If you shout loudly while eating, you will be heard by passers-by or neighbors, and it happens that they are already at home and cannot open the pot. Then you are nakedly showing off your wealth, which will arouse hatred.

In the area west of S, something like this has happened. Many people have no food at home. There was a family whose parents gave them some food as relief, but a woman didn't pay enough attention and called the man who was chatting with someone to go home for dinner.

Don't expose your wealth. Food is more scarce than money these days. If your family has food, just forget it, but you still call your man back to eat in front of everyone. Show off, right? I haven't eaten properly in a few days. Since your family has food, and you still show off like this, I want your family to look good~~, and then, the 404 tragedy happened.

So when it comes to eating, don’t shout randomly, just come over and shout softly.

I don't know whether it was the two bra wraps that won over people's hearts, or whether the two sisters respected him as the eldest son in the family. Today's dinner, one was serving him food and the other was serving him food, he was like a grown-up man. This feeling would be impossible for future generations of only sons to experience.

Dinner is the leftover porridge from lunch, which is relatively thin. Because there is a limit on the number of bowls for lunch, so at the end, I usually eat something "hard". The remaining porridge was cut into some sweet potatoes and boiled, and then each person had a steamed bun.

"Hey, why is this sweet potato root so hard and tastes so good~~"

"Brother, these are grass roots. They are for chewing. If you don't like them, just pick them out. They are not sweet potato roots."

When boiling sweet potatoes, the sweet potatoes are not peeled, they are washed and boiled and eaten with the skins on. Spitting skin, who are you kidding me? They eat grass roots and even spit out sweet potato skins.

As everyone knows about sweet potatoes, there is actually a small root at the end. Luo Cheng thought he accidentally ate a sweet potato root.

But Luo Xiaoyu recognized it at a glance. It was the kind of grass root that Luo Bing dug yesterday that could chew out a little starch. Bitter, yet hard. But Luo Bing had already dug it up and couldn't let it go to waste, so he cooked porridge at night, washed it and put it in.

Grassroots, Luo Cheng became interested. He had never tasted it before, and he had not been in the mood to try it before, but in the environment of this era, he wanted to try it.

According to his sister Luo Xiaoyu, Luo Cheng put the unknown grass root into his mouth again and chewed it slowly.

It does have a bit of a bitter taste, but it's not too heavy. If you chew it for a while, you'll actually get a little bit of waxy starch out of it. Starch has no special taste, and it will definitely not taste good, but if you chew one occasionally and drink the sweet potato porridge, you will find that the sweet potato porridge seems to taste much better.

Well, it just tastes a little bitter in the mouth, and sweet potatoes have a little sweetness. Eating bitter grass roots and drinking sweet potato porridge will amplify the sweetness. But chewing one or two of these grass roots is enough. If you chew too much, it will not be diluted well, and the bitter taste will be on your tongue, which will make you feel bad.

But just for this thing, people in this era just want the little starch contained in this stem, even if the tongue is bitter and astringent, if there is some, they will keep chewing it, just to get something down.

The steamed buns are not delicious either. They are made of cornmeal, which I don’t think is the refined cornmeal of later generations. It always feels scratchy in your mouth when you eat it. Fortunately, there was only one per person. In order to appear gregarious, Luo Cheng tried his best to finish one. He was eating reluctantly, but the others were still wanting to eat.

In fact, the steamed buns that Luo Cheng eats now are not authentic at all. How can the steamed buns of this era be so delicious? Are they as yellow as stick noodles? Generally, various things are added, green and black, such as wild vegetables and cabbage. Normally, some vegetables are added.

Anyway, as long as it can be eaten, you can mix it to make steamed buns, because with these mixtures, they are not made from simple stick noodles or grains that are easy to store. If the steamed buns are left out for a long time, they will have a sour taste. It's particularly unpalatable, but it's something farmers often ate in this era.

If you are hungry, you will get used to eating and get used to it, so you won’t find it unpleasant to eat.

In later generations, life will be better and conditions will improve. There was also a period of "remembering the bitter and thinking of the sweet", which was to make some unpalatable steamed buns like this, so that those who lived in a good life could experience the hardships of this generation.

The human body adjusts itself according to needs. It stands to reason that everyone has eaten so much food at the end of the day. Like Luo Bing, he made more than a kilogram of big pancakes in the morning, three large bowls of sweet potato porridge and a steamed bun at noon, and now in the evening, there are two more bowls. At noon, I want thin porridge with a steamed bun.

After eating so much food, in later generations, most people would have to go to the toilet to digest a lot of food in their stomachs. But now, almost no one in Luo Cheng's family would go to the toilet to defecate. The most I have to do is urinate a few times, and the main ingredient of porridge is still water.

In the case of long-term hunger and lack of nutrition, whether it is a human or an animal, after eating food, the body will try its best to absorb everything it can. It’s not that it won’t be pulled, but it will take a longer time to be filtered in the body, and it will be more thorough.

Luo Cheng is dying. He still has enough oil and water in his body, so he won't feel hungry if he eats anything. Without hunger, his body won't make the effort to absorb so much on its own.

Well, Luo Cheng wanted to go to the toilet not long after the meal. Because it is autumn, the sky is getting dark relatively quickly. In a month or two, if there is a clock, it will be around five o'clock, and the sky will start to get dark.

There is no toilet at home. There is a public toilet not far away. You can use the public toilet casually, but not indiscriminately.

Dung was also very valuable in these days, and there were sometimes dung tickets in the city. There are no chemical fertilizers for farming now, and fermented manure is the best fertilizer in this era. Not only human’s, but also cow’s and pig’s, will not be wasted. Those who specialize in picking up feces can also earn work points.

You can go to any toilet to poop. But poop is "wealth", so you can't go to it randomly. You have to know which toilet belongs to your own brigade. If you poop in someone else's brigade's toilet, it will be your own brigade that suffers.

This is why you can enter the toilet at will, but you must know that your family belongs to this brigade, but when you go to the toilet, you go to the toilet to defecate. If people in the brigade find out, they will definitely talk to you and do some ideological work with you. Let you understand that shit cannot be pooped out of a latrine.

"Can the system space still tell me that I will go to the toilet in the dark today? There is a flashlight among the items signed in."

Luo Cheng thought to himself, this flashlight is better than a kerosene lamp, it is bright enough, and the light is emitted. Unlike kerosene lamps, the flame is the size of a match, it is portable, and the visibility is not strong. The toilets in this era were latrines. You had to be careful when using the toilet at night. A latrine was a large tank buried in the soil, flush with the ground, and two thick wooden boards placed on top. Don't drop the tank at night because you can't see clearly. Went in.

Yesterday's performance on Tuesday was pretty good. Although I can't see the specific data, judging from the growth rate, it's getting better day by day.

So I would like to express my special thanks to Bloody Moon and Book Friends + the monthly pass number ending in 2953. There are also rewards of 100 for Xiaolangjun, 1111 for illegal players, and 500 for Blood Moon.

Thank you very much, but I am a shameless person. I would like to ask if other brothers have any rewards. 100 is enough. If there are rewards in the new book issue, you can go to others to show off.

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