Era of Disaster

Chapter 669: World pattern

After decades of vigorousness, the earth has once again ushered in a period of steady development. Although there are people who are hostile to each other in the human and humanoid intelligent races, under the main decision above, these people can only make a little fuss at most. Because the person who decides the direction of the world is never a civilian unless they want to fundamentally subvert the whole world.

Even the union of Willie Polgara and Moreno Martinez is useless.

Although both have ambitions and want to use human-like intelligence to expand their domination, they also have no effect. Although their strength is very strong, they still cannot reach the point of subversion. The seven human race nations are gradually no longer mysterious. Everyone knows that these countries have different attitudes towards humans.

At this time, the seven human races are no stranger to everyone:

Asia and Freedom Alliance-located in the area around the Asian Himalayas, the country name [Yahe]. The leader is Chang Huarong, and the guardian beast is Qingzhihuang.

Anmuni Union-located in the lower corner of South Africa, including Madagascar, the country name [Anmuni], the African language is also ‘peace’. The leader is Sigiri Shelley, and the guardian beast is the phoenix bird.

Papua-the original Papua New Guinea, as well as the ocean range near Australia, after the name is simplified, it is called [Papua]. The leader is Frida, and the guardian beast is the fight.

Gammel-The range of this country is in the upper part of South America, close to the Caribbean Sea, including part of the coast. The country name [Gammel] obviously has a lot to do with its geographic location. The leader Jin Chengyilong, the guardian beast is unknown, and outside rumors are unknown.

Vinod-the first half of North America, basically encompasses all areas of Canada, and also includes some of the original US territory. This is the largest human-like and intelligent race country on land. In addition to the fact that Canada’s population is not large, only tens of millions, it is also related to Willie Polgara’s ambitions. Weinold, which means Wely~, is Willy, the world, and the country name [Weinold]. The leader Willie Polgara, the guardian beast is the leech.

Atlantis, a maritime country in the Atlantic Ocean, the sea ray that Bai Yi met before in the Atlantic Ocean belongs to this country. The leader is Fendal Rhodes, and the rumored mentally handicapped, and I don’t know where I heard the name of this ancient civilization, I used it to name my country [Atlantis]. The guardian beast is unknown and is said to be very big and stupid.

Poseidon-a maritime country in the Pacific Ocean, with Poseidon as the country's name, anyone can see the ambition of the people behind the scenes. [Poseidon], the leader Moreno Martinez, the guardian beast is unknown. Being an ally with Willie, also has ambitions, and has conquered many powerful marine beasts, but not many people know the outside world.

The attitudes of the seven countries towards humanity are basically different.

The first is Vinod, even if the mainstream is peace now, but if human beings go to Vinod, they will not be treated well.

As for Yahe and Amuni, they are much better. They are all peaceful countries for human beings, where humans and humanoid intelligent races have the same rights, and if there is a chance, they can become high-level. And relatively speaking, it is relatively easy. Although human-like intelligent races appear, there are still some gaps compared to humans, so if there is no opportunity in the human world, it is a good choice to develop in these two countries.

Papua and Kamel are relatively safe and do not discriminate against humans, but if humans want to be high-level, it will not be so easy.

As for the remaining two maritime countries, well, even if it is curiosity, but not many people can see it. Although the human beings now incorporate the genes of various organisms, many of them have not weak water, but basically no one has lived in the ocean for a long time. So curiosity is curiosity, but not many people go.


At this time, the pattern above the world has also been redefined. Although human-like and intelligent races occupy many places, more than 70% of the region is still dominated by humans.

The first is the Bright Council, with its headquarters in Hawaii, and it has become the headquarters of the Bright Council. In addition to this place, although the power of the Bright Council is increasing, there is no direct territory. This was the restriction that everyone agreed upon when the Bright Council was established. This is done to prevent the deterioration of the power of the Bright Council and its deterioration, but in fact, everyone knows that the main thing is to look at people. See what the person sitting in that position thinks.

Secondly, the forces headed by Baiminglou also have their own countries. These countries are mainly based on the original countries, but after the defeat of the United Nations, they will definitely expand.

However, the foundation of Bai Ming Lou has not continued in Japan, because at this time, Japan has completely become a nether land. Momo's butterfly changes in the underworld, but it has a huge impact on the outside world. Centering on the originally established Netherland, it continued to expand toward the outside. At this time, Japan and the surrounding coastal areas, as well as South Korea, have all become Netherlands. And the longer the experience, the more stable the qi is in these places. The animals and plants that originally grew only in the Netherland gradually appeared.

