This misunderstanding of helplessness led to Arthur's second illness.

He couldn't control his emotions, he couldn't control the disease.

"Haha, hahaha!" The

sudden hysterical laughter instantly attracted the attention of the whole car.

"What, do you think it's ridiculous?"

"Hahahaha!" he

laughed and shook his head, uncontrollable emotion.

"I'm sorry, I have ......"

pulled a card from his pocket and handed it to the woman.

The woman took the card.

The card reads: Forgive me for laughing, I'm sick, and there's something to come.

This disorder causes sudden, constant, uncontrollable laughter that does not correspond to the person's emotions.

In other words, I usually have a brain injury, or I have a neurological disease, thank you.

Please return the card after reading.


After this part of the shooting, the scene on the stage of the stand-up theater actor was continued.

Su Han was in the audience, watching the stage of stand-up comedian Murray.

"I love you

, Murray!" he shouted suddenly, and Murray asked the staff to turn on the lights.

"Who was shouting just now

?" "Is that you?"

Murray pointed at him.

"Can you please stand up?" the

audience was in a sensation, and everyone applauded happily.

Under everyone's attention, Su Han stood up.

"Hello, Murray, my name is

Arthur!" Murray: "Okay, Arthur, there's something special about you, I can see it.

"Where are you from?"

Su Han: "I live in this city." "

Living with my mother.

"Hahahaha!" The

scene burst into laughter.

"Okay, nothing funny. Quiet, quiet. Murray

took control: "I also lived with my mother before I got ahead, just the two of us.

"I'm that kind of kid. "

My father went out to buy a pack of cigarettes and never came back.

Su Han: "I know how it feels, Murray.

"For as long as I can remember, I was the only breadwinner in the family, and I took good care of my mother.

After he finished speaking, there was a burst of applause from the audience.

"You give so much, she must love you very much.

"Definitely. "

She always told me to keep smiling and put on a smile.

"She said I was born to deliver laughter.

After he finished speaking, there was another round of applause.

Murray: "I like your saying very much, come, come on stage!" Under

the cheers, Su Han walked onto the stage.

Stand in the middle of the stage.

"Well, there's going to be a good show tonight. "

Arthur, come on!" Murray

finished speaking, turned around and stepped off the stage, giving up the stage to Su Han.

Su Han stood in front of the microphone and looked at everyone in the audience.

But before he could speak, he couldn't help but get sick again.

His maniac laughter could not be contained.

"Box Box ......

" "Hello everyone, it's a pleasure to be here.

""Box box box ~ "

"I hate it.


" "I hated going to school when I was a kid

," "Hahahahaha, hahahaha......"

He covered his mouth and tried to control himself and suppress his emotions.

"I hated going to school when I was a kid.

"But my mother always told me that you should enjoy school life, and you have to run for a living sooner or later. "

I said, no. Mom, I'm going to be a comedian. By

the time he wanted to continue, the time had come.

He managed to lose a chance.

It was this passage that became a point that triggered his antisocial personality.

This content was later used by Murray as a funny joke, which made Arthur sad.

Murray is his idol after all, and being said by his idol has successfully shattered his last hope.

Further on, it was Arthur's colleague who gave him a gun.

When I went to the children's hospital to perform for the children, the gun suddenly fell out.

Because of this incident, Arthur was fired.

His most trusted colleague betrayed him, saying that he had asked his colleague for a gun.

All the emotions are piled up together.

So on this day, Arthur's first rebellion was ushered in.

On the subway, a few thugs molested a woman.

Su Han, who was sitting on the side, dressed as a clown, looked at them quietly.

It was at this time that his condition flareed up again.

"Hahahaha!" suddenly

burst into laughter, attracting the attention of several thugs.


The woman took advantage of this time to leave quickly.

The thug scolded: "Slut!"

Seeing that Su Han had been laughing wildly, the thug's attention also fell on him.

He's about to become the punching bag for the gangsters.

One of the thugs hummed a song.

♪ Isn't ♪

♪ this ridiculous, are we really a couple ♪

♪, I finally stepped on the ground ♪

♪, and you are still in mid-air ♪

♪ to let the clowns appear, isn't this ridiculous, don't you agree, one wanders around, ♪

one can't ♪move, where are the clowns♪

♪ ♪

♪ ♪

♪ ♪

♪ ♪

A few thugs hummed as they walked in the direction of Su Han.

Su Han kept laughing painfully while shaking his head: "Please, don't do this." The

thug came up and grabbed Su Han's green wig.

♪ It's time for the clowns ♪

to come out

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