Era of Disaster

Chapter 559: Civil strife

Ning Xue did not stay quiet for a long time. Soon, a group of researchers came here again, wanting to know what happened to Ning Xue's changes just now. Even if they know that Ning Xue is very dangerous now, this group of people does not have the slightest fear, but is excited. At this time, Ning Xue, who was in a quiet state, could not resist again, and could only be checked by these people.

After checking for a long time, these people did not toss out something.

However, Ning Xue himself found that his body was slightly different.

There is no doubt that Ning Xue's blackening is imagination, and has a very profound relationship with spiritual changes. But now the changes discovered by Ning Xue are not about his consciousness and spirit, but the fetus in his lower abdomen. Originally, Ning Xue's power was affected by the peculiar restraint ring and toxin, so it could not be called, but at this time, there was a slight power from her fetus in the different space of her lower abdomen. Moreover, the part originally affected by toxicity is gradually changing.

Ning Xue couldn't tell the difference in a short time, but she knew that, as she had felt before, her turn was in the fetus of the lower abdomen that no one could detect.


When the United Nations set up in Bermuda, Bai Yi also flew back toward Japan. Ning Xue was actually arrested, and this news was indeed unexpected. Undoubtedly, the United Nations should use Ning Xue as a bait afterwards, and then lay the net. At this time, what Bai Yi thought was...

"Will you go." Dorothy asked.

Yes, it was the question Dorothy asked. Will Bai Yi save Ning Xue. This is not as simple as a random trip, the United Nations will definitely deploy a lot of power in a targeted manner. Even if Bai Yi now enters LV4, he can sweep around the world, but this pre-arranged layout also has great danger to Bai Yi.

As far as Bai Yi is concerned, of course, he is willing to help Ning Xue. However, this is definitely not something he can do by himself. Once Bai Yi goes, the entire Baiming Building will certainly not stand by and watch. At that time... Whether it can save Ning Xue or not, but inside the Baiming Building Someone will definitely fall.


This is almost nothing to consider. Like the movie and anime, after going through some hardships, although there are twists and turns and some people are injured, in the end, the ending that everyone is all in good condition and comes back alive is basically zero. This is the cruel nature that anyone who has survived in this era can clearly understand.

Even Bai Yi can't make a simple decision at this time. Although it seems very **** to save people, but in many cases, the true essence is to exchange the lives of other people for the lives of another person, and there is no guarantee that they can be exchanged back.

In fact, the most sensible way is to choose the smaller one to give up after measuring the gains and losses!

For example, although Ning Xue is now known as the evil concubine, considering the battle that will trigger her rescue, the number of deaths and the weight of the battle must be far above that of Ning Xue alone. The most calm and sensible way now is to leave Ning Xue alone, and then continue the previous sweep until both sides tore up all the balance, fighting bloody. This situation will really end only when one party disappears completely.

"Will you go?" Dorothy asked again.

Bai Yi still did not answer this question. In fact, Bai Yi is sensible to many people and knows exactly what he wants to do. But even if it is rational, it is impossible to make a simple decision at this time. Because, that means Bai Yi has completely abandoned his feelings as a human being and became a purely utilitarian monster. No, monsters are not monsters, Bai Yi doesn't matter, but now he really can't simply decide.

"You are actually hesitating. It's really strange. For your purpose, aren't you indifferent to the death of hundreds of millions of people? Now you will hesitate for a woman. Is there any special relationship between you and Ning Xue?" Doro After seeing that Bai Yi didn't answer, West could not help but mock slightly.

Bai Yi's eyes drooped, and he glanced quietly at his left chest. Bai Yi's eyes seemed to penetrate the body, and Dorothy stopped what she wanted to say. Although the two now look very harmonious, it does not mean that Bai Yi can let Dorothy sneer at the side. Bai Yi's eyes immediately let Dorothy understand his current situation, and then a bit of smile and vigilance rose in his heart.

What's wrong with her?

Dorothy is not the kind of woman with a broken mouth. She never said these words to anyone before. Is it because she has been getting along with Bai Yi for a long time, so she unconsciously thinks they are already familiar?

After Dorothy shut up, Bai Yi continued to fly out in the direction of China. Ning Xue was caught by the United Nations because of an accident. Now Zhongxue does not know what the mess is like. It stands to reason that Bai Yi is not qualified to ask about the internal affairs of Zhongxue, but after all, Zhongxue is also a member of the Bright Council, and Ning Xue and Bai Yi have very close personal relations, so they are still going to check it out.

