Era of Disaster

Chapter 209: Slowly lost

"Go away!" Bai Yi saw a guy stop, subconsciously is a pupil of the flower, and then the red kiss cut a knife, but this time, it seems to hit the wall again. M. When Bai Yi's right hand was just raised, he immediately backed away for a while, avoiding Bai Yi's knife. At this time, Bai Yicai discovered that this guy had no eyes.

"Long Jiatuo is dead, isn't it, um, hehe hehe hey, is he?" This guy was also a little mad, his tongue sticking out and his saliva dripping wildly.

"Ah~~ die, you will die soon!"

"It's okay, I've been dead several times, but every time I didn't die, you can let me die, hurry, come soon." The guy said nervously, and then exposed one to Bai Yi A messy smile: "Hey, hehe hehe hehe, but you can't kill me, because I'm not afraid of your eyes." The guy finally made a whisper, and quietly told Bai Yi.

A group of neuropathy!

Bai Yi thought that the few guys he had just killed seemed to be similar to this guy. He said that he was mad and not completely mad. He said that he didn't have his own consciousness, but he was a bit sober. If I had to describe it, it was the so-called neuropathy. Longjia Tuo is estimated to be good among this group of people.

"Yes, you are not afraid of my eyes, but..." Bai Yike wasted his time with a neuropathy.

Beam? Walking shadow!

As if a breeze was blowing, Bai Yi walked past this guy, dragging a few afterimages behind him. When Bai Yi walked behind this guy, Red Kiss dragged a remnant slowly. The ding sounded softly, and there was an unbelievable feeling in the eyes of this neurotic who was still clamoring. The body struggled violently because of the pain, but the upper and lower bodies were slowly staggered. Flowing.

"But unfortunately, I'm afraid you are going to die this time." Bai Yi said softly.

Behind Bai Yi, a few dark crystal filaments slowly fell off the guy's neck, arms, waist, etc., and the half body that was originally fixed in the air fell to the ground with a click. The contraction of the muscles made this guy The body is still slowly cramping.

Bai Yi moved nonstop to Betsy's battlefield, and then passed through the middle. The guys who had been fighting fiercely with Betsy fell to the ground. Obviously these people are ready to fight back, but their bodies are always fixed in mid-air as if they are bound at the critical moment. And in such an instant, Bai Yi is enough to take everyone's life. When the last of the five test subjects was ready to pounce on Bai Yi, the body also had a slight pause, and a depression appeared on the neck.

Bemira stepped forward in the back, and moved forward!

The petite body was like a heavy mountain, and it hit the back of this guy heavily. A rattling sound of cracks suddenly came from the experimental body that could not retreat, and suddenly flew towards the front, and the head part suddenly cut through the wire, and flew suddenly.

Both Becky and Bemira saw several dark filaments wrapped around the surrounding stones and trees quickly recovered by Bai Yi. This is the way they have known Bai Yi's attack for a long time, so they noticed these filaments. If they don't know, unless the kind of person with particularly amazing eyesight, it is impossible to find.

"Have you any questions?" Bai Yi asked Beqi and Bemira.

"It doesn't matter, it's just a little tired." Betsy shook her head.

"Uncle Bai, what's the matter with these guys? Are there so many evolutionary creatures outside? Also, what is the shackles you just said?" Bemira rubbed her paws and asked.

"Help others first and say on the way." Bai Yi said. All evolved humans are very mobile, and unconsciously, the battlefield has spread very wide. The two immediately followed Bai Yi, looking for the nearby battlefield and preparing to rescue others.

"What do you think of the strength of these guys?" Bai Yi asked.

"LV2 metamorphosis...but it seems weaker." Becky said.

"If the LV2 metamorphosis period is divided into four levels. The first level: perfect transformation, regardless of the heterogeneous energy content, the control is the best, reaching the individual's current perfect value. The second level: imperfect transformation , The heterogeneous energy, the control power is slightly worse, the distance is perfectly weakened by 20%-30%. The third level: the metamorphosis of the failed defective product, the consciousness is not clear, the heterogeneous energy, the control power is similar to the second level, weakened by 20% -40%." Bai Yi explained while running with Becky.

"These guys, I will define them as the fourth level. Probably, the balance point of the transformation failure was found outside, and the degree of transformation continued to be weakened. The energy and control power fell again, which was about 30%-60% weaker than the perfect transformation. .Although there is a lot of difference, but it is not a total loss of self. And anyway, although these guys are much worse, they are still LV2 metamorphosis."

