Era of Disaster

Chapter 746: Scary breath

Although beaten with a punch, Moreno is worthy of being one of the seven leaders, and his strength is also amazing. When he flew out, he twisted his body forcibly, and then folded his hands together instantly.

Jet the water!

The high-speed jetting water line has amazing cutting capabilities. Basically, modern people know it a little, and it is not a secret, so it is impossible to use this thing as a secret technique. But knowing is one thing, and whether it can be done is another. At the time of LV3, although many people had this idea, they could not do that kind of subtle control. At this time, Moreno spouted a stream of water instantly, and then quickly separated to become a big net.

With a snap, the sea was suddenly cut by this large net of water lines.

Fortunately, there are no creatures in the ocean gathering around here, otherwise within this range, it is estimated that all have to be corpse.

In the face of this high-speed jet flow net, Felix did not evade, but gathered the energy of the whole body on the surface of the body, and then fisted together, and then bowed the body.


Felix rushed up instantly, just avoiding the vital position. The high-speed jet of water cut across him instantly, and immediately cut numerous blood marks. Some fragile places are basically cut off. However, under such an attack, Felix still pressed toward Moreno without any turning back. And at this time, stimulated by physical injuries, Felix felt that the heart seemed to burst, and a wave of power continued to emerge. The body that had just been cut came through the general sense of stimulation, and then began to recover quickly. .

Continuous broken punch!

Felix squeezed up and punched continuously. Each impact of the breaking energy shattered the shields around Moreno, like crazy. Felix's momentum was as mad as a madman. The sound of the blasting water burst constantly, and even Moreno was frightened.

Moreno also has a very pure water shield around him, saying that this is not a mystery, only a use of knowledge. It may be possible to pretend to be placed in a backward world, but in the current world, as long as you have the ability to fine control, it is not very difficult to use.

However, under the continuous broken fists of Felix, Moreno felt that the shield of extremely pure water could not stop it.

Crazy, this guy!

There were countless wounds on Felix's body. When he punched at full speed, blood splattered out constantly, and even Moreno was frightened. At this time, under a strong blow, the shield of extremely pure water suddenly fluctuated, and a trace of blood splashed into it. At this time, Felix's blood-stained face suddenly showed a trace of perplexity.


Extremely pure water can't have the slightest impurities, and once there are slight impurities, it is basically finished.

The final shock!

Deadly waterline!

The fierce and meticulous attack was shot in an instant, and Felix punched through the extremely pure water wall and landed directly on Moreno's chest. There was a click, and at this moment, Moreno really felt the pain of the injury. The energy of crushing hit the body in an instant, and began to tear constantly, breaking his body. At this time, there was also a very fine waterline, like a laser, which immediately fell on Felix's eyebrow and penetrated.

With a loud bang, the powerful shock swung open, and the two flew out simultaneously.

After falling on the water, Moreno immediately fell to the ground, and then spouted a big sip of blood. Not only is it blood, but it is also accompanied by countless internal organ fragments. At this time, Felix also stood on the water, his eyes seem to be a little lost, and then gradually fell towards the back.

Seeing the lunatic fall on the water, Moreno could not help flashing a sigh of relief. However, he did not notice that the blood and visceral fragments he was spraying seemed to be following the current and gradually infiltrating into Felix's body.

At this time, although Felix felt that his head was penetrated, his body seemed to have great vitality, and he was not affected much at all. No, even more active. At this time, he felt like a zombie in the movie, as if he were dead and alive. However, what is different from those zombies is that this active force is really powerful. It is not simply to move him, but to quickly repair the hole in his head and rescue him.

Unbeatable is the most powerful ability!

Felix thought of what Bai Yi said to him, as if he understood something, his mouth cracked silently.


At this time, Bai Yi saw this scene through Wanhuajing, and he didn't pull it from the corner of his mouth. It seemed that he was overstimulated. Felix's character who wants to run in the face of danger wants to change actively, but not so quickly. The reason why he is so crazy is that Bai Yi left a hint in his mind.

Fortunately, after the vitality of Felix was shown, it was really strong, otherwise it would have been on the street just now.


Felix's mouth was cracked, and it seemed extremely grim. Slowly, Felix stood up again. This action immediately startled Moreno across from him. Have you made a mistake, your head is penetrated and not dead? Although the life cycle of human beings and evolved creatures is indeed very powerful, it is not impossible to kill such injuries.

