Phillips couldn't help but start sighing with Yang Mi.

"His acting skills are really good.

"He's been a group performer before, hasn't he?"

"He's really talented, talented, born actor. "

I'm glad you found him, for if no one finds him, such a piece of gold would be wasted."

Phillips came up to praise Su Han.

It is conceivable that it must be because Su Han's acting skills are really, very good, and Phillips is very satisfied, so he praises Su Han so hard.

Su Han's performance was indeed very good, and he swept it at a glance.

Most of the staff in the crew had red eyes, and the atmosphere on the scene was extremely depressing.

It can be seen that they were all moved by Su Han.

The various experiences of the character of the clown are really heart-wrenching.

Arthur's mother tells Arthur that he is the illegitimate son of Wayne, the patriarch of Gotham. Because

of this, Arthur went to Wayne.

Finally let him pretend to be a waiter and meet in the toilet.

So the next shooting began.

Wayne was going to the toilet when Su Han walked up and stood at the door.

He stayed where he was, and didn't take the initiative to speak, until Wayne asked, "Man, is there something wrong?"

Su Han looked at Wayne with expectation in his eyes, a little nervous, and at a loss, not knowing how to speak.

"I don't know what to say.

Wayne flushed the toilet and turned to the sink, "Do you want an autograph or something?"


He followed, following Wayne to the sink.

"My name is Arthur. "

Fleck is my mother.

Wayne, who was washing his hands, stopped and looked up at Su Han in the mirror.

"Was that the one who came to my house yesterday?"

"Yes. I'm sorry for being uninvited. "

I have to talk to you.

Su Han, who was standing behind Wayne and said this, was extremely uncomfortable, a little nervous, and at a loss.

Now to him, Wayne is his father.

That's why he has such emotions.

"Listen, I'm not your father.

"Hehe, what's wrong with you?" Wayne

smiled, sneering as he wiped his hands.

Su Han still stared at Wayne very seriously: "I think you are."

"That can't be.

"Because you were adopted, and I never had a relationship with your mother.

Su Han: "I wasn't adopted.

Wayne: "What do you want, money?" "

No, it's not. I wasn't adopted. "

Oh my God. Didn't she ever tell you?"

Wayne looked at Su Han's eyes with extremely serious eyes.

"Tell me what?"

"Your mother adopted you while working in my house.

Su Han stared at Wayne with great determination: "This is not true.

"Why do you say that?"

"Because she was arrested when you were a child and put in Arkham Hospital.

Su Han shook his head vigorously: "Why do you say that, I don't need you to lie to me, I know it's weird."

"I didn't mean to make you happy, I don't understand why everyone is so rude.

"Why are you like this, I don't want anything from you.

"Or a little warmth, maybe a hug.


"Don't I get even the slightest respect

?" "What's the matter

with you people?" "Why did you do this to me?"

"I was insulting my mother by saying those things.

Su Han was crazy, and shouted out all the grievances in his heart in one breath.

Stared at Wayne and scolded him.

Visible to the naked eye, the blue tendons on his forehead protruded, and he almost jumped up.

He couldn't hold himself back at all.

However, in the face of such a manic Su Han, Wayne stared at him unusually calmly.

"She's a madman.

"Hahahaha, hahahaha!" Su

Han began to get sick and laughed wildly.

The laughter was painful.

Wayne narrowed his eyes slightly, "Do you think this is funny?" "

Dad, it's me." "


Wayne slammed his fist into Su Han's face.

He covered his nose with his hands and bowed his head.

Wayne turned around and left mercilessly: "If you touch my son again, I will kill you!"

In the end, Su Han propped himself up on the washstand, bowed his head, and for a long time.

Su Han's interpretation was so good, everyone took a deep breath.

Low air pressure throughout.

Finally, Arthur went to check.

Find out that you are indeed adopted.

I also retrieved the memories that I had been locked in my mind and didn't want to mention.

He was abused by his mother and adoptive father from an early age.

This experience was a pain in his face, and he never wanted to think about it.

To this day, he remembers.


It's really ridiculous.

has always been Wayne's illegitimate son, but he didn't expect his mother to be really paranoid, and his last illusions were shattered.

There was no faith at all, and the worldview collapsed.

What is it

that makes Arthur forget

the tragic experience of his childhood? It is that the past experience is too tragic and painful, so in order to survive better, he adopts a repressed defense mechanism, allowing himself to escape the pain from his consciousness, and sealing the past pain reward in his subconscious mind forever.

But now this tragic experience has undoubtedly been dug up.

The experience of childhood abuse was also a motivation for Arthur to become an antisocial personality.

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