Era of Disaster

Chapter 133: Recruitment Plaza

Bai Yi was already the next day when they left from Gary. How Gary should follow Bai Yi's instructions is not a matter of concern for Bai Yi. Bai Yi may come forward, but as the woman said, this matter is entirely led by Gary. There is no way. Bai Yi was purely occupied by hatred for some time before. Although he has a good reputation in evolutionary humans, there is no power underneath.

Generally speaking, after entering the Snow Valley, they will first find a place to live, but since it is Bai Yi, then Gary will definitely arrange it. Bai Yi rejected the proposal to live directly in the Snow Valley Guard House, but let Gary set up a small house outside. Anyway, if it is together, it is often inconvenient.

"Generally, if each team goes out, it is better to leave people in the house. The security here is not very good. Of course, there should still be no problem here. After all, Xuegu Team is not far away, but you should pay attention. "The six legs that brought Bai Yi to the house, reminded the Snow Valley guard who crawled like a half-human creature.

"Well, I got it, thanks." Bai Yi nodded.

"Then I'll say goodbye." After this guy nodded, he turned around and walked out with a heavy stride. He walked out, stomping snow and broken ice on the ground.

"It's a pity that it was like giving a big gift bag to the bear." Woolf grumbled after the guard had left.

"It doesn't matter what, if it can be done well, anyone can come, we don't have any influence, and don't forget what is our main purpose to come to Snow Valley... to choose teammates. Do you say, Woolf I like to manage a large group of people underneath, and then respond to each other?" Bai Yi asked.

"Of course it is. The desire for wealth and wealth is a topic that every man cannot bear."

"That might be true, some people are relatively weak."

"Hey, that's because he didn't get all the abilities and capital, so he can only boast of fame and fortune, and pretend to be tall." Woolf suddenly retorted.

Both Bai Yi and Hilois looked at Woolf silly. This guy wouldn't be replaced. Can he say such philosophical words at any time? But in the next sentence, Woolf returned to the prototype.

"I saw it in a book a few days ago and accidentally wrote it down."

"Ahahaha." Both Bai Yi and Helois laughed, thinking that Woolf suddenly became smart. Although the book on which Woolf reads is still one-sided, Bai Yi and they only treat it as a joke.

After a group of people laughed, they put things in this spacious shed room, and then walked towards the recruitment square that Malvi said. Snow Valley is not very big, this place is still very easy to find, and the closer it is to here, the more crowded the crowd is, the center is looking for teammates and teams, the surrounding is trading various items, watching various monsters walking Together, everyone seems to have entered the monster paradise.

Bai Yi's group is slightly noticeable, because Bai Yi has injected the original form of PropertyDrug, so now Bai Yi and their appearance are not very different from humans. Of course, Woolf, who is more than four meters tall, Helois with wings, and the bright colored fleece on Bai Yi’s face, will still make people distinguish them from ordinary people immediately, so it will not Really tangled with this.

"How do you choose people?"

"Look at it first."

Bai Yi looked at them for a while and found that the people who stay here for a long time are generally scattered people, and there are not many teams here. I want to know how a team can stay in this place for a long time. It is estimated that there are hundreds of scattered people, sparse and sparse above the square, while the team is only eight here, each occupying a square. Outside each team, there is basically a notice that says the conditions for finding teammates.

Bai Yi looked at it. Although the place was chaotic, it was fairly orderly. The whole square is roughly divided into two parts, one part is the recruitment of team members, where the team stays; one place is where the scattered people stay.

The side where the team stays is divided into small squares with a table inside for reception. Bai Yi looked at them for a while, picked an empty seat, and walked in. There was a small notice board with several pieces of chalk next to it. After watching it for a while, Bai Yi and they could understand what was going on.

Bai Yi picked up the small notice board and stated the candidates for recruitment.

Pharmacists, refiners, biological researchers, teachers...!

In a square next to it, they were still curious about Bai Yi. The three people in another team laughed when they saw Bai Yi putting up the sign.

"Anything funny?"

"Sorry, my friend didn't do it on purpose." The other seemed to think that his friend's joke was offended, and immediately came out to play the round.