Now Zhongxuefu says it is very chaotic, not too chaotic, or rather, deliberately chaotic. Zhou Sheng had already been preparing before this time. At this time, he began to gradually eat away the right to divide. Even if it is chaos, it seems to be specially created, because in this chaotic situation, if something happens, it is better hidden. And when the situation returns to a stable state afterwards, even if someone finds that some people disappeared unconsciously, it will not be possible to find out in the clues behind.

Ning Xue is not without close people, but they never thought that Ning Xue would have an accident, so at this time, in the face of chaos, they all seemed a bit caught off guard.

The person Bai Yi is looking for is Qing Shiyu. Because of the communication between them, Bai Yi knows that Ning Xue trusts her very much.


Bai Yi connected to Qing Shiyu's cell phone, which was actually a series of blind sounds. When Bai Yi was puzzled, a crackling sound suddenly came from the opposite side, and then the signal was completely lost. Bai Yi immediately thought of what was going on. After Ning Xue disappeared, the civil strife had already spread to Qing Shiyu. At this time, I was afraid that her situation was very critical. There was simply not enough time to connect the phone.

"Every night, location!" Bai Yi said.

"Wait," Ye Ye said, and immediately began to analyze the direction of the signal.

"In the direction of Chengdu, I need time to narrow down the scope." Ye Ye soon heard the news, and by this time, Bai Yi had flown out directly.

Bai Yi has roughly guessed that Ningxue will be very chaotic after the accident, but did not expect that it would be so chaotic. Even Qing Shiyu, who is Ning Xue's secretary and his near attendant, will have an accident. In general, it is obviously impossible for this kind of thing to happen unless all this is intentionally planned by some people. Then, after Ning Xue disappeared, Qing Shiyu, who was close to Ning Xue, would of course be regarded as a nail.

When Bai Yi flew, he began to search the direction of the previous signal night and night. Because there is only a moment, it is not so easy to find. But now that I know that I can't delay time, I immediately call a lot of computing resources.

Soon, Bai Yi once again passed to Bai Yi a position, and then Bai Yi accelerated again without hesitation.

When Bai Yi arrived, it was found that the situation was not critical to that particular point. How to say, Qing Shiyu, as Ning Xue's secretary, is also very good in strength and cannot be killed so easily. Of course, if you continue this way, Qing Shiyu will definitely not be able to stick to the end. Bai Yi didn't know that the reason for Qing Shiyu's persistence was his previous phone call.

Qing Shiyu does not know the detailed relationship between Bai Yi and Ning Xue, but in Qing Shiyu's eyes, the two are undoubtedly very good friends, so when she sees Bai Yi's phone at this time, she knows that there is still a chance to make a transfer.

The speed at which Bai Yi came over was too fast. The few people fighting on the street did not respond at all, and found that there was a sudden increase in the number of people among them. When they came back, they suddenly showed two opposite emotions. Qing Shiyu was overjoyed, and the masked guys showed a horrified look.


Bai Yi's **** storms in the world these days have not been publicly But as people in this circle, they still heard some of them. That kind of overwhelming power, cruel and decisive means, they can't even mention the enemy's mind.

"Isn't it rude to leave like this?" Bai Yi said lightly.

Hearing Bai Yi's words, the four people who fled suddenly changed their eyes. When Bai Yi just started, the four suddenly turned around, and then all kinds of violent attacks suddenly erupted. Seeing this kind of scene, Qing Shi Yu, who was just at ease, opened his mouth suddenly, fearing that Bai Yi was caught in the ambush of four people. However, at this time, Bai Yi slipped smoothly in the attack of several people, and then stopped behind several people.

"What's wrong, I thought I would fight back instantly, and then kill you." Bai Yi's voice came from behind several people, as if there was a huge shadow over them.

The four who had been scared by Bai Yi's movements suddenly shed cold sweat. That's right, the four never thought that it could hurt Bai Yi, let alone kill Bai Yi. Their fierce attack seems to kill Bai Yi, it is better to say that they want to find themselves dead. Because they all know that in front of Bai Yi, I'm afraid they can't even commit suicide. However, the four didn't expect Bai Yi's eyes to be so thorough, they instantly saw through their purpose.

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