!”

Yang Fan glanced at Ma Feng and Zhang Huateng and said with a smile.

“Thanks to Mr. Yang Fan’s bowl of medicinal porridge, I haven’t had a good night’s sleep since I suffered from lung cancer. 0”

Ma Feng, chairman of Ali Group, said to Yang Fan.

“That’s right, I’m the same, since I fell ill, I haven’t slept steadily, and after drinking that bowl of medicinal porridge yesterday, my whole body is warm and very comfortable.”

Zhang Huateng, chairman of Penguin Group, also nodded and said.

Including Li Jianlin, chairman of Wanda Group, also nodded frequently and agreed.

The three of them were sincerely grateful to Yang Fan, even if they couldn’t cure their diseases, as long as they could alleviate their pain, they would spend a thousand dollars on this diagnosis.

Although the three of them are extremely strong-willed, they are also extremely haggard from this disease, and if they can alleviate the pain, they are definitely willing to spend money.

“Here, one for each person, eat this Qi Replenishing Pill, and then start receiving treatment.”

Yang Fan took out a small jade bottle, poured out three medicinal pills from it, put them on the table, and said to Li Jianlin and the three.

“This, what kind of medicine is this? It smelled so good and gave me a strong desire to eat. ”

Zhang Huateng, chairman of Penguin Group, tossed up a Qi Replenishing Pill in shock to observe it carefully, licked his lips, and said in surprise.

“This is a Qi Replenishing Pill, which can quickly replenish the deficit of qi and blood in your body and provide you with huge and pure life energy, lest you be unable to withstand it when you can apply the needle and your body will collapse.”

Yang Fan explained for the first time.

“Swallow it quickly, don’t let the medicinal power run away!”

Yang 5.6 sail reminded.

Any elixir stored in the air for a long time, the pure medicinal power will be volatilized, and the longer it is released, the more volatile medicinal power will be passed.

This was also why Yang Fan used a jade bottle to hold the elixir.

After Yang Fan’s reminder, Li Jianlin, Ma Feng, and Zhang Huateng quickly sent the Qi Replenishing Pill in front of them into their mouths.

The medicinal fragrance emitted from the body of the Qi Replenishing Pill greatly pierced the sense of smell and taste of Li Jianlin and the three, and after entering the mouth, it was full of incense, turning into a pure energy rushing into the abdomen, and then quickly flowing throughout the body with blood circulation, replenishing the qi and blood in the body.

“Okay, it’s almost time, go back to your room and lie down on your own bed, we’re going to start administering needles!”

Twenty minutes later, after Li Jianlin and the three had digested the Qi Replenishing Pill in their bodies, Yang Fan said to the three. _

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