Era of Disaster

Chapter 751: Self-satisfaction

The Space Research Institute was completely destroyed, and the space cracks were completely exposed. Under such circumstances, everyone's attention is focused on how to pass through the space crack. The Council of Light and its members are even more concerned about the so-called ‘phase space interference’, and they pay even more attention to the only Pacis who clearly understands this principle.

Time is running out. After the pacing of Paquis, the Council of Light and its members are almost responsive, without any delay.

Because this is the highest priority!

After receiving these resources, Paquis also seems to have made a very huge move, clamoring for something in several directions on the earth. However, only he knew that there was no so-called phase space interference at all. That was nothing that Bai Yi hypnotized him at first, and then threw it away. Moreover, the principle of this thing is very profound, although it is obviously wrong, but ordinary people can't interpret it at all.

It is as if certain theories are clearly wrong in certain times, but it is still impossible to verify for decades and hundreds of years.

It's really incomprehensible. How can Bai Yi come up with such a paradox that it's so easy to make people feel puzzled, but feels mysterious. Paquis has known for a long time that in the Baiming Building, science and technology are very important. Whether it is a unique doll or related theories of combat skills, strength, energy, etc., the use of knowledge is very comprehensive. However, he did not expect that Bai Yi was the one with the most comprehensive knowledge.

In addition to studying phase space interference, people in the outside world are also very concerned about another thing.

Bai Minglou's purpose, or rather, Bai Yi's purpose!

On the battlefield of the fissure in space, Alotija also wants to sublime to death, just like the original Betsy. If Becky is the exception, then Alottia does the same. There must be some very important reasons. The most important thing is that Bi Luosi actually robbed a Chinese realm, and replaced the position of Alodia together with the sea emperor Jiao. This means that this candidate is not fixed. So, is it worth fighting for the chance of death?

Fight for the chance of death!

What a ridiculous idea, but the people at the top knew clearly about this woman. As a few women who are very famous on Devil Island, after coming to the outside world, although they are not as famous as the evil concubine Ning Xue, but the real leadership and dominance are not lacking at all. Perhaps it was only because of her poor relationship with Bai Yi that she was not valued by more people.

Bi Luosi actually robbed Alodia's position, then, is this chance of death worth robbing?


The end of the earth!

This sentence, I don't know when it started, it clearly appeared in everyone's mind. This is not the unfounded end of mankind's previous imagination, but there are really exact factors and reasons.

Because the research institute in the Atlantic Ocean has been completely destroyed, now the space fissures have been completely exposed to the ocean. At this time, the seawater and surrounding rock layers have been sucked into the cracks in the space all the time. This really opened a hole in the ocean, and it is still a bottomless hole.

This is not something that God is nagging about, but a real disaster caused by mankind.

Since decades ago, humans have longed for permanent life, began to study devil algae cells, and step by step toward this end. Regardless of whether there is any push in it, the real reason is humanity itself. All the changes gradually accumulated, and now, finally, the end of the earth is finally ushered in.

The real end, the end of the earth's age has come.

Human and humanoid intelligent creatures...two options!

One: Since the earth is going to die, then let go of all grudges at the end, just like friends waiting for the final moment.

Two: Continue, fight!

There is no doubt that the second option is inevitable. Because, not everyone is going to die. Rumors circulating in the world say that there is a way to let some pass through the cracks in space safely. However, this method can only allow a small number of people to pass through the space crack. To obtain this quota, you must fight for it.

How to fight, I don’t know.

However, the easiest way is not to kill other people. When the number of people surviving is less than or equal to this quota, is it all right?

Compared with this era, what was the previous chaotic era. Real despair, real madness, and destruction of general emotions continue to spread among all intelligent creatures, whether human or humanoid. In this terminal age, there are constant deaths and constant disappearances. Some even came in groups in pairs in the Atlantic Bermuda Islands, holding the idea of ​​utter despair, plunging into the ocean, and then being sucked into it by the cracks in space.


