Eternal Tranquility

Chapter 424 Unexpected

Mo Qianli was not clear about the cause of Yan Jing's injury. He just said: "Every monk in Jade Dragon City has to take on the task of patrolling the North. In that extreme environment, anything can happen."

Liu Qinghuan couldn't help but sigh. If he hadn't happened to come to Jade Dragon City, he wouldn't have known how difficult it was here. Hearing is worse than seeing. For example, Bai Fengming is still away and has not returned, and Mo Qianli will go on inspection again in a few days.

The two of them hadn't seen each other for many years. Although they exchanged letters every day, it was nothing like talking face to face, but they hung out together all day long, so on the day of Yan Jing's invitation, Liu Qinghuan still dragged Mo Qianli to accompany him.

"Hey, this guy lives in a nice place." After being invited into Yan Jing's cave by the child, Mo Qianli looked at the entire wall of windows and whispered enviously: "My place is like a whole cave. Can't see any light."

Liu Qinghuan told him to shut up, and the next moment Yan Jing opened the door to the living room and walked in.

Yan Jing, who was still afraid of the cold and wrapped in thick fur, politely invited them to sit down, and the three of them drank tea and chatted. Liu Qinghuan didn't talk much in front of unfamiliar people, and Yan Jing was obviously a man of few words. Fortunately, there was Mo Qianli's gag, so the atmosphere was pretty good.

And until Liu Qinghuan and the others said goodbye and left, the other party didn't even mention the matter of healing.

Mo Qianli was puzzled and asked as he walked back, "What kind of medicine did you say he was selling in his gourd?"

Liu Qinghuan thought for a while: "How did I know? Maybe I am embarrassed to speak?"

This was just a joke, there was nothing embarrassing about asking him to help heal his injuries. But if the other party didn't mention it, he wouldn't bring it up.

In the next few days, Yan Jing invited him several times, but each time it was just for tea, which was confusing. However, since Mo Qianli also left Jade Dragon City, he had nothing to do every day, so he agreed to the other party's invitation.

He also wanted to see what medicine the other party was selling in his gourd.

It was not until the day before the teleportation array in Jade Dragon City was built that the other party finally asked: "Fellow Taoist will return to the sect tomorrow?"

Liu Qinghuan was stunned for a moment. These days, he was used to sitting across from each other quietly. He turned the teacup in his hand that exuded the fragrance of elegant tea: "Yes, I feel uncomfortable every day when I have a task on my body. Naturally, I have to go back early to finish it." appropriate."

Yan Jing was silent for a while and then said: "Fellow Taoist Qingmu, I want to ask you about someone."

Liu Qinghuan couldn't hide her surprise. She never expected that the other party would say such a sentence: "Who?"

"Poisonous lady."

Liu Qinghuan looked at him for a while and then said, "Are you Di Rou's father?"

The other party smiled: "Is that child called Dirou? Yang Meng was really ruthless, and actually let the child take the family name. Yes, I am the father of the child, but I have never seen her since she was born. never seen it."

His eyes were sharp: "So, you have already seen my daughter and cured her?"

The other party's tone was very cold, but Liu Qinghuan could hear the impatience in it. He nodded slowly: "Yes, this was more than ten years ago."

Yan Jing exhaled, and the coldness on his body melted away like snow, revealing a smile: "That's good, that's good."

"So this is the reason why you invite me to drink tea every day." Liu Qinghuan said: "You guessed it because you saw that I was the Holy Body of Aoki."

Yan Jing's expression relaxed a lot, and he no longer looked so lonely. He sighed: "I just wanted to confirm today. I originally wanted to ask you to help treat... my daughter, but I didn't expect you to have met them a long time ago. ”

He stood up and bowed deeply and cautiously: "Fellow Taoist Qingmu, I, Yan Jing, have a destiny with five disadvantages and three shortcomings. I only have this bloodline. Thank you for your help!"

Liu Qinghuan reached out to help each other and said calmly: "You don't need to thank me. This matter is just my fate with Sister Yang and Di Rou, and it has nothing to do with you."

"Yes, but you still have to thank me." Yan Jing still stubbornly finished the gift.

The two sat down on both sides of the tea table again, and he sighed: "My five shortcomings are being alone, and my third shortcoming is my fate. I couldn't live this long originally, but I struggled for many years to survive until now; I shouldn't have descendants in the first place, but there are no descendants." I think it happened by chance, but as a result, my child almost didn’t survive..."

Liu Qinghuan listened silently, then interrupted: "Sister Yang has suffered a lot these years in search of medicine for Dirou."

Yan Jing's eyes wandered: "That woman... is really an admirable woman."

He showed a slightly embarrassed smile: " daughter...does she look like me?"

Liu Qinghuan took a closer look at his appearance for the first time. His face had been buried in fur before, and he was so thin that only bones remained. He didn't have the habit of staring at men carefully: "No, she looks more like her mother."

"Oh, her mother is very beautiful." Yan Jing said dryly, and then asked slightly hastily: "Then, how is she doing, is she happy, and what is her personality like?"

Liu Qinghuan thought for a while and couldn't bear to refuse his question, and said: "She is very good. Sister Yang gave her all her love, so she is like a little bird every day. Her personality is quite eccentric, but But he is a very sensible child and extremely smart.”

"Huh?" Yan Jing was surprised.

Liu Qinghuan then told a little bit about the year he spent with Di Rou.

At the end of the sentence, Yan Jing's face was full of worry: "Love will last forever, wisdom will be damaged, this child..."

Liu Qinghuan said disapprovingly: "It's not certain whether she will be injured or not. She is still young and still has most of her life to go. How can you, as her father, say that!"

Yan Jing looked a little embarrassed: "Yes, yes..."

He sat there, no longer the wise man strategizing, but just an ordinary father.

Liu Qinghuan sighed inwardly, picked up the cold tea on the table and took a sip: "Are you not going to see her in the future?"

He said bitterly: "Her mother would not agree."

"Then have you ever thought about whether she agrees with it?"

Seeing the other party's stunned look, Liu Qinghuan shook her head helplessly.

Later, after discussing with Ye Cai'er, Liu Qinghuan postponed the return to Eagle's Nest City for a few days.

Now that he knows that Yan Jing is Di Rou's father, he can't stand still, otherwise he will have no face to meet Di Rou's little girl.

Although Yan Jing's injury was serious, the pure spiritual power of the Aoki Sacred Body was better than most healing elixirs. It was not only gentle and moisturizing, but also had the effect of restoring vitality. Therefore, with his sparing no efforts in treatment, he was healed in a few days. After Yan Jing's secret injuries were healed, some elixirs were left for him.

The other party didn't want to take advantage of him, and actually gave him a big gift before he left.

After Liu Qinghuan looked at the ring handed over by the other party, he was shocked and said: "This..."

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