"Brother, you have just started working, so you are already at level 4 or 5, right?"

Yes, someone has taken over the job, and it’s good to have a younger brother.

"Keep guessing, guess boldly."

"It can't be level 6 or 7, what a high salary that would be."

Luo Bing said in surprise. Although his father Luo Wen did not say a word, his expression had already changed. The hand holding the wine glass was shaking slightly.

"If I ask you to make a bold guess, you can't even guess to death, and I can't be at level eight."

The pattern, the opponent's pattern is still small. But Luo Chengcheng likes to see the other person look like he has no future, but unfortunately it is his own younger brother. If he really has no future, he will also have a headache.

"Eighth grade, a salary of more than 100, brother, you can get an eighth grade salary just after you start working."

Luo Bing didn't dare to touch the wine glass. He was a little excited and couldn't hold it steady. Shaking it out would be a waste.

Father Rowan was already licking his hands. He drank only half a glass of wine and accidentally shook some of it on his hands. My eldest son has just started working, how can he get a salary of more than 100 yuan? When the harvest in the fields is good, the whole family only has a few dozen yuan in surplus a year. After a year, there is nothing left to buy. Now if my son can earn one hundred a month, how much smoke will be emitted from the Luo family's ancestral graves.

"Wrong, what I told you at the beginning was that there are two types of workers, ordinary workers and skilled workers. The ordinary workers are almost the highest when they reach level eight. But for skilled workers, there are higher levels above level eight. , and the higher levels are not called technical workers, but engineers. The levels of engineers are reversed, with level nine being the lowest and level one being the highest. Your brother and I are now level seven engineers, and I can earn one hundred and thirty dollars a month. The salary is three and a half yuan, and there are various subsidies every month. This is my work permit and grade certificate, take a look."

I am floating, I am vain, I am inflated. Luo Cheng said excitedly. Looking at the expressions of his father and younger brother, he felt that he had succeeded. If a young man doesn't pretend, it would be a waste of time for him to be young.

"Salary of one hundred and thirty-three and a half dollars, seventh-level engineer, but so what."

"She's only twenty-one years old, and she's good enough. Grandpa won't force me on you. You go and get in touch first. We'll talk about it after we understand whether it's suitable."

"Grandpa, I don't like it just because you are a level 7 engineer at the age of 21. Those engineers know how to study this design and that every day. I don't like it."

"This person is my student. He is different from those people you mentioned. Grandpa will still harm you. You are not young anymore. It's okay if you don't want to. If your father finds a partner for you, don't come to me as a shield again. Yes. And this is also a political mission. You have reached the age of marriage. If you don’t get married to find a partner, your political thinking is too immature. Fortunately, you are still a soldier."

"Grandpa, I'm just an artist."

"What's wrong with the art soldiers? They're not soldiers. There's no need to be enlightened. Anyway, grandpa just put the words here and I can take care of you with other things. You must hurry up and find a partner for this marriage. If you don't agree, I will ask your father to find you tomorrow. ."

"Okay, you just think that my granddaughter is annoying me and you want to marry me off early. Don't regret it. That person is from Ngee Ann City, right? You can arrange to transfer me there. If I go and don't like him, you But you can’t force me.”

"Yes, this is my good granddaughter, but you have to change your temper and don't let my student look down on you."

"You don't like me? Your granddaughter Dai Qianqian is just a flower in the JQ Art Troupe. I'm just like this. I can't change it. I don't like it. I don't care about it."

In the SH Military Region compound, a pair of grandsons and grandsons were also talking about Luo Cheng. Under normal circumstances, Luo Cheng could have stayed in the army, but his sudden retirement was indeed arranged by someone.

Huh, when I left, I took the quilt, sheets and clothes, and left without asking for toothpaste, toothbrush, water cup, basin or anything else. This is obviously because you are angry with me. Come on, I will give you a precious granddaughter to your head office.

One hundred and thirty-three and a half yuan, this is just the basic salary, and there will be various subsidies. As for what subsidies there are, there are standards. Luo Cheng doesn't know yet, but it will definitely not be bad.

My father was so excited that he didn't even bother to drink, so he ran to the kitchen to tell his busy mother and the others. In the room, the grandma who was trying on the cloth shoes given to her by her eldest grandson was also called out.

Finally, one member of the Luo family has become outstanding. Not only has he joined the work, but he is also an engineer. I don’t know what he does. Anyway, he is very impressive. None of the leaders in the town have such a high salary.

This is a great event, but in these days, it is something that cannot be made too public.

Longyang Town is so big that you can come across a kissing place wherever you turn. If you want to talk about it, you can always pull something close to someone you can't touch. This is still the town. In some villages, almost all of them have relatives, and some villages are simply named after their surnames. Lijiacun, Zhaojiagou and Wangjiaqiao.

Luo Chengyao is just an ordinary worker who earns more than thirty dollars a month, which is the envy of most people who know him. The Luo family has a worker, and even though life is bad, at least he doesn't have to worry about his family starving to death.

But if you know that Luo Cheng can earn more than 130 yuan a month, you will really be jealous. Not to mention the relatives who are too far away, the relatives within the second and third generations will come to ask for help if they can't survive. . As for rural areas, no one can live a good life now. When Luo Cheng didn't come back from the army, Luo Bing dug up some bitter grassroots and presented them as treasures in front of his sister.

So from now on, it will be said to the outside world that Luo Cheng has a job, and he can be an ordinary employee in a car repair shop in the city.

"Lao Luo, Luo Wen~~, you're at home."

Just when the family was discussing how to speak to the outside world, shouts suddenly came from outside the house.

"Dad, it sounds like Uncle Sangen's voice."

"There must be something going on here at this hour. Mom, put this wine away and I'll open the door."


When drinking at home, the door must be closed. The person calling out is Luo Sangen, who is also in the brigade. If you insist on talking, they are all related. It's almost dinner time, and I usually don't visit other people's houses if I have nothing to do. And Luo Sangen is also a good drinker, so we can't let him see this bottle of wine, and don't think about trying to trick him in the future.

"Sangen, what's going on? You're in a hurry."

"Hey, something happened to Baldy's little baby. Didn't you say you have a flashlight at home? Borrow it quickly and send it to the city."

“What happened? Can’t the town health center care about it?”

"I dug a mouse hole and found a snake. It was bitten and it was poisonous. Now I have a fever and am in a coma. The people at the health center said it couldn't be done and they started bleeding. But it didn't work. I had to send him to the city for a checkup."

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