Su Han nodded: "Okay."

He pulled a notebook out of his back pocket and opened it.

The host's face was full of disgust: "He also brought a notebook." "


"Joke book." "


!" "Knock knock!"


"It's the police, ma'am, your son was hit by a drunk driver and he died. Before

the joke could go on, it was stopped.

"No, no, no, you can't joke about that.

"yes, it's not funny. Arthur, we don't make this kind of joke on the show. "

Okay...... I'm sorry.

"It's just that I've not had a great couple of weeks, Murray.

He said, smiling, then the smile froze, staring ahead.

"Ever since I killed those Wall Street elites,"

he said,

there was silence as he said this.

The host continued to control the scene: "Okay. I'm still waiting for the laughs. "

No laughs, it's not a joke. The

audience began to talk.

And the host stared at him: "Are you serious? Are you saying that you killed the three young men on the subway

?" "Why should I believe you?"

"I have nothing now, nothing can hurt me anymore."

"My life is a comedy. There

was a sigh at the


The host continued to sort out: "Okay, do you think it's funny to kill those people?"

Su Han nodded: "That's right, and I'm fed up pretending not to be funny." "

Comedy is very subjective, Murray. That's

when someone in the audience shouted, "Get him down!" and

the host continued, "Okay, I can understand you." "

You're doing this to

start a campaign?" Su Han smiled: "Please, Murray, am I like the kind of clown who will start a campaign?"

"I kill people because they're scum."

"These days, everyone is scumbag.

"Enough to drive anyone crazy. "

It's up, and the serious energy is coming.

"Well, then, you're crazy, is that why you killed three young men?"

"No, they couldn't even sing a song, that's why they died. The

scene was once again full of sighs.

"Why is everyone so sad for them?"

"If I die on the side of the road, you won't even look at it."

"I walk past you every day, and no one pays attention to me.

"But they, but Wayne cries on TV, and you care. He

started to get emotional.

Moderator: "You have a problem with Wayne too.

"Yes, that's right.

Su Han was extremely determined.

"Murray, have you ever seen the outside world

?" "Did you really leave the studio?"

"Everyone yelled at each other, and no one was polite at all.

"Nobody puts themselves in the shoes of others. "

Do you think Wayne's kind of person has considered the feelings of people like me?"

"Thinking about people other than yourself?"


All his words were filled with righteous indignation and anger.

"They think that we will swallow our anger and suffer in silence like obedient children.

"We're not going to go crazy!" the

host couldn't take it anymore and tried to stop: "Have you said enough? You're too self-pitying, Arthur."

"It sounds like an excuse to kill those young people.

"I can tell you that not everyone is scum. Murray

prevented Arthur from speaking freely, and he was on Wayne's side with the Wall Street elite he had killed.

So at this time, Arthur realizes that Murray is also a person like them.

Su Han turned his head to look at Murray and stared at him, "But you're scum, Murray."

"I'm a scumbag?

Su Han's eyes looked at him directly, as if he could kill him with his eyes, this look was particularly terrifying.

"Play my video. "

Invite me to the show.

"You're just trying to make fun of me.

"You're no different from them.

Arthur picked out on the spot what should have been hidden in his heart.

Murray: "That's because you don't know me. Look at the consequences of what you've done.

"The whole city is rioting, and you're laughing. It was because of you that someone was killed today.

Su Han smiled: "I know."

"Another joke, how's that, Murray.

"No, I've heard enough of your jokes. "

If you.

"Don't talk about it.

"What happens if you annoy a lonely psychopath who is despised and abandoned by society.

Su Han's emotions were very excited, and he was completely mobilized, and there was an almost hoarse roar behind him, his crazy neck was red, and his eyes were also red.

"I'll tell you what to expect. "

You're going to eat the consequences

!" "Bang!"

he pointed the gun in his hand at Wayne's head.

A headshot, blood splattered on the wall.

At one point, chaos began to descend on the scene.

And he sat there very calmly, his face stained with blood.


!" "Bang!"

he was indifferent, stood up, raised his gun, and continued with two more shots.

Because of this blatant provocation of his case, the whole Gotham completely rioted and went crazy.

Finally, surrounded by everyone, he stood in the crowd and danced freely.

At this moment, he is the king!

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