Era of Disaster

Chapter 93: why?

Under the hypnotic appeasement of Bai Yi's mimic pupil, Woolf finally calmed down a little. At this time, Bai Yi just wanted to leave here quickly, and then find a safe place to seriously study the Taijiquan I got from Yeye.

"Go, leave here, and find a safe place."

"Why should I leave, can't I stay in the city?"

"No, just now those rat monsters haven't been killed, and, do you know how many rat monsters live in this city. Now if you are allowed to continue to fight, it is extremely dangerous." Bai Yi said, immediately taking all People trot towards the outside of the city. But when Bai Yi ran them for more than ten minutes, everyone noticed that it was coming, and the Rat Monster was coming again, and more than last time.

If there were about one hundred heads last time, then this time, at least thousands of rat monsters are constantly gathering here from all parts of the city. Everyone looked at the rat monsters crawling out of the city dignified, and their eyes became dignified. Not afraid of lack of fighting power, but worried that Woolf and Shapi were completely out of control.

"How come there are so many rat monsters, don't they have a gluttony period, how did they spend it?" Hiloes asked.

"Because mice are more adapted to this world than humans. Both humans and mice are omnivorous creatures. If humans are picky about food because of the habits they have developed for a long time, then mice can really eat everything, meat. Classes, plant tubers, leaves, wood piles... all have the habit of eating. Now that the plants in New Zealand are growing so fast, their food is definitely not lacking, but they have not eaten meat for a long time, so they become so eager. ." Bai Yi dignified explanation.

As if to answer Bai Yi's words, one of the group of rat monsters who had just left was eating something in their mouths. If you take a closer look, they are the same kind of corpses that they took away before. Rats do not have as many precepts as humans, the original companions become very different, and after death, they can be used as meat for a long time.

There must be a leader among so many mice. Bai Yi looked towards the sky and immediately found the rat man who had commanded the rat group before. Was it this guy?

In short, it’s better to kill that guy first.

After this group of mice appeared, it seemed as if they had received any orders. After a pause, they suddenly rushed towards Bai Yi again and again. At this time, Bai Yi and they couldn't care about so much. They couldn't fight back because they were worried about losing control, so they would be torn into pieces by these rats in less than a moment.

At the beginning of the battle, Bai Yi suddenly looked at the mouse monster in the air, and then his eyes suddenly jumped, and the bright colorful patterns quickly floated up.

Mimic pupil-shocking hypnosis!

Bai Yi's eyes slowly changed, although the movements on the combat hand have been constant, but his eyes have never left that direction.

The two monsters in the sky are obviously closely watching the battle here. When they look at it, they immediately meet Bai Yi's eyes. It's hard to describe the strange feeling. The flying mouse monster saw Bai Yi's eyes, suddenly a little surprised, and then flew towards Bai Yi. And the rat-man on his back was also slightly confused.

Come here, come here!

Bai Yi said slowly in his heart, and then hinted hypnotize the two rat monsters through his eyes. But suddenly, great power came from Bai Yi's kitchen knife. A three-meter-tall rat monster stood upright like humans, and a big iron rod that he didn't know where he had picked up on Bai Yi's kitchen knife.

With a violent impact from the clang, Bai Yi's kitchen knife was directly broken, and Bai Yi was also hit by this force and flew out towards the back. Bai Yi itself didn't have much to do, but Bai Yi felt a chuckle in his heart, because his body spun up, his eyes shifted involuntarily, completely separated from the two mouse monsters.

In the battle, you can't change your eyes, it is really a very difficult thing, even Bai Yi can't do it.

At this time, Mei Weisi had quickly taken over Bai Yi's opponent, Bai Yi suddenly turned around again, and looked at the two rat monsters in the air again. After seeing this, Bai Yicai found that the flying rat monster didn't stop, but the standing ratman returned to normal. He was grabbing the flying rat monster's mane under him and let him fly back. Under the violent toss of the Rat-Man, the flying Rat-Monster also stopped, and then turned.

It's awful to turn you around.

Bai Yi said fiercely in his heart. For now, Bai Yi finds that the ability of his eyes is the greatest when the two sides look at each other. In an instant, Bai Yi completely stopped any movements on his hand, and just looked at the flying mouse monster with his eyes seriously. The color patterns in his eyes were constantly changing, like a colorful world.

