Era of Disaster

Chapter 694: Bai Yi's idea

Bai Yi's idea came after discovering Truman's heart. When communicating with Grevis, Bai Yi was not so clear, but after seeing Truman's heart, Bai Yi had an idea. There is no doubt that the changes of Grevis and Truman are in line with their own attributes. The ice of Graves, the lava of Truman, only one of them succeeded and the other failed.

So, what are his attributes?


totally not!

The so-called wind is just the flow of air. Manipulating the atmosphere is just using the life field to control the air, and there is no such thing as the so-called wind element. The changes in his life structure are completely different from ordinary people, but in general, they are still biological.

Yes, creature!

The changes of Grevis and Truman are completely different from ordinary creatures in many places, but from the appearance, Bai Yi's structure is still very obvious, creatures. No matter how you look at it, Bai Yi is still an organic creature, even if it is the second form of Soul Butterfly, it can still prove this.

Fang Jinshi knows that there are two directions of change, the first element body, the second immortal body, then, is there no third?


Bai Yicai won't be so ignorant, he really takes the information in Fang Jinshi's mind as the law. In fact, with personal knowledge and knowledge of the world, even a corner of the earth is not counted. To measure the infinite world with one's limited cognition is simply the most stupid behavior. Even on the earth, many things produced at this stage far exceeded the pitiful capacity in Fang Jinshi's mind.

So, whether it is an elemental body or an indestructible body, he does not seem to be counted. So, what has he changed?


When Bai Yi came to this answer, he couldn't help laughing. The organism is like a funny answer.

However, whether it is really funny is not so simple to draw conclusions.

After Bai Yi left from Betsy, he went to find the next person to communicate with. In fact, everyone knows that if all the things are released for communication, the things summarized will be more perfect. But it is a pity that everyone has more or less selfishness, and it is not so easy to share what they have discovered. Fortunately, Bai Yi did not expect to get everyone's discoveries. In his capacity, if it is just a simple exchange, it should still be possible.

Whether it is an organism or not, Bai Yi needs a detailed understanding from everyone who reaches or is close to LV4 before he can summarize it.

The next person Bai Yi was looking for was Ning Xue. As early as more than a decade ago, Ning Xue also felt the edge of LV4. Presumably this time, he also has a lot of his own understanding. Moreover, Bai Yi needs to find someone to communicate and gain their understanding. It must be easier to find them. Those who take their things too much as treasures will have trouble communicating.


After Bai Yi came to China, he stopped halfway. Because Bai Yi met the students from the two schools in the middle, and then followed with curiosity. Following the two along the way, Bai Yi found two familiar figures. Both of these people are subordinates of Fang Jinshi, who are in contact with others at this time. Because of a slight curiosity, Bai Yi stopped and observed in secret.

After observation, Bai Yi knew what was going on.

Fang Jinshi dropped his subordinates before, and then took the awakening Dan himself, which has caused some dissatisfaction. These two people have already planned to invest in other forces and brought out some of Fang Jinshi's secrets. Long-term follow-up, even if Fang Jinshi's behavior is very secretive, others can find some doubts. And now Fang Jinshi can indeed be said to be sweet buns, and it is not surprising that other forces want to understand.

The students from these two schools happened to be executing the above orders and secretly monitored Fang Jinshi's movements, so they discovered their behavior.

Bai Yi didn't intervene, just watched for a while, and left.


Bai Yi soon came to Ning Xue, and Qing Shiyu brought Bai Yi in. When Bai Yi saw Ning Xue, both were slightly surprised. I haven’t seen it in more than a decade, and the changes on both sides are really huge. It should be said that Bai Yi has changed a lot. Now Bai Yi has appeared a little old, but Ning Xue is still very young, but the charm of his body is more fascinating.

"It's really enviable, do you women care so much?" Bai Yi said with a slight emotion.

"Of course, women must understand how to cherish themselves, but this is not the fundamental reason." Ning Xue said, waving at Qing Shiyu next to him. Qing Shiyu next to him nodded immediately, and then disappeared outside.

"What are you doing here?" Ning Xue asked.

"Well, I want to share with you some insights on LV4." Bai Yi said.

"You have encountered a problem."

"As you can see." Bai Yi smiled bitterly, and then pulled his hair that had become pale.

"Life." Ning Xue's eyes narrowed slightly.


