Era of Disaster

Chapter 679: Aka: Voldemort

Mo Mo had little interest after observing Fang Jin for a while. The reason why a soul body came here deliberately is because Mo Mo was curious about Bai Yi's so-called rebirth. Now that he has seen and seen it, Mo Mo has lost interest. Just like Bai Yi, not everyone values ​​the so-called rebirth so much. If it is not because of the law of time backtracking, it is estimated that the interest is lower.

"Come here for that?"

Mo Mo smiled faintly, pointing to the plants in the huge black water pool in the center. This plant is unusually large, about four or five meters in diameter, and the whole plant is like a huge blooming spiny lotus, with a slight dark. However, there are not many such plants even in this place. There are only a few of them, and two of them are much smaller at a glance.

"Yes." Fang Jinshi hesitated and nodded. Now that everyone has come here, it is certainly impossible to hide the past. Rather than being caught and not able to answer at that time, it is better to confess now.

"What is this called?"

"Spirit fruit."

"You seem to be very clear about this thing." Mo Mo smiled rather than smiled.

"It is not very clear that similar plants have appeared in the underworld in Africa, but there is no such mutation and maturity and integrity." Fang Jinshi replied. He is not telling lies, and the underworld is very important, because only underworld can grow some special plants. So there are a few artificial underworlds outside, but it's not as huge as here. And those places also have this kind of soul-bearing fruit, but they are not exactly the same. Because these special plants are themselves an abnormal evolution, it is absolutely impossible to be exactly the same.

"Insufficient image, Bai Minglou calls this thing Voldemort's Lotus." Mo Mo said lightly.

Fang Jinshi couldn't help but read the past. The previous life didn't know where the name of the fruit of the birth was passed from. Although many people think that the name is not enough image, but the name change seems unnecessary. Now Fang Jinshi looked at it and realized that the plant above the waterhole was not really like a huge black lotus on the ground. It's just that this black lotus has many spikes growing on it, and at a glance it is known that it is not a good thing.

"Do you know what this thing does?" Mo Mo continued to ask.

"I accidentally got something similar in the underworld of South Africa, which has a warming effect on the soul..." Fang Jinshi continued to open his mouth.

"Really!" Mo Mo's eyes gave Fang Jinshi a slight look.

Mo Mo doesn't want to say anything anymore. In fact, how can the medicinal properties and effects of this thing be so easily distinguished. Bai Minglou started a long time ago, collecting information on various new species in the world, especially those plants and animals that have mutated. So far, it is estimated that only about 70% of the newly born species on the earth have been recorded, and among them, what is really completely clear is definitely not more than 20%. This number has not increased, because the earth is still in an active period of change. In the end, what kind of species will be born on the earth, I am afraid no one can know.

"Enough is enough." Mo Mo said a word, then faded away from the place.

At this time, Fang Jinshi was shocked by several talents. For such a long time, they didn't even find out that the white princess princess standing in front of them was actually not an entity. The man and the woman looked at Mo Mo's disappearing direction in surprise, then looked at Fang Jinshi again.

"Collect the raw soul fruit... No, Qianxue, you come to collect Voldemort's lotus." Fang Jinshi hesitated for a moment before speaking.

The collection of these top plants has certain methods. Some people in the previous life have summarized some methods that can greatly preserve the activity and medicinal properties of these things. It's just, it's only a rough idea, and there is no way to lock it 100%. In a sudden world, a new world, everything is developing, and it is far from perfect.

Fang Jin brought two people, but not as a guard. In fact, the energy of this woman named Qianxue is biased towards the soul. With a series of techniques, it can greatly preserve the medicinal properties of Voldemort.

The woman flew carefully towards the waterhole, but in the middle, she suddenly fell out of control and fell directly into the water. To the surprise of this woman, this waterhole is not like other water surface, it can set off her, but fell directly.

Fang Jin suddenly ejected, immediately pulled Qianxue up, and then the two landed on the shore at the same time.

When Fang Jinshi entered that range, he suddenly felt a heavy pressure that made him basically unable to fly. If it weren't for him to use a trick, I'm afraid it would also fall into the waterhole. After the two landed on the shore, the woman named Qianxue immediately hugged her body and shivered. Even her alien energy could not stop the breath in the water pool from penetrating into her body.