The rat monster looked at by Bai Yi suddenly stopped in the air, and even the rat on his body could not wake this guy when he hit his head with a cane.

After seeing Bai Yi's move and the rat-man in the sky, Helois immediately spread his wings and flew in that direction.

When Helois was about to come in contact with the two ratmen, Bai Yi finally couldn't bear the pain in his eyes and closed his eyes. Then it was handed over to Hiloes, and she must be able to solve the two ratmen. Although the ability of Bai Yi's eyes is good, Bai Yike does not want to use his eyes to bleed every time. You know, Mai Weisi said that Bai Yi's eyes have not fully recovered. Just like Woolf's brutality, if they are used too many times, they may be completely blind.

After Bai Yi closed his eyes, the flying mouse monster was struck by the rat with his cane, and he suddenly woke up. Obviously, the simple head of this guy didn't understand why he came to this place. At this time, Hilois had shaken the transparent wings and came to this guy.

The rat-man holding the cane was obviously very frightened, but he did not care so much, and the long knife fell directly from the sky.

With a clear cry from Zheng, Heloise's long knife directly cut off the stick that was blocked by the Ratman, and then cut it on the Ratman's head, body, and then the flying rat monster below.

Helois, they are different from Bai Yi, everyone has fused the genes of ants. Ants are indeed easily crushed by human fingers, but that's because the size difference is too big. But now, when this power is manifested in Woolf and Helois, they can show the horror and power of this power.

With a click, the rat-man and the monster were cut in half by Helois, and then fell to the ground with blood.

The following group of rats immediately produced a great commotion, Bai Yi and others immediately seized the opportunity and beheaded some more, but these rat monsters still did not retreat.

No effect, or?

Looking at these fierce groups of rats, Bai Yi's mind turned rapidly. In this fierce world, I am afraid that with a simple mind, it is not easy to stabilize the position of the rat king. So in other words, the rat-man in the air, at most, is a'staffman' identity. I am afraid that the real rat-master is still elsewhere.

At this time, some weak-horned mouse monsters were either killed or driven to the back. At this time, those who surrounded Bai Yi were all the more powerful mouse monsters of human body type. The huge cardinality always has mouse monsters that accidentally fused more useful genes.

But at this time, Woolf and Shapi were very restrained and apparently endured. The simple fighting before, let them fall into a fierce state, at this time they dare not continue to fight without scruples. It was because of this restraint that they were in danger, and a sullen depression gradually gathered in their hearts.

Oh no!

Bai Yi looked at Woolf and Shapi's increasingly fierce eyes and couldn't help thinking.

"Woolf, Shapi, without patience, go out in the direction we came in." Bai Yi said suddenly. At this time, can no longer look forward and backwards. In short, leave the mouse nest city first, and then afterwards, think of a way.

After getting Bai Yi's approval, Woolf and Shapir suddenly took a slight pause, then raised their heads, and from the mouths of the two guys, they clearly revealed cruelty and excitement. Almost instantaneously, the two guys rushed out suddenly, and the rat monsters in front of them were instantly torn by heavy choppers and fangs. The flying broken limbs and the splashing blood suddenly filled the eyes of the two guys with a layer of red.

Mo Mo did not seem to be outdone, screaming sharp tiger teeth, like a fierce tiger, rushed to his opponent.

Bai Yi is closely following Mo Mo, fearing what might happen to Mo Mo.

"Dad, I'm fine!" Mo Mo said suddenly.

"Huh?" Bai Yi was slightly stunned.

Bai Yi saw Mo Mo's look and thought of something. In the research institute, Mo Mo seemed to have fallen into this state when he opened the laser channel, but he didn't really lose his mind, but he just seemed more excited.


This question is obviously very important. If you think of why, you may have really found a solution to the period of violence. Bai Yi thought a little in his heart, gradually observing the changes of Woolf, Shapi, Momo and Werner. Woolf, Shapi, and Werner all fell into a violent state, only knowing to fight in that direction. Only Mo Mo seems to remain awake, but it looks a bit similar.

"Momo, how are you?"

"Also...good!" Mo Mo turned his head and gave Bai Yi a frantic glance.

Sure enough, Momo did not completely overcome the violent, but they became more difficult to enter the violent state than Woolf. But why?

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