Eternal Calamity: From Naruto

Chapter 229 The Light of Heart and the Eternal Traveler

Here is a vast forest everywhere, with verdant trees, green grass, and fragrant wild flowers, full of vigor and vitality.

In this forest, Geyue, surrounded by hazy golden light, quietly floated in mid-air, staring fixedly at the halo that was also surrounded by golden light in front of him.

"It's finally done."

Geyue sighed softly, burned a total of 200,000 souls to create 30,000 personalities, and together accelerated the speed of thinking ten thousand times, and finally integrated the basic soul in this half a month. The method of strength training, the destruction of eternal calamity, the incomplete power of "self-power" and "discipline", as well as a large amount of magic knowledge have finally created a new cultivation system.

This is an extraordinary road to awaken the power of the mind, strengthen oneself to discover one's own potential, and then distort reality with the mind - the light of the heart.

The extraordinary path of the light of the heart is divided into five levels.

The first level [Basic], this level is through hard training, to realize the power of consciousness representing the sixth sense, to fully control one's own potential, and to reach the limit of human beings.

Just like its name, this level is the starting point and the most fundamental cornerstone of the system of Heart Light.

The second level [light] is based on the most essential desires, prayers, and obsessions in the heart, and then uses one's own consciousness as a guide, and uses one's inner obsessions as strength to awaken the light of the soul, making oneself completely surpass the flesh and blood. The limitations of the body, to obtain unlimited potential.

Reaching this level means that you have broken away from your human identity, and what limits you is no longer the human limit, but your own cognition and the strength of your heart.

The third level [Numerology] is to weave your own truth with the light of your heart as the thread and your own desire and obsession as the shape.

This level is a summary of one's inner desires and obsessions. After completing one's own 'numerical theory', one will obtain characteristics corresponding to one's own desires and obsessions.

If the light of the heart is compared with color, it is emptiness without any color. This level is to dye the light of the heart with its own, unique color, and obtain unique corresponding characteristics.

Compared with the first level reaching the limit of common sense, the second level breaks common sense and obtains unlimited potential. This level is the essence of the [Light of Heart] practice system!

It is the power of will that transcends the laws of physics to forcibly realize absurd phenomena through its own strength!

The fourth level [Apostle], this level is after the light of the heart has grown to a certain limit, using its own numerology as the blueprint, using the light of the heart as the carrier, constantly beating and precipitating it, casting the sword's edge out of its sheath , a thing that embodies the real power that can interfere with the rules of reality.

This level will be a qualitative change, and it will be the real manifestation of human beings being able to reach the unknown realm that human beings can never reach with extraordinary power. only!

The final fifth level [Kingdom] is based on its own 'authority', distorting the rules, eroding reality, and forming a domain that belongs only to itself.

After reaching this level, as long as one is in one's own domain, life can be extended for a long time without being troubled by disease and aging.

After achieving the sanctuary, like a supreme king, he can formulate all the rules in the domain at will, and obtain the authority of God to rule the world.

At the same time, this last level is also Ge ​​Yue's imitation and exploration of the "flowing out" of the last level of Yongjie's destruction, and it is a preview of his future ascension to the last level.

In his conception, if the power of the practitioner's own mind is strong enough, the domain of the 'kingdom' will expand endlessly, and eventually grow to a level that can rival the world itself.

Of course, this system is only the product of Ge Yue's preliminary weaving. Apart from the first four ranks, the last fifth rank [Wang Guoping] is his final vision, and it is definitely not possible to achieve it in reality.

To really perfect them and turn them into feasible paths, it requires Geyue to practice step by step.

In addition to this extraordinary road, Geyue has also integrated an extraordinary secret ritual that complements the [Light of Heart]——[Precept]!

【Precepts】As the name suggests, it is the precepts and oaths. After the [Light of Heart] reaches the second stage, you can use the awakened light of the mind as the foundation, and set the precepts and oaths for yourself that are 'impossible to achieve under normal circumstances'. In exchange for a higher level of strength, further potential, and a more solid foundation!

Or set a special characteristic of "what to give up in exchange for what".

But gaining strength with the [Covenant] must also bear a corresponding price.

The more you get through the [Covenant], the stronger the backlash of breaking the [Covenant], the most serious will lead to the collapse of the light of the mind, and the self-will will fall into eternal annihilation.

Therefore, the [Covenant] is also a double-edged sword. While strengthening oneself, it will also become the sword of Damocles suspended in one's own mind and will, and the weakness deliberately targeted by the enemy.

Therefore, the covenant maker needs to keep in mind the matters of caution, and try to hide the oath he made as much as possible, so as not to be deliberately targeted by others.

"Well, that's it. The most important power system and the corresponding secret rituals in all my plans have been prepared. Although they haven't been perfected yet, the first four ranks are not bad, and they can be used."

"It's just that this world is a world of technology after all, and there are no conventional supernatural elements. It is still a bit difficult to learn the light of the heart based on written records."

"But it doesn't matter. The ontology once considered this situation, and loaded each avatar with the three powers of [Erosion], [Engraving], and [Revelation] in [Theory of Chaos]."

"Taking myself as the terminal, through these three powers, there will be some talented people who can connect to my essence for a short time, and then get enlightenment. I just need to set the 'enlightenment' to be similar to the spiritual meaning of 'enlightenment' , I believe they will use this opportunity to awaken the power of consciousness."

"As long as one person awakens the light of the heart, others will be convinced of it. When the second, third, or even tens of thousands of people awaken the light of the heart, I will be able to engrave the principles of the light of the heart. In the depths of the underlying rules of this world, let the power of the mind become the extraordinary power of this world."

"Next, I just need to expand my [Chaos Power], spread it through text, and wait for the feedback."

Putting away all her abnormalities, Geyue raised her head, looked at the distant sky with distant eyes, and couldn't help showing a playful smile on the corner of her mouth: "It's 2013, and there is still one year before the official start of the 'drama'. The officials of this world should be able to make a tough job."


In a certain high-end e-sports hotel, Geyue uses the power of erosion to attack the entire Huaxia Network through the hotel network as a springboard, and at the same time opens the most popular novel website called 'Terminal', and the familiar Signed up for an account.

Pen name: Secondary Crazy Demon, new book title: "The Traveler of Eternal Calamity".

"OK, now let's start the happy coding."

After the book was successfully created, Geyue snapped her fingers contentedly. Under the manipulation of Corrosion's power, the screen in front of her immediately began to automatically code out a large series of characters.

In a short time, a novel with hundreds of thousands of words and hundreds of chapters has been written.

Although this novel does not have a delicate writing style, cannot grasp the writing technique of suppressing first and then raising, and cannot play the pretense to perfection, he cannot make readers feel as happy as smoking opium after reading his novel. Destined to be a cool street essay.

But for Ge Yue, who has absolute control over the Internet, this is nothing.

In just a moment, the power of erosion has already hacked the server terminal of Endpoint along the network, and then passed the review of this novel at the speed of light, and put it on the top of all columns of the website at the speed of light, carrying out saturated publicity.

"It's done. The next step is to wait for the feedback. By the way, I will test whether the super seminary on the earth has the means to crack the erosion power."

After finishing everything, Geyue directly closed the interface in front of her, opened a two-stinging ape game with exquisite painting style familiarly, and started playing with a smile on her face.

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