For dinner, Luo Cheng ate quite well.

The steamed buns were not hot, mainly because there was no steamer at home. In addition, the steamed buns are actually not too stiff. There is a bowl of sweet potato soup, which is not bad when mixed with the steamed buns.

Because Luo Cheng had just come back, there weren't many sweet potatoes in other people's bowls, but Luo Cheng had a lot of "large" sweet potatoes in his bowl, which his mother fished out of the pot specially for him.

Others took it for granted that Luo Cheng was treated differently. Even if there were no steamed buns brought by Luo Cheng, as the eldest brother in the family, why not eat more. What's more, Luo Cheng also brought a steamed bun for everyone. Not only that, he also had to buy food tomorrow.

Here in Ngee Ann, they usually grow second-crop crops. It can be regarded as two crops, early and late. Early rice is planted around the end of March and can be harvested in mid-July. Then immediately plant the next season of late rice and harvest it around the end of October.

As for the early rice harvested in July, the family has already distributed the grain. But because of the lack of water, the harvest was not good. In the past month, there was no real food at home. The next thing to be divided is the late rice grain. The team is still counting, but Luo Wen, who has been growing grain all year round, naturally knows how much of the harvest can be divided.

In the past, when the harvest was not good, at least we could survive the winter. It didn’t mean that we would have food to eat in the spring. We had to plant seeds in the spring, and the real change would not come until July. But spring is a good thing. You can find some food growing in the mountains and fields.

The really difficult thing is that even if you save on food, you can't survive the winter. It's okay for the younger ones. They have a little bit of food to at least resist hunger. Even a little bit a day can save their lives. But older people are not good and their resistance is weak, even worse than that of children. Therefore, old people in winter are prone to die in this era, and some old people know that they may not be able to survive, so they will take the initiative to go on a hunger strike to give up food.

After dinner and chatting in the evening, Luo Cheng also understood why his grandma looked so rough when walking. He is obviously younger than in the original world, but his body and bones are not as good as those in later generations.

The reason is very simple. If you are malnourished and hungry for a long time, if you eat and take care of yourself, your body will naturally get better.

Faced with his grandma's physical problems, Luo Cheng didn't know what to do. I only received some money and tickets for my retirement. According to my parents' wishes, I basically have to divide it. My mother's family will also give some, but certainly not too much. I should keep some for my own family.

Both uncle and aunt are grandma's sons and daughters, and grandma would rather eat less herself than give it to them. Mom's natal family, when there was no famine in the past, took care of her, and Luo Cheng was considered their nephew. It doesn't make sense to really not help at all.

Now, let alone Luo Cheng, who has nursed his grandma back to good health, in this family, when he comes, the family is reluctant to eat a bowl of dry rice.

Even though grandma seemed to be very weak, she could finish a big steamed bun and a big bowl of sweet potato soup in just a few seconds. In this world, rural people basically eat from big bowls at home.

Luo Cheng felt a little full after drinking a bowl of sweet potato soup and eating a steamed bun, but others basically had no idea.

Now Luo Cheng has just come to this era, and his body is still full of oil and water, so he won't feel hungry even if he eats anything. But the sweet potato soup I drank was just a steamed bun. Even if my body was full of oil and water, I was basically hungry even after peeing at night.

After dinner, it was getting dark. Luo Cheng didn't need to clean up the dishes, and even Luo Bing didn't need to do this. In this era, boys were favored over girls, and most of the housework was done by women. This kind of thinking is very serious in rural areas, and it is basically the same even in cities. Some working women in the city have a slightly higher status, but at home, even after returning from work, they still have to do various housework.

There isn't any nightlife, and there aren't many bright places in the town. The kerosene lamp is just a little light before going to bed.

There was hot water for washing. Luo Cheng walked a lot during the day and was sweating. He wanted to take a bath. But I don’t have that kind of conditions at home. It’s still quite cold in the autumn and I can’t wash myself with cold water.

Moreover, there is no running water at home now, and all the water used for drinking at home is water fetched from wells outside. There is a water tank at home, and people nearby use buckets to fetch water.

Just boil some water in the pot directly after meals, and then the whole family can use it to wash up. Moreover, the water used to wash the face should be used to wash the feet, and one person cannot use one basin. Just like parents, both of them use face wash together to wash their faces and feet. The same is true for Luo Cheng's two younger sisters.

It is not easy to draw water now. The water levels in several wells in the town are very low. Not only does it take a lot of effort to draw water, but some wells are not dug deep enough in the first place, so the water they draw is still turbid. It has to be beaten out and left for a while before the water on the surface can be poured into the water tank.

So just drafting water is actually a laborious matter. You have to wash clothes outside and don't use water at home.

Luo Cheng wanted to take a bath, so he had to make special arrangements in advance. Today he could only wipe himself.

After washing, Luo Cheng went back to the room, and naturally the two sisters also went back to the room early. Then I chatted with Luo Cheng again. A kerosene lamp was lit in the room so that I could tidy up before going to bed. After tidying up, you need to turn off the lights before going to bed. It costs money to buy kerosene for kerosene lamps, so you can’t just light it casually. If you want to chat, you can also do so after turning off the lights.

In autumn, there is a big temperature difference between morning and evening. It wasn't until night that Luo Cheng realized that the clothes in his family were all very thin. He didn't think much about it at first, thinking that the temperature during the day was okay and everyone liked to wear less. Now that I think about it, it might not be a matter of not wearing enough, but rather not wearing anything at all.

The two sisters' wardrobes were given to Luo Cheng. There was a hemp rope in the room, and their clothes were hung directly on the rope. There were only a few pieces in total, and they were very worn. One person had a tattered cotton-padded jacket, and the others were all wearing thin clothes. Patch after patch, the clothes you wear may still be good.

As for Luo Cheng, his original clothes have also changed. There are two sets of clothes in his luggage. One is still the clothes from the army, and the other is similar to the clothes of the era, including trousers and a white shirt. shirt.

Including one set of clothes on his body, Luo Cheng only had three sets of clothes. They are all spring and autumn styles. If winter comes, he will have nothing to wear in the cold weather.

Although the army issued him a cloth ticket, it was only enough for a set of ordinary clothes. Many people buy cloth and sew it themselves. To make clothes for cold weather, you have to buy cotton.

Lying on the bed, separated by a wooden wall, Luo Cheng responded to the two sisters' chat. While thinking about future plans, what if the world stays like this and never comes back. Then he really needs to plan carefully.

There is no explanation on the check-in system. It suddenly appeared last night while I was sleeping on the train. And I don’t know if there is any pattern to what I get. Unable to communicate with the system, can only try later. And I hope I can sign in every day. If it's once a month, and it's just a little thing like this, that's really a help.

As for the check-in system, we can't fully rely on it. Another thing is that when he retired from the army, the head of the army, who was also a former teacher at the school, gave him a letter of recommendation for work. Although there is no direct recommendation on what kind of job to join, with such a letter from the chief and taking it to the street office, it is still easy to get a job as long as there is a suitable job.

Nghe An is just a small city, Luo Cheng will definitely be involved in work. There have been hints before, so you can guess what kind of work he will be involved in.

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