Era: Retired from the army at the beginning and returned home

Chapter 32 The Driver and the Car Mechanic

Fortunately, Li Hong doesn't have to worry about Luo Cheng's affairs. Many units have organizational departments, which can only serve as a recommendation at most.

"Comrade Luo Cheng, there is no need to be so polite. Let me ask, what kind of work do you want to participate in?"

Li Hong asked in a very approachable manner, using an exploratory tone.

"I can drive and repair cars, preferably something related to that."

Luo Cheng felt that people in this era were very kind to him, but the HR job seekers in later generations were not so gentle.

"We have a freight station and a passenger station in Nghe An City, which belong to one unit, and the other one is the automobile repair department. If you can drive and have been in the army for three years, if you are going to the automobile transport department, you should drive a truck or bus , the salary can be calculated as a third-level driver. We can also check the corresponding salary."

"Can you tell me how much a third-level driver is paid?"

Regarding drivers and car mechanics, Luo Cheng prefers repair work. He understands the hardships of drivers' work, but if the salary is high enough, it will be different. And he was also very curious about the levels in this era. It seemed that in this era, no matter what the workers were, there was a roughly unified standard for wages. It didn't mean that the company said you could get what you paid. If there was any inequality, you could report it to the superior department.

It's level three and it's a driver. When Luo Cheng asked this question, he felt like he was driving, but he was really asking about the salary of driving. This question seems to be innocent and has no connotation.

Director Li was not in a hurry to introduce them all. Hearing Luo Cheng ask about salary, this is human nature. Mental awareness is one thing, and wanting to make money is also a normal mentality.

"The driver's level seems to be calculated inversely to that of car repair. Level one is the highest, and level six seems to be the lowest. Wait, let me check."

Compared with other big cities, Ngee Ann City is a small city. There are not as many state-owned units as in other areas, so it is easy to check.

Level 6 is the lowest level. It belongs to the driver assistant and follows the car. It cannot drive. The salary is 33 yuan. Level 5 is a trainee driver, which costs thirty-eight yuan. The next step is the official driver, which belongs to Level 4. The salary for driving a passenger car is different from that for driving a truck.

Bus drivers are fifty, which is already a high-paying job in this day and age. The truck driver's salary is 48 yuan, which is two yuan less than that of a passenger car. However, this is the basic salary. Logically speaking, truck drivers work harder, but their wages are two yuan less. In fact, the actual wages received by trucks will be higher. In this era, there are also business travel subsidies. For truck drivers who run long distances, the subsidies are not as high as those for passenger vehicles, and there is also gray income.

The next higher level is the third-level driver. Those who can reach this level are all master craftsmen, and their salary can be about 60 yuan. A person who works for one month can earn more than a rural person who works for a year.

As for the more advanced Level 2 and Level 1, they are basically people with superb skills who can even perform acrobatics while driving. At this level, most people work as drivers beside some leaders.

Director Li not only found the driver's salary form, but also the car mechanic's.

The car mechanics here, or to be precise, car repairmen, are divided into levels and salaries according to technicians. Contrary to the driver, the first level is the lowest level, and the salary is only thirty-four yuan. The highest level is level eight, and the salary is as high as 102 yuan. The highest level of a driver is only over 80 yuan, which also shows the technical content of both.

"Director Li, if I repair cars now, how much salary can I get?"

"You should be guaranteed a level four salary, but it depends on the situation."

Regarding Luo Cheng's inquiry, Director Li thought and analyzed it before answering him. In fact, many jobs have levels and corresponding salaries. It’s not just how much is said here.

Take the driver's position as an example, if Luo Cheng simply knew how to drive in the army. If you really go to the transportation station to be a driver, you will be a level 4 official driver at most, skipping the internship stage. But Li Hongneng said that he was able to get a third-level salary because the introducing unit in his letter of introduction was of a high level. If it is calculated based on the officer's retirement, one level must be added. In addition, a high school diploma is also a factor to be considered.

As for Level 2 drivers, it is more difficult. Director Li assigned Luo Cheng Level 3, which does not mean that Luo Cheng has the driving skills of a Level 3 driver. It is a guaranteed Level 3 due to additional factors. This means that even if Luo Cheng's skills only reach level four, he can receive level three treatment.

The same is true for car repairs. Although the salary of a fourth-level mechanic is not as high as that of a third-level driver, this level is not low, and the working environment is good. A high school education will be more bonus points in this regard. Otherwise, before there was any rating, Luo Cheng should have been a level three repairman, and level three was official. Levels 1 and 2 belong to the apprenticeship category, and simple skills such as repairing tires and changing lights can achieve this.

Fifty-four and a half yuan, this is the salary of a fourth-level car mechanic, which is only about five yuan less than that of a third-level car driver. Once the driver industry reaches Level 3, it is difficult to move up. Many people who have been driving all their lives will stay at this level.

But repairmen are different. If you have skills, you can apply for assessment, and if you pass the assessment, your salary will be increased. There is no such thing as length of service these days. Workers in many industries are linked to their level. If you don’t move up the level, you will still get low wages no matter how many years you work. The same goes for retirement. The retirement wages of low-level workers and high-level workers are also very different. big.

There is no need to think too much about it. Luo Ben was originally inclined to be a repairman. He just wanted to see if the salary gap between the two was big. Now the difference is only about five yuan, but the improvement space and ease of repairmen are not comparable to that of drivers. of.

"Director Li, I've thought about it, I want to go to the auto repair department."

Luo Cheng's answer was the same as Li Hong's conjecture. For educated and skilled people, car repair is a better choice.

"Okay, I'll call and contact you. Just sit here and wait for a while."

There is no separate telephone in the office. To make a call, you have to go to the first floor. The street office here only has one telephone.

Luo Cheng nodded. He was worthy of being a leader. It felt like a refreshing breeze to receive an ordinary job seeker like him. She was obviously helping him with something, and she was polite enough to ask him to wait. If he were sitting in this position, he would definitely have said, 'Secretary Wang, take this person over and deal with it.'

Is there a shortage of talents these days? There is a shortage, but there is no shortage of ordinary workers. Many positions are a mess, especially some special positions. If Luo Cheng chooses to be a driver, there may be some problems. Even if the military department comes forward, it is impossible to take up the position immediately.

Those who can drive are indeed talented people, and not many people in a city can drive. But there is actually no shortage of drivers, because compared to drivers, there are fewer cars than people who can drive. Many county-level government agencies may not have a car. In cities, only those with a large scale may have one or two.

Truck and bus drivers will take apprentices, but even if they take them for several years without adding new vehicles, the apprentices will always be in the internship stage.

There are few cars, and naturally there are not many repairmen. But for those with skills, one more person won't make a difference. There is no situation where drivers don't have cars and earn white-collar wages because there are few vehicles.

There are a lot of monthly passes during the day, thanks to Bloody Moon, Gufeng Zhan, Sui Feng Er, Diandian, Xiaojuanjuan’s Baby Baby, and the monthly passes from Fanghua Decoration Industry that I just saw. In addition, there is a 100 reward for squatting on the grave and drinking two liang. Your name is like a zombie drinking the blood of two people at the grave. Isn't it two taels?

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