"But it can't be completely relaxed, although these guys are generally weak, but there are also very powerful guys. Under the huge experimental base, there will always be a few special cases." Bai Yi thought of the previous Longjiatu.

"You didn't find out, do these guys seem to be neuropathy." Bai Yi quipped.

"Crazy, this is really an image." Bemira smiled suddenly when she heard the words.

"But how can the outside research be faster than ours." Becky said doubtfully.

Bai Yiwen paused, then shook his head. "I think you are in a misunderstanding." Bai Yi didn't wait for the two to ask, and continued to explain.

"Active cells are indeed a fake outbreak in New Zealand, and indeed the changes that have happened to us. But it does not mean that we know the most about active cells. The original research focus was indeed in New Zealand, but if we say Other countries don’t have their own research sites. Do you believe it? And, think about it yourself, how much time we actually spend on research on Devil’s Island, New Zealand, and how many people are considered real researchers.” Bai Easy to look at Betsy and Bemira.

"Percent..." Becky and Bemira immediately began to recall. How much time is spent on research? It seems that, starting from the fusion of active cells, most of the time is busy with how to survive. Later, after stabilizing, it really cares about its own changes, but is that a study? As Bai Yi said, they are not even researchers at all.

"Ten percent?" Bemira said doubtfully.

"Probably, no one knows this. And the most important thing is, I think our so-called research is fundamentally different from what the outside world calls. Our so-called research is actually just the evolutionary law of its own active cells. To make a natural summary, after all, no one will make a joke about his own life. And outside research, it will not be just that." Bai Yi's voice was slightly deep.

Becky and Bemira are not stupid, knowing what the outside research means more than that.

"Well, that's it. The outside world is a little deeper than ours, but our focus is different." Bai Yi smiled at Bemira.

"How to say?"

"Our center of gravity is to summarize our own laws, study how to grasp our own changes, and go down this path correctly. And the center of gravity of the outside world... I am afraid that it is biased towards how to control evolutionary creatures." Bai Yi said in his mouth Then, his eyes became extremely cold.

At this time, a small battlefield appeared again in the front, and nearly a hundred people were fighting here. After Bai Yi finished speaking, his wings spread slightly and glide at a low altitude.

Behind Bai Yi, Betsy and Bemira were shocked by Bai Yi's last sentence. Preference for how to control evolutionary creatures, Bai Yi means...!

When Becky and Bemira were surprised, Bai Yi had entered the battlefield. Bai Yi's eyes were unusually cold, and Bai Yi's ability was very biased towards combat. At this time, the victory or defeat of the battle was instantly determined. Bai Yi is a perfect metamorphosis, perhaps the control of the content of heterogeneous energy in the body is only about twice that of these experimental bodies, but it is not that the two experimental bodies can resist Bai Yi together. The calculation method of battle has never been calculated in this way.

With the flower-cut pupil and the knife skill, Bai Yi passed through the battlefield. Until Bai Yi stopped on a broken wall more than ten meters high, the battlefield of more than a hundred people only subconsciously looked at Bai Yi's back.

There is a lot of blood on Bai Yi's body. Many times, Bai Yi did not deliberately evade. At this time, the blood dripped slowly towards the ground along Bai Yi's red kiss. Behind Bai Yi, there is a road that runs through the body of more than a dozen experimental Bai Yi turned his head slowly, and a pair of bizarre inverse pupils made everyone's heart beat. All stopped subconsciously.

"Kill, don't stay!"

The cold and murderous language makes all the evolved human beings explosive. And Bai Yi used the strength above the broken wall to rush into the battlefield again.

"Uncle Bai really...!" Bemira looked at Bai Yi from a distance, and said quietly.

"Cruel, decisive!" Suddenly a voice added Bemira's words that she did not dare to say. Woolf's tall figure came from another direction. Woolf's body was stained with a lot of blood, but it didn't seem to be hurt. At this time, Woolf just looked at Bai Yi in the distance, and the emotion of memory appeared in his eyes.

Woolf was familiar with Bai Yi at first, so only Woolf knew about Bai Yi's changes. At that time, Momo, who was still a baby, showed off everywhere, and always smiled all day long. The kind and gentle Bai Yi, what kind of past has he experienced, it became like this.

When becoming decisive and becoming more and more a qualified leader, there is also something that is slowly lost.

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