For example, the dead soul flower that the outside world has not found for a long time.

As for the original Japanese people, Abe has not yet selected a place, and Bai Yi directly sent them to the original American site. Willie Polgara is just north of North America, and Bai Yi knows that the guy is not too ambitious, just look around. Moreover, the Americas were severely damaged. Anyway, the construction was started from scratch, so that the Japanese people could work harder.

Because the management of Baiming Building is very loose, and this place really needs to be rebuilt, there are many human and humanoid races from around. Not only the original nationals of Japan, but also the people of the original United States, the people of other surrounding countries, the humanoid wisdom race, almost everyone can be found here.

If there are so many races, if you don't handle it well, what kind of entanglement will happen, it will easily become a big trouble.

Bai Yida has nothing to do with difficulty. All races are treated equally without any difference. After some of the guys who wanted to show their heads were taught, the place became the most mixed area where all kinds of people were mixed. However, although it is mixed, it is relatively peaceful, because Bai Yi knows very well that as long as he is really treated equally, there can be no serious confrontation.

In other countries, the current forces have basically stabilized. On the surface, these countries seem to be less famous than the seven human races, but this does not mean that these countries are less powerful than those seven countries. The seven countries are famous only because of human curiosity.

Human-like wisdom races have the greatest impact on human concepts. As for the replacement of other countries, there has been more in the history of humans, so there is not much attention.


Peace has returned to the world, there have been no more amazing wars, no conflicts, and no one knows it. The decade has passed so plainly.

This decade is extremely bland, and it is incredible compared to the previous decades of war. But everyone knows that this is the most normal trajectory, there is no sudden war, no sudden change, all things are only changing little by little, gradually affecting human beings. Then until one day when you suddenly find out, it will react suddenly. It turns out that the whole world has undergone such a huge change unconsciously.

This is how the earth is now.

Ten years, it is not very long, but it is not too short. Most people have recovered from the previous world and are used to calm. However, at this time, the human trajectory obviously has a huge inflection point from the previous trajectory and embarked on a different path.

Technology has not been abandoned, on the contrary it is more prosperous, because the first goal of the emergence of technology is for human convenience. Therefore, even now that active cells are extremely active, technology is still flourishing.

It's just that the world today is much different than before. Among them, the rise of combat skills. Although a peaceful life has been restored, almost everyone is different. Needless to say, you can feel it yourself, so some changes have taken place in the new social system.

These changes are so slow and natural that when everyone reacts, they are used to these new things and become familiar as usual.

However, what most people do not know is that this stable period of time is destined to be very short. Because from the beginning, the previous battle has left a huge hidden danger.


"The space crack has grown to two meters, but according to my theory, the attractiveness and cutting ability it produces are not simply superposition, nor are they multiplied by complex numbers, but according to a Pacs law, if you want to say , Somewhat similar..." A handsome black man grabbed a fat man and said about his research.

"What are you talking about?"

"Pakis Law, named after my own name, I think it will definitely be remembered by future generations."

"Okay, Pacis, your Pacis law, and even the information about the cracks in your space is just a little bit heard from other you have calculated the Pacis law, you It’s a genius. But now I don’t have time to talk to you about it. I’m going to a party.” A fat man spread his hands and pushed Paquis away. At today's party, there are still some beautiful women, he can not miss.

Dovin,, Dovin...Pakis clearly wanted to say something, but the fat man had already gone out. Paquis patted his head annoyed, bastard, why did Duowen not listen to his own, my calculation is correct, according to this law, the space crack can not be stable for how long.

Of course, Paquis does not think that Duo Wen is a waste material, but Duo Wen is not a core member. To achieve this position, although there are external relations, it is basically consistent with his ability. However, if Paquis wants to pass on his ideas, only Dovin is more reliable. However, Dowin felt that it was enough to achieve this position, and it didn't mean anything to be aggressive.

"Asshole." Paquis was extremely annoyed, and suddenly his eyes lit up. Partying, although this fat man is not strong, but I heard that I had studied in the affiliated school of the Central Academy before, so I sat in this position. At that party, will there be real people from the Central Academy?

It's possible, but if you break in... No matter what, you always have to find a chance to prove yourself.

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