Moreno bounced off immediately, and was ready to fight again. But at this time, a message came suddenly from the opposite tail lynx.

‘This way! ’

Felix looked at Moreno in regret, then ran towards the two-tailed lynx immediately. After Moreno looked at it, he discovered that after the poisonous jellyfish left him, he was basically beaten by the two-tailed lynx. Although they are all top beasts, they are still different. At this time, a layer of things like the condensed wind slowly flowed around the two-tailed lynx, like fluidity, like tangible and intangible things. In short, it was very gorgeous and domineering.

The poisonous jellyfish was hit by the paw of the two-tailed lynx on the sea, and it was constantly thrashing. But neither water flow nor toxic substances can break through the laminar substance around the two-tailed lynx.

Fluid wind!

Moreno knew it instantly at this moment. This is the fluid wind formed by condensing to the extreme, with fine control and fusion of high energy.

Felix ran over, and the two-tailed lynx pawed and suddenly threw a clear clear water. However, it looks like clean water, but it is actually the blood of the poisonous jellyfish. Although it is not raw blood, it is also close to the core, which is not much different from the blood that Moreno spurted just now.

Felix ran halfway, and his body was poured, and then the blood suddenly penetrated into his body through the pores and wounds on the body surface, and then extracted by the heart.

Especially the special cell in the heart of Felix's heart becomes very active like any stimulation. Felix hadn't ran out half a step, and immediately fell to the sea, making it more difficult than the previous fight.

this is!

That’s right, Bai Yi let him go outside to absorb and extract the genes of life of other people and animals to perfect the "organism? immortal". This poisonous jellyfish has a gene reaction so much greater than Moreno’s gene. Times, it should be just right. If you think about it carefully, you will understand that the principle of an organism? Immortality is that cells are immortal, and then quickly absorb energy from the outside to regenerate. And poisonous jellyfish, the body can be differentiated into countless small jellyfish, constituting a more small individual, this special genetic ability is just the type of organism? immortal.

Bai Yi has already said that Felix is ​​a'hotbed', and he didn't care much at first, but at this time, the cell in the heart was so excited that it brought him such a huge pressure. It was as if all of the body's strength had been taken away by that cell to complete the transformation, so that Felix almost couldn't even stand.

The two-tailed lynx saw Felix's appearance and suddenly ran over in a flash step, then looked at Felix.

"More!" Originally, the two-tailed lynx thought that Felix wasn't going to work, but when he came over, he realized that Felix showed an abnormal state of excitement. It's like a kind of ‘creature’ who is eagerly craving something. Yes, it’s a creature. Even the adjective ‘human’ doesn’t fit Felix today.

Organisms are immortal, so powerful.

That powerful longing almost surpassed Felix's intellect, and this is still the power produced by a cell. This is the inexhaustible terrorist ability.

"Of course!" Erao Lynx licked the corner of his mouth, his fangs exposed.

At this time, Alotija on the other side was also inseparable from Beroth. A pair of crystallized wings spread out behind Alodia, the whole person is gorgeous and domineering. And at this time, the movements brought by Alotija's rushing down made people feel that this was a terrifying attack. The air around was constantly crystallizing, and Bi Luosi seemed to anticipate the shock of the attack.

Wings of Cangjing~ Deceptive!

The attack caused by the powerful breath of Alordia was unexpectedly weak, as if it was just a guise, an extremely condensed crystallized hollow long needle wiped from the shoulder of Bi Luosi instantly After passing, and then brought up a trace of blood.

"Sorry, if you want to actually fight, you have to wait for a while." Alottia said with a smile.

"You guys." Beross stunned for a moment, then gritted her teeth. The injury was not serious, but Beross felt a sense of humiliation. However, Alodia ignored Pyros and flew out instantly, catching up with the two-tailed lynx and Felix.

At this time, Moreno and Poison Jellyfish also appeared again, and they just saw Bi Luosi. They didn't return to their minds and fought a battle. When they were about to explode a higher level of power, the people in Bai Ming Lou suddenly withdrew and retreated. What the **** are the people doing?

The two stared at each other from afar, thinking about whether to continue the previous fight. But at this time, Pyros suddenly snorted, suddenly left the previous opponent, and chased behind the three of Alodia.

Moreno originally wanted to keep up, but after thinking about it for a while, he still gave up. He had better treat it first.

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