If there were no other media reporters at the scene, it is estimated that Feng Pants would have been unable to help but go up and do it.

Seeing that the situation at the scene was not very good, the backstage staff also hurried up and asked the reporter of this unscrupulous newspaper to leave the scene first.

However, no matter what, the scene just now has been filmed in its entirety.

And now the scene is live broadcast, and netizens can watch it one by two, which is called an endless aftertaste.

"I'll make it, I'll make it, I'll make it. Feng pants are really bullish, and he directly called the reporter on the spot. "

Awesome, all the swear words are spoken. It seems that he is really angry.

"Director Feng, please take my knees!"

"Hey! It would be nice if I was at the scene, and it would definitely be more interesting to see it at the scene."

"Mom, it's terrifying to watch, it's so exciting. "

Netizens are eating melons now.

One or two of them were so excited.

The scene of the press conference of "No Thieves in the World" was also because of this incident, which directly pushed the popularity of the whole press conference to the climax.

In any case, Feng pants are not a loss at all.

And it's a sure win.

Whether it is in traffic or exposure, publicity and distribution are undoubtedly in a state of steady win.

After this wave of publicity, the press conference of "No Thieves in the World" also ended here.

After it was over, Feng's pants were still puffing and puffing.

It seems that he is really angry.

"Director Feng, it's okay.

"Those unscrupulous media are indeed too tricky, and when they are angry, they are also angry with themselves. "

Eliminate gas.

Su Han said, patting Feng's shoulder and comforting him.

Feng Pants nodded, and he was also a little angry.

"I'm really embarrassed to make your side so cramped this time.

"If I'm not mistaken, you and Yang Mi shouldn't have signed a couple contract this time, right?"

Feng Pants did guess correctly.

Su Han and Yang Mi did sign a couple contract.

But Su Han couldn't just say it to the outside world, even if Feng Pants didn't say it, he shouldn't say it outside.

Su Han smiled: "Director Feng, this is not true."

"It's nothing this time, you don't have to worry.

"That's good, I didn't expect so many things to happen this time. After

returning from the movie promotion on Feng Pants' side, Yang Mi came up to greet her as soon as possible.

"You're finally back. "

What's wrong?"

"Xing Ye's movie wants to go abroad to promote it, so let you go with him."

"I've packed all your luggage for you, you're ready to prepare, and tomorrow will pass."

"Are you in such a hurry? and go abroad to publicize?"

"You...... You know what a foreign language is, right?"

"I really don't know about foreign languages...... Yang

Mi rolled her eyes and fell into deep thought.

There was an idea that she had also been brewing in her mind for a long time, but it hadn't been brewed yet.

Let Su Han follow Xing Ye to go abroad alone, although Xing Ye takes care of her, there are still many aspects, and she is very uneasy.

Besides, he couldn't understand English at all, and it was very troublesome at that time.

You can't let Master Xing translate for him.

Thinking of this, Yang Mi also decided directly.

"Well, why don't I go with

you?" "Can you go with me

?" "Okay, why not?"

"And we've just made our relationship public now, and if we attend on the same screen, it will be more affectionate and have a good relationship." "

Well, I'll go with you.

"I'm going to communicate with Xing Ye now. You see if there's anything else you want to bring, and if you haven't picked it up, you'll see for yourself.

"That's fine.

After Yang Mi communicated with Su Han here, she immediately went to contact Xing Ye's side.

And Su Han also returned to the room and briefly checked if he had anything else to bring.

Swept around, and there was nothing.

In fact, the main concern he is now is the issue of language.

As a celebrity, if you are not good at English, you are actually not very good.

Thinking about it carefully, Su Han opened the system panel and searched for language.

Sure enough, he really found the option of English.

Without any hesitation, Su Han directly exchanged his fan value for his English ability.

"Congratulations to the host for successfully exchanging the English ability!"

After the exchange was successful, Su Han could feel as if countless English words were pouring into his mind at this moment.

Just for a moment.

The next moment, when he opened his eyes again, he could clearly feel the intensity of the English words bursting through his mind.

"Fuck, your, mother!"

Su Han said casually, sure enough, this English ability was really mastered.

This was followed by a search of some foreign English reports on my mobile phone.

Pure English.

He understood them all, and he understood.

Just like listening to Chinese, there are no barriers.

All right.

Everything is ready to go.

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