The spiritual energy in this fog is too thin.

Lao Xue spent decades lingering on the second level of Qi training.

As your cultivation level increases, the body's daily consumption of spiritual energy will also increase.

After reaching the second level of Qi training, the spiritual energy absorbed through daily meditation is only enough to maintain the daily needs of the body.

If you immerse yourself in hard training for 24 hours, even if your body can support your spiritual roots, you won't be able to support it.

As you practice for a long time, your spiritual roots will begin to ache. This is a soul pain that goes deep into the bone marrow. If you continue to practice, not only will you not be able to continue to transform your spiritual energy, but you will even damage your spiritual roots.

This spiritual root is like the intestines and stomach. If you work non-stop all day long, it will be damaged and you will get sick.

You must control your daily practice time reasonably.

Working hard all day long in a place with thin spiritual energy is like overeating some junk food with extremely low nutritional value. It not only damages the stomach and intestines, but also fails to absorb much nutrients.

Not only is it useless, it is harmful.

Since his cultivation level could not be improved, Xue Li knew that he had to find a place with more spiritual energy.

After wandering around in the fog for a long time, he still found nothing. Instead, he encountered several terrifying monsters and died several times.

Until one time he met a man who entered the fog. By exchanging information with him, Xue Li knew that he could leave the fog by walking all the way to the southwest.

There is a gathering place for monks - Liuyangfang City.

There is a first-order spiritual vein in Fang City.

The first-level spiritual energy is much more abundant than the spiritual energy in the mist.

If you want to improve your cultivation level and build a foundation to become an ancestor, you can only have the slightest chance by practicing the first and second level spiritual veins.

No matter how long you practice in this misty forest with poor aura, your achievements will be limited. There are no resources, no knowledge, no opportunities...

After learning about such a place, Lao Xue packed up his things and set off.

The edge of the misty forest,

A wild boar ran out with its head peeping out, ran around outside and then ran back into the forest.

After a few breaths, a gray figure jumped out of the forest at high speed, stepping on the trees.

His whole body was covered with light cyan thin smoke, and he could fly three feet (10.0m) with every step. When flying in the air, he did not look like a flesh and blood body, but was as light as a dandelion floating in the air.

A first-level spell, light body technique.

This is one of the two inherited spells of the Muyan Lin family.

After casting the spell, it can make people as light as a swallow, which is a good spell to save life.

With the bonus of this light body technique, coupled with eight layers of tidal energy, he can fly farther with every step, but if he floats to the back in the air, he will not have enough stamina, and his speed will become slower. slow.

After escaping from the misty forest, Xue Li did not dare to stop at all, and continued to run directly outside.

After running for two or three hours, he breathed a sigh of relief, wiped his sweat and slowed down slightly.

My spiritual energy has been exhausted, and my physical strength has also been exhausted.

If you run at a high intensity, your body will soon be unable to bear it. Only by running slower can you run farther.

Running on the road, feeling the oncoming breeze, Xue Li felt a little emotional:

"I was lucky this time. I was not caught by that beast."

The beast in Xue Li's mouth was a big snake whose body was as black as ink, with layers of silver-white cloud patterns on its body.

This snake is about six feet (20.0m) long, has a flat body, is extremely fast, and can spit poisonous mist.

Based on his spiritual eye observation, he discovered that it was a mid-level first-level monster, roughly equivalent to the fourth level of Qi training of a monk.

This thing is definitely not something that An Jin, who is at the second level of qi training in the later stage, can handle. Even the second and third levels of blood quenching cannot escape from the opponent's mouth.

If you want to deal with this big snake, you must at least be at the fifth or sixth level of blood tempering.

I don't know if it was a coincidence, but he encountered this beast twice before when he was about to leave the fog, and he was swallowed by it both times.

Xue Li kept rushing for the next few days. After driving for about six or seven days, he saw a crowd of people.

This is an extremely open valley basin with a large amount of reclaimed farmland. Now there are many people dressed as farmers working in it.

Xue Li took a second look and found that the crops grown in the farmland were not ordinary crops.

Some are similar to rice, but the ears of rice are extremely full. The rice grains inside look blood red and exude a special fragrance of vegetation.

Some are like shrubs, with very attractive silver berries on them, some are like pumpkins, growing on vines, and there are a lot of strange-shaped herbs.

This should be the spiritual plant.

At present, among these spiritual plants, he only knows the rice—blood spirit rice.

The Jade Slip inherited from the Muyan Lin family introduces this spiritual plant, which is an extremely common spiritual plant.

The plant essence in Xue Ling Rice is very suitable for human body to absorb. After taking Xue Ling Rice, the spiritual roots can easily convert it into essence.

Taking blood spirit rice for a long time can improve your cultivation quickly and steadily. It is a spiritual plant highly praised by monks.

Not long after he looked around, a group of monks patrolling next to the spiritual field came to him.

One of the men, who looked extremely burly, crossed the crowd and walked toward him. He waved his hand and told the other disciples to continue patrolling.

The man blinked his eyes, and when he opened them, there was a faint aura in his eyes.

First-level spell, spiritual eye.

This spell is the most basic spell. It can roughly judge the cultivation level of others through the aura light group seen by the spiritual eye.

When the big man used the Spiritual Eye Technique, Xue Li also activated the Spiritual Eye Technique. This was the second spell he obtained from the inherited jade slip.

Through his spiritual eyes, he saw the large ball of earth-yellow spiritual energy in the big man's body.

Tulinggen monk, with the fifth level of Qi training.

After seeing his cultivation, Xue Li closed his spiritual eyes.

At this time, the big man had just walked up to him.

"I've never seen you before. You just came out of the fog, right?"

Xue Li nodded and said with a smile: "Xue Li, I don't know what you call me!"

"I am the steward of this spiritual field. Just call me Steward Li. Did you come here by chance or did you come here specially after hearing someone else say it?"

"I met a Taoist friend in the mist a few days ago. He saw that I was having a hard time cultivating, so he specifically suggested that I join Liuyangfang City!"

"Okay, you need three spiritual stones to join Fangshi, but I brought them!"

Xue Li shook his head. He had only seen this magical stone in the inheritance jade slips, but never in reality.

Hearing this, the big man showed a real expression: "Come with me!"

He took Xue Li to a shantytown, which was full of extremely simple wooden houses and shacks, and looked very crude.

Seeing the newcomers, some people in the shanty town were curious, while others ignored them completely.

Manager Li brought Xue Li to a wooden house and threw him a milky white sign that was neither gold nor jade.

"Xue Li, right? This is your temporary identity card. With this card, you can live here."

"This place is very close to the first-order spiritual veins. It is a spiritual land. Naturally, I cannot let you live here in vain. You have to hand over a spiritual stone every month, but... I know that you don't have a spiritual stone, so the city is merciful."

"You should be a spiritual farmer for a while first. You saw that area just now. There are still many uncultivated spiritual lands there. You can cultivate as much as you want!"

"As for the more specific details, if you go to Lingtian tomorrow, Old Man Luo will tell you!"

After saying this, the man left directly.

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