Ning Xue was slightly silent, then nodded. Bai Yi can feel that there is any hesitation in Ning Xue's heart. During this exchange, Bacheng will not be so smooth. With a slight sigh in his heart, Bai Yi smiled. After that, the two also exchanged some things, but they did not go as deep as Grevis. By comparison, Qing Shiyu, who later joined in, let Bai Yishou get more.

Qing Shiyu's ability is fascinating, but in recent years, she has restrained this ability into her body.

Tian Xiang Mei Gu!

This is a kind of special bloodline that Qing Shiyu began to form after being extremely restrained. It can only be said that it is a special bloodline, and it is a bit reluctant to say that it is a new life structure. However, Qing Shiyu's way gave Bai Yi some inspiration.

"She has a hide." While resting, she said through the puppet every night.

"Well, I know." Bai Yi nodded. When I first met, Ning Xue said that women need to cherish themselves, but it is not the fundamental reason. Therefore, the secret of Ning Xue's youth is definitely more than maintenance. However, Ning Xue is still hesitating about whether to say this in this regard.

"Wait two more days, if Ning Xue doesn't plan to say it, then forget it." Bai Yi said.

"It's a pity that it may solve your lifespan problem."

"Ningxue and I are in a relationship like enemy and friend. After that imprisonment, Ningxue was completely blackened. Although he had withdrawn from that time, he still had some influence. , I just hope that she will not really become so selfish and indifferent." Bai Yi said simply.

By the third day, Bai Yi had basically given up, but this time, Ning Xue found Bai Yi.

"I'm so sorry. I was still hesitating whether to say these things a few days ago." Meeting again, Ning Xue said.

"It doesn't matter, this is just a personal psychological normality." Bai Yi saw Ning Xue's mouth, and he was finally relieved. To be honest, his relationship with Ning Xue is quite good. If it is so difficult to communicate with Ning Xue here, it may be more difficult for others. Personal psychological normality, um, it is indeed the normal state, and they are afraid to tell others about their own things, and they will be exceeded, as if they have lost a lot.

"Bai Yi, what do you think is magical about pregnancy?" Ning Xue sat lazy and elegant on the sofa.

"What?" Bai Yi was a little stunned, pregnant?

"What do you think is magical about pregnancy?"

Bai Yi wanted to speak, such as fertilized eggs, embryos... or more mysteriously, what is the combination of Yin and Yang, but when it came to his mouth, Bai Yi did not know what to say. Even if he knew that Ning Xue had some secrets, Bai Yi still felt that this topic was a bit weird. How did she suddenly get pregnant?

"That's another way of asking. The life span of humans is limited, mainly due to the limited number of cell divisions. When the limit is reached, it begins to age and then die. Then, why the fertilized eggs formed in the embryo can develop Become a complete human and have enough cell divisions again. What is the secret when the baby is formed in the embryo." Ning Xue looked at Bai Yi.

"You mean..." Bai Yi immediately meditation.

Ningxue means that she knows the secrets of life, so she can maintain this young look? However, before Bai Yi continued to ask, Ning Xue said again.

"I found a fetus in my body, an incomplete fetus, the fetus that was dropped from a serious injury in Wellington, Ningxue." Ning Xue's tone was calm, but she looked straight at Bai Yi and He Bai Easy eyes look at each other.

Bai Yi's body was slightly shocked. No wonder Ning Xue was so hesitant about this matter. Until now, it was still this kind of tone. Even if there were no complaints about the original incident, as a mother, she would definitely be distraught. Bai Yi didn't know how to interface, the original thing.

"But I personally melted the incomplete fetus." Ning Xue suddenly smiled and looked very strange. At this time, Ning Xue had emerged a blackened state.

"Uncle Bai knows why?"


"If you dare to push me away, I won't say it." Ning Xue approached Bai Yi and said slightly teasingly. It is not that Bai Yidan has never seen a woman, but he does not understand how Ning Xue's blackening will become like this, or that it is just intentional. Either way, Bai Yi pushed Ning Xue away.

"Humph, it really is you, and I don't understand the style." Ning Xue's face suddenly became cold after being pushed away. "Because it's not me, the cells that split from that baby are similar to me, but they are still different, so they can't really replace my aging cells."

Bai Yi nodded at Ning Xue and walked out.

After Bai Yi left, Ning Xue collapsed on the sofa and his face became very calm. After a while, Ning Xue only said quietly: "Qing Shiyu."

"Yes, sir!"

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