Era of Disaster

Chapter 1282: New road


Seeing Momo coming out of Bai Yi, Woolf and Wuliang immediately went in. After entering Bai Yi, it is like crossing a world, then the two appear in Bai Yi's knowledge brain. Although Bai Yi has already seen the brain of knowledge, the two still find it incredible.

"Awe-inspiring!" Woolf said before he sat down.

"Oh." Bai Yi smiled suddenly, then shook his head.

"not enough!"

Both Woolf and Wuliang knew what Bai Yi said was not enough. Although the brain of knowledge was indeed very good, it was not enough for the subsequent battle. This is why Bai Yi let the two appear in the sea of ​​knowledge. Momo, Woolf, Infinite, all three have real experience in fighting together, Bai Yi wants to find a more reasonable way to increase their strength from the middle of their battle.

"Isn't Princess Princess involved in this realization?" Infinitely asked.

"No, Mo Mo now needs more to realize the power of his death sickle." Bai Yi said.

When Bai Yi said this, the two immediately understood. Then, without saying Bai Yiduo, the two sat down in front of Bai Yi, and then let go of their sense of consciousness completely. This is not the first time, so both of them are proficient and fully aware of the combat experience. This is not something that can be done casually, whether it is oral or cognitive connections, others can see

Only in the brain of Bai Yi's knowledge can he completely release his thoughts and become a part of it, can he fully realize this understanding.

This is very dangerous for Bai Yi, and they are also very dangerous for Woolf. Anyone who has a bad heart can have irreparable consequences. This kind of absolute trust can only be achieved in the upper floors of Baiming Building.

Soon, the two connected their consciousness to Bai Yi's intellectual brain and became a part of it.

This is not just simple actions, pictures, etc., but a deeper understanding.

After a long time, the three talents opened their eyes again. Bai Yi nodded at them, and then they left Bai Yi. After returning outside, Woolf rubbed his forehead before exhaling. With Bai Yi's knowledge and brain, he once again experienced a previous battle, plus each person's different experience, Woolf and Wuliang's gains are even greater.

However, it is not enough!

Both of them can feel it, which is not enough.

Perhaps, under the desperation of the two, they could pull Galil and Xinhe together and die, but that didn't make much sense. The Seven Religions are so huge, so many members, just one or two masters of death, what's the point? Even if every high-rise in the Baiming Tower can pull a person who lives above them to death, there can be a few. Isn't the rest of the solar system completely plunged into disaster?

He Dao Realm can also use the desperate way to pull the other side to be buried together, but a higher realm has no effect at all. Now everyone knows that the so-called lv6 may be regarded as a core member in the Seven Religions, but it is only a member. The highest existence of the Seven Religions, but the real lv7, and that kind of strength... It is estimated that even if it is desperate, it will not have much effect. Perhaps, only the weapon of Mo Mo’s death.

What the solar system needs now is a way to advance quickly, or a way to quickly possess amazing power.

It's enough to resist resistance to the same environment, even a higher level of power.

At this time, Bai Yi is deducing this way. In fact, as early as when lv6 was involved, Bai Yi already had an idea, but he never took action. But at this time, Bai Yi knew that there was not much time left for himself, and if he didn't go into practice, then when the script was actually staged, there was no chance to try it.

How to advance from lv5 to lv6, the usual way is to join the road, in line with a law, enter the road to join the road. Then, there is the law of the inner universe as a support, as long as the law is not extinguished, it usually does not die.

And lv6↑ is based on its own laws to build a world of its own. It can not only build a home field of its own, but also be used to fight other opponents of the same level and restrain the other party’s laws. Only in this way can you counteract the influence of the joint and kill your opponent.

If it weren't for encountering so many things, there is no doubt that Bai Yi will definitely follow this path.

But what is not allowed now is time!

This road is undoubtedly the most reliable way. With the power of every high layer in the current solar system, it is estimated that as long as there is enough time, it will be enough to enter the road. However, what the solar system lacks most is time. There is no tens of billions of years for them to slowly understand the law.

At this time, what Bai Yi thought was another method that no one could think of.


What would it look like if you completely stripped yourself of a power that you fully realized? The so-called divestiture is definitely not as simple as losing power, but completely severing itself and this law without any connection.

For example, Bai Yi, what would it look like if he completely stripped his ability to blur at this time?

Unable to use the power of blurring is certain, but what about the other?

Any living thing, living in the inner universe, is bound to be bound by all laws. Gravity, light, air, time, space..., what happens if a creature is stripped of all its laws? Is it completely disappeared in the inner universe, or is it independent forever from this world without any restrictions?

Bai Yi carefully realized the power of He Dao Realm, and Woolf's experience gained from various ways, how to advance the experience of He Dao Realm, and finally completely integrated and merged to develop a special path.

Completely settled!

I don't know how long, as if it had changed from the ultimate quietness to agility, Bai Yi opened his eyes.

Bai Yi came up with an idea!

Many people have received the idea of ​​Bai Yi. On the surface, nothing has changed, but everyone's heart has become very heavy. Because, Bai Yi is ready to take that step, advanced lv6. If you follow the steps step by step, no one will be worried, because there are really a lot of insights from different sources about the Aikido. At least, it is much better than the completely autonomous exploration on the earth.

However, Bai Yi's advanced method is obviously not based on the common advanced method of the inner universe, but another.

There is no advanced method for reference by Bai Yi himself.

If this advanced method is not the case now, even Bai Yi would not be able to adopt it. It is conceivable how much the possibility of accidents is.

Bai Yi completely fell into silence, just so quietly suspended in his own world.

The outsiders waited silently with an indescribable mood. No one is in the mood to talk nonsense, because whether Bai Yi can break through is extremely important for the next plan. If the breakthrough fails, then there is really nothing to say afterwards. The so-called resistance is totally meaningless. A group of guys with the highest strength only knows that there is no time for the gods, so it is more cost-effective to think about retreating early.


"It's rare to see you so quiet." A mysterious spirit appeared beside Bright and said. (Ling Ji: The spirit body that remained in the mysterious underground palace above the earth. After experiencing countless things, it eventually resurrected. Although it lost its memory, it became a relatively unique subordinate of Bright.)

"I can't be so quiet?" Bright replied lazily before lying down.

Bright was indeed quiet. When he knew that Bai Yi made that decision, he didn't know what he thought. There is no doubt that in their era, Bai Yi walked in front of everyone. I originally thought that the new world would never lose to Bai Yi, but this time, Bai Yi walked in front of them again.

Moreover, it is a new way!

In Bright's mind, he did not know whether he expected Bai Yi to succeed or fail.

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