"It seems that it is not so easy to collect." said another man.

"No, it's already easy." Fang Jinshi said.

It's really easy, since Mo Mo appeared here, and in the end there was no obstruction to see, it was very easy to know, otherwise they wouldn't have to think about it at all. Sure enough, in the subsequent attempts, although some difficulties were encountered, there was basically no problem. After all, they were not mediocre. And at this time, they secretly noticed that in the water pool, a strong breath came faintly. Although individually, it may not be comparable to that sea emperor, but the scary thing is that it is definitely not a breath. I don’t know how much.

Sure enough, there is basically a strong presence in the vicinity of these precious plants. If Mo Mo agreed, they would not have obtained this thing so easily.

There are a total of seven Voldemort's lotus. Qianxue collected one and took out the seed core from the center bud. Looking at the remaining strains, both Wu Hongxin and Qian Xue couldn't help it.

"No!" Fang Jinshi shook his head.

"It's not to say it's all. Collect one more plant." Wu Hongxin, the male subordinate, said. A lotus root lotus is not necessarily enough. Although I don't know what Fang Jin did with this thing, it is definitely a precious thing. If the number of things that are practiced in the end is not large, Fang Jinshi himself has no problem, but most of them don't have to think about it. So, at this time there was a chance to get more, and he could not help but also have some thoughts.

Fang Jin was hesitant. He was not sure whether Momo was testing him. It was very good to be able to collect one plant so easily. If he had to get into the distance, he might get dissatisfied with each other. However, as Wu Hongxin said, such a good opportunity may not necessarily be the next time, and come again next time, Baiming Building may not be so generous.

"So, pick another plant." Fang Jinshi nodded. There is only one plant, which is not necessarily insured. After all, he is still not sure that Donna will be able to refine the Awakening Pill.

"Okay." Qianxue was also slightly happy.

After collecting the second plant, several people looked at the third plant, and at this time, the fierce beasts under the water pool still had no action.

"Obviously, these fierce beasts all obeyed the order of Princess Bai Ming. Since they didn't move, it means that Princess Bai Ming was secretly permitted. As long as they move, we will stop." Wu Hongxin Said again.

In this way, after a little hesitation, Qian Xue once again collected the third strain. When Wu Hongxin and Qian Xue looked at the fourth strain, Fang Jinshi finally refrained. It can't be collected anymore. Now Bai Minglou doesn't seem to know the exact role of this thing. If you know it, it's definitely not so easy to get it. And if you do too singularly at one time, you will definitely have trouble with Bai Ming Lou. Now, Bai Ming Lou's status in the world is extremely important.


After the three had left, Vera came from a distance, and then quietly looked at the seven Voldemorts above the waterhole. The cores of three of them were collected, and the breath did not reach one tenth of the remaining four plants. Among the remaining four plants, two of them were not mature at all, and were more than half smaller.

Sure enough, you're welcome!

At this time, from the vast water pool, another ten or more Voldemort's Soul Lotuses gradually rose. If these Voldemortae are just above the water, it is estimated that there will be half less here. There was a calm expression on Vera's face, and at this time, from the waterhole, a few soulless beasts entangled from below attached to the root system of Voldemort.

None of the precious plants is so easy to obtain. These Voldemort's Soul Lotuses are in a semi-symbiotic relationship with these soul and beasts.

In addition to the appearance of soul beasts from inside the water pool, outside the water pool, the qi is getting stronger and stronger, and various fierce beasts are gradually appearing, completely protecting this place.

Vera looked outside. At this time, I didn't know what the young people were doing. Maybe they don’t know that a new surge is coming.

The reason why Voldemort was so easily sent out was because Bai Yi didn't want too much interference. Sooner or later this thing will appear. Without this method, there will definitely be something else. Fang Jinshi is nothing more than a chess piece to promote its development. Rather than placing the trajectory on something completely unknown, it is better to guide it sideways and place it where you can grasp it slightly.


At this time, the young people of the new generation do not know what they are doing at this time. This news, even they do not know. In fact, this is also an experience for them. There are too many times of peace, and these young people seem to be slacking off.

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