Era of Disaster

Chapter 740: Organism·Indestructible

Under the guidance of Bai Yi, Felix began to accurately separate and control his own somatic cells. After trying for a long time, Felix finally separated the two cells on the finger. He was already very happy to do this kind of thing, and at this time, Bai Yi's words almost made him kneel.

"If you can perfectly control every cell, no matter what kind of injury you have, you can use the sense to make the cells forcefully return, that is, pure physical attacks are invalid and return to the original."

Felix was scared by Bai Yi's words and suddenly shook his hands. Don't move and just say something to scare you, okay? He has just figured out the degree of subtle control of a small group of cells, and you suddenly shake out a perfect control and return to the original. Even if Felix felt that he was not Xiaobai, he still could not accept it. But despite being taken aback, Felix asked very curiously.

"Is this possible?" Felix asked.

"Of course, there are two ways." Bai Yi said, Felix has been completely attracted attention.

"Which two."

"The first one is a super sense of consciousness. You have also discovered that the human body is a huge and precise whole. We now use subtle control to control only a very small part of the cells for unique activities. If the sense of consciousness is strong If you can control the entire body, then you can control yourself freely. Even if you can only control a part of the body, you have this effect." Bai Yi said.


"That's it." Bai Yi said, extending his right hand, and with a snorting, abruptly, a small wound appeared on Bai Yi's finger. And Felix saw it clearly, there was no attack at all. In the next moment, the small wound on Bai Yi's hand recovered quickly. Felixton's eyes widened.

"The second kind is the instinct of life. Just like every breath of a creature involves related activities of various parts of life, but creatures never need their consciousness to control it. The second way is to return life to its original state. As a kind of instinct for life, it does not need to be forcibly controlled, only needs to be destroyed, it will automatically start to rearrange and adjust, and then restore the original form." Bai Yi said again.

"Simply put, it is completely instinct to adjust life to the same thing as breathing." Bai Yi saw that Felix didn't understand much and couldn't help explaining.

Felix couldn't help but imagine the situation, was injured, and then returned to completeness in the next moment.

My grass, don't seduce me!

"So, let's separate two cells from the original blood. I want to experiment." Bai Yi said.

"Uh huh." Felix nodded absently, and then confusedly separated hundreds of blood cells. After separation, Felix questioned again. "Is it really possible, what you said back to the original." It is really the state that Bai Yi said is too attractive, and Felix can't help it.

"I can't do it now. The only thing I can tell you is not to limit my ability in my heart." Bai Yi said, placing the original blood cells in the Petri dish.

Don't limit your abilities in your heart!

Felix couldn't help but quiet down and meditated carefully. At this time, Bai Yi was carefully observing the state of those cells and constantly making tests. After about two or three days, Felix finally made a decision in his heart. At this time, Bai Yi also basically tested the properties of this new life cell structure.

Life is strong, stable and tough!

Bai Yi tried many ways, and the result made Bai Yi very surprised. This cell structure is incredibly stable. In the environment of strong acids and alkalis, under the high temperature of thousands of degrees Celsius, or under the pulse of a strong current, such cells can maintain their own structural stability and still remain active.

Of course, this is far from being immortal, but this stability surprised Bai Yi.

Because this is almost comparable to Woolf's tempering energy structure. However, compared with Woolf, this life structure is more active, rather than a solid structure like Woolf. This is the case with individual cells. Bai Yi can't imagine what would happen if the whole body became this structure. And what if Woolf’s steel structure merges with this structure, even if black pathogens are added?

"Organism? Indestructible!" 》

Yes, in Bai Yi's imagination, there are two real indestructible bodies. The first kind is in the traditional sense, the whole body is extremely strong and strong, and is not afraid of any attack. However, there is another kind, that is, single cells are extremely tenacious and tough. In addition, these cells have a strong ability to reproduce and reproduce. As long as one granulocyte is still alive, the individual can be resurrected by absorbing energy from the outside world.

It's just that the knowledge we know now can't do this far.