"However, this kind of notice is really useless. The pharmacist and refiner are all sought-after talents. Everyone knows who is in the snow valley. Generally speaking, it is the captain who invites himself in person, depending on the wishes of others. Reluctant to join. Generally speaking, you can only choose some teammates with good personality and good fighting ability, as long as they don’t hold back. As for the biological researchers and teachers you recruit, what is the use of this Do you?" the man explained.

"Oh, thanks, my daughter should be enlightened and educated, but none of us here will teach."

Speaking of which, I have a headache. Mo Mo really doesn't like studying, and it's useless to hold on to studying. Bai Yi didn't modify the content, he hung the sign directly on the wooden stake outside. After doing all this, Bai Yi looked at several people. There must be a few people left here so that no one will see the notice but no one will receive it. In the Talent Plaza over there, one or two people are also needed to choose. Maybe you can find someone you like.

Bai Yi looked at the members of the team. Although there were seven members, there were only four, so there is nothing better.

"Choose it. Do you stay here to receive those who come to ask, or choose the right person on the square?" Bai Yi asked, knowing the answer almost already. This guy Woolf doesn't seem to be a seatable guy. Bai Yi waved his hand. Sure enough, Woolf laughed and walked out with Helois, while Bai Yi sat behind the table and exhaled gently.

Bai Yi's pupils flickered and saw the members of the two Snow Valley Guards in the distance leave, knowing they were reporting to Gary.

Just report it, and Bai Yi knows that it is impossible to hide Gary. This is normal. There are not enough members in the team, so of course we must recruit players. However, I hope that Gary will not make a smart arrangement to enter his team. Bai Yike does not want any spies to appear in his team.

After a while, Mo Mo seemed to be very curious, constantly looking at the crowd over there.

"Go if you want to see it, follow Hilois, and be careful not to conflict with others." Bai Yi said. Now Momo is not the little girl who has always been cared for, even if Momo is only over five years old. Moreover, this square is not too big, with Bai Yi's current vision, you can see the bottom directly at a glance.

"Huh!" Mo Mo replied happily, then went out with Shapi. Jinjila looked at the table for a while, then jumped down and trot after him.

Jinjila caught up with Shapi and wanted to jump to Shapi's back, but just after jumping together, Shapi's tail lifted up and knocked on Jinjila's head lightly. Shapi doesn't like the noisy little guy on his head. Jin Ji La ate a small loss, immediately screamed pitifully, and asked Mo Mo for help.

"It's no use asking me for help. If Shapi doesn't want it, I won't force it." Mo Mo said with a smile. Although Jinjila is very cute, Shapi is Momo’s special friend, and Bai Yi also said the last time, don’t use Shapi’s obedience to her and let Shapi do something he doesn’t want.


Jinjila was still coquettish when she heard her words, and did not fully understand Momo's words. But after a while, it seems to understand that Mo Mo will not help himself.

Jinjila, who understood this point, seemed a little low, but after less than half a minute, Jinjila began to become active again, continually jumping towards Shapi. Shapi flicked his long tail, and every time he swung Jinjila away before Jinjira climbed to his A slap-sized Jinjila was surrounded by fierce and fierce Shapi turned around, making people laugh.

After a while, Shapi seemed to be tortured enough by Jinjila's persevering spirit, and finally let Jinjila climb to the top of his head.

After Jinjira climbed to the top of Shapi's head, she suddenly raised her head and a melodious meow sounded very proud. And Shapi yawned underneath, squinting halfway, and he wouldn't admit that he was entangled in no way, afraid to hit the little guy, and let her go up. Anyway, it's all in a team, and the relationship is too rigid or not good.

"Boom, don't you follow?"

"Poof, poo poo!" Poo poo chirped twice, found a comfortable place behind Bai Yi and lay down, and then began to sleep. Who makes this guy a pig, can't change the lazy nature of eating. However, in addition to these aspects, poo poo is still quite enjoyable.

As a result, only Bai Yi is left here, and no one knows when someone will come to the door.

"This is a pig, your pet?" The three people who stayed here next to the squad also felt quite bored and couldn't help talking to Bai Yipan. "

"Well, puff, the pet was originally a small sweet pig." Bai Yi also casually chatted, not as hard as iceberg. Guiqiu to share

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