As a force that has led the earth for so long, Bai Minglou has been the chairman of the Bright Council for such a long time, and he must know some secrets that are not known to outsiders.

Compete for this place, if you can't find the target, then it's right to find Bai Ming Lou!

Bai Ming City was razed to the ground when Becky fell. At this time, it became a chaotic battlefield, but they didn't even know what they were fighting for. Just came here with a ten thousandth chance, and then fight, fight. Not to mention the White City in the Americas, even here on the Underworld Island, there are countless human and humanoid intelligent creatures swarming in order to compete for the vague opportunity.

The dark ground has been around for such a long time, and the outside world has already circulated some ways to slightly block the dark breath. At this time, on the Underworld Island, there were fighting around, and the underworld beasts, and human-like intelligent creatures themselves. Countless people are looking for the so-called gate of the underworld, preparing to enter the underworld, looking for the so-called opportunity.

But at this time, in the Underworld Island, suddenly came the repressive breath one after the other.

Know the sea? Coercion!

Almost immediately when these two breaths appeared, everyone outside responded instantly. Does this belong to the coercion of Princess Bai Ming, many people think of it in their hearts.

Unfortunately, it is not.

These two pressures belong to Vera and Shapi. Unlike Betsy and Alottia, Vera and Shapi only broke through the barrier and entered the sea-consciousness at this time. The two of them, but the first to break into the LV4 consciousness of the sea with pure spirit and death.

After the breakthrough, Vera and Shapi did not move, just feeling their changes quietly.

The most obvious change is the emergence of the Sea of ​​Consciousness. Even as a spirit body, there is no difference. However, Vera feels that her absolute life field has changed again, more perfect and harmonious, and truly becomes a whole, including her in it. Even if she didn't do anything, Vera also had a kind of enlightenment. Now that she has entered the realm of consciousness, she can already leave the underworld.

The previous dependence on the underworld is no longer a problem for her. Her current appearance, even if she goes outside, will not be eroded by the normal world, and she can exist freely.

At this time, Shapi was also feeling his body. He didn't feel the change in the life structure model that Bai Yi said, but he also had a novel feeling when he entered the LV consciousness.

If, before, his and soul were integrated together by Momo using her power. Then at this time, he felt that his own and soul had re-established a close connection. This connection is similar to Momo's, but it is different because it belongs to his own ability, not Momo. In other words, even if he left Momo in the future, he would not be affected in any way.

Life will not permanently depend on other people to exist. When it is strong enough, no matter what form of life it will be, it will be independent!

Shapi and Vera thought about it at the same time.

This level is to know the sea? Self-melting!

Is this a good thing or a bad thing for Momo? In fact, there is not much difference between Vera and Shapi. But for other Netherworld creatures, this is very important. Shapi and Vera both thought that if they knew the news, it would be estimated that there would be a huge movement in the underworld.

But now, it's not time to care about these things, let's complete the task explained by Bai Yi first.

Vera and Shapi came out at the same and went outside the Baiming Tower. Here, there are already Salo, Heroes, Mayvis and others waiting. By this time, they all knew what tasks Vera and Shapi were shouldering, so they didn't have any joyful expressions, just felt extremely silent.

"Teacher Vera!"

"You can't be capricious at this time, little Sarah." Vera smiled incredibly gently, put her hand on Sarah's head, and stopped what Sarah wanted to say.

"Then we will go out first, and the Baiming Building will be handed over to you." Vera said, and walked out. At this time, Shapi also followed behind Vera, with a slow pace but no hesitation. Seeing the appearance of Vera and Shapi, Hylois they couldn't bear the thought of being blocked.


On the Underworld Island, countless people felt the coercion from the central position. Although they knew that it was the coercion from the master who knew the sea, but at this time, under the stimulation of despair, there was no Anyone who is afraid is coming in this direction.

The Gate of Hades appeared suddenly, and Vera and Shapi came out of it and stood in the air.

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