Even with the cell structure of Woolf and Felix, coupled with the phagocytic reproduction capacity of black pathogens, this is not possible. If you really want to complete this process, you must perfect this ability more perfectly. Thinking this way, Bai Yi came to Felix again.

"Felix." Bai Yi found Felix again, but didn't know how to speak.

"what happened."

"One thing, I want to rely on your ability." Bai Yi pressed his eyebrows, thinking about how to speak. After all, Felix is ​​only an outsider, and it is not as easy to ask him to do things like the people in Baiming Building. Moreover, this matter is of little benefit to Felix, because Felix will be ‘nutrients’, the nutrients of the new life cell structure. If one is not careful, it is likely that Felix itself will be devoured.

"It's troublesome for me." Felix guessed something.

Bai Yi is still thinking about the process of thinking about the entire content, and how to speak. But before Bai Yi had spoken, Felix spoke again.

"I promise you something, but you also need to promise me something."

"What is it?" Bai Yi was rather curious about what Felix said.

"I want to join Bai Ming Lou."

Bai Yi was stunned for a moment. He didn't expect that this is what Felix said. It's definitely not a joke to look at Felix. After a while, Bai Yi laughed: "How come you suddenly made this request."

"Actually, I have also thought a lot during this time. Frankly speaking, when I contacted you during this time, I always felt that I was like a poor man. I had a lot of luck and I felt omnipotent. But compared with you, I know how big the gap is. I know that I can never catch up with you by myself. So, is it okay to hug your thighs, is Bai Minglou willing to recruit people from the outside world." Felix A slightly stubborn attitude said that it was just to cover up his uneasiness.


"And your personality charm is not counted, your generosity, and generous and calm, let me admire." Felix said. Although this is the truth, once these things are said, they always feel a little strange.

"Really, then I really feel honoured." Bai Yi also laughed, and then turned abrupt.

"What I want you to do is not a particularly safe thing. If you are not careful, your whole person may be swallowed. Under such circumstances, do you still choose to join the Baiming Tower. Know, Once you choose to join, you will not even have the opportunity to refuse. After all, it is a matter of course to work for Bai Ming Lou." Bai Yi stood and looked down at Felix's eyes.

After a while, Felix knelt down halfway and performed a loyal etiquette to Bai Yi! This is different from Woolf, at least, it is impossible to be the same now.

Solemn, firm, and unrepentable!

"So, I accept you to join Baiminglou." Bai Yi also very solemnly accepted the allegiance of Felix and asked Baiminglou.

After Felix nodded, he suddenly felt a little empty in his heart. At this time, he was a bit unclear. Why did he make such a decision suddenly, but since he has already joined, then he can no longer regret it. Bai Minglou is not without new people to join, but they are all new generations. The first batch of people like him has not been the second in a long time.

"So, your first task now is to help me complete the "Organism? Immortal" improvement." Bai Yi said.

Since Felix chose to join Bai Ming Lou, Bai Yi also chose to trust. If, before, Bai Yi just wanted to make Felix a hotbed for cells with special life Now, we need to explain some principles clearly, and make this process more perfect and perfect stable.

"Biology? Immortal!"

"Yes, living organisms? They are indestructible. Living organisms are very fragile. It is easy to destroy the life cycle of a living creature, and then cause their death. However, living organisms are also very powerful and magical. We humans come Said that the initial life was born in a fertilized egg, then gestated in the womb, and gradually grew into a complete individual." Bai Yi opened his right hand.

"Organism? Indestructible is to strengthen this process, so that the cells have a very strong stability, and can quickly engulf the energy of the outside world to reproduce. As long as a person still has a cell to survive, then this cell no matter what environment it is in , Through rapid absorption of nutrients from the outside world, to form a complete individual. This is the most basic principle of the birth of "organism? immortal." Bai Yi explained.

At this time, Bai Yi said again: "Your current task is to assist me to complete the relevant principles and life structures."

Felix was already shocked by the content of Bai Yihua at this time. After a while, he answered with a slight trembling voice: "Yes!"

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