Lin Dong has changed from a prisoner who leaked state secrets to a leader in national science and technology, an academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, which is simply earth-shattering.

Tens of millions of local chickens were stunned...

They really recognize a little ...

Lin Dong is not a powerful backstage....

It's that his meow is strong....

"Family.... What about the guys who shout that the most useless is the anchor? Why don't dogs bark now? "

It must be the fur seals of a certain organization, and now that the incident has exploded, they are naturally tethered by their owners.... It's really a good dog, and I can't see the country's economy carry forward..."

"Haha..... How ferocious it was at the beginning, how embarrassed it is now,

these guys are the betrayers....""Anyway, Lin Dashen has the ability, for the country and the people, and will not be led astray by these public opinion garbage, in the future, Lin Dashen is my faith, and he will support everything he says

....""This is the real chivalrous righteousness, for the country and the people...."

The wind direction on the Internet can be said to have changed overnight, and the guys who criticize Lin in writing, even if it is because they are led astray, And the dog didn't bark.

Because their keyboards are still there....

The Internet is supreme, whether it's right or wrong, spray it first, unless you're bruised....

Lin Dong was proud, it was really a beautiful day, let the mood scratch, glanced at the women, and suddenly looked superior.

"How? Brother is a legend, don't be obsessed with brother, brother is a man you can't get...."Lin Dong fart.

"The dead forest moves.... If the old lady can't get it, she will eat it..."Diba pounced, shot wildly at Lin Dong, and bit it on the spot, grinning the beautiful beast.

If you're not careful, you may need a rabies vaccine...

All the women were very happy, but one person was a little overshadowed, which made Lin Dong very curious, but he didn't start asking now, and everyone was happy for a while.

Wang Yan walked out of the corridor and looked at the world outside the window, the sun over Kyoto was very good, because there was no haze today, and it was naturally refreshing.

"What's wrong! I don't look happy at all, even so, you have to pay me a salary, hateful capitalist..."Lin Dong quipped.

"You bastard, you can't spit out ivory from your dog's mouth, and you've never been a good person." Wang Yan's anger rose rapidly, and she really wanted to bite into it, as fierce as Diba.

"Okay..... What's not going to be happy? Lin Dong said curiously.

"Come home with me, my grandfather wants to see you...."Wang Yan said suddenly.

Rub and rub ...

Lin Dong jumped three or five steps away, with a shocked face, and he was really curious to kill the cat, could it be that he fell into this woman's trap? Wrong.... Is this going back to meet the parents?

"Hey, hey..... Am I going to meet with my parents? I'm really looking forward to it.." Lin Dong rubbed his hands.

In the fantasy, I must have taken a bunch of brain platinum, some liquor, some tea, a little souvenir, and drove a car to the boss's house...

From then on, living a life of eating soft rice without commotion and dryness is really a desirable and beautiful day....

"You're thinking wrong.... If you can't get into my grandfather's eyes, don't think about any chances in the future. Wang Yan snorted, the Wang family is not a small family, a real century-old wealthy family.

Even though Lin Dong has extraordinary skills, for a family of more than a hundred years, it is really not a terrifying existence, after all, being powerful is the mainstream of society.

Lin Dong touched his nose and said, "It's okay.... When are you going to meet them? Need to bring me some souvenirs? "

What souvenirs do you have?" Wang Yan was very suspicious.

"I'll tell you when the time comes...."Lin Dong smiled mysteriously.

"That's okay.... I'll go tonight..."Wang Yan said unceremoniously.

“OK..... Do I need to dress smart? "Lin Dong thinks he's very handsome!

Wang Yan didn't want to be like this, so she slammed the door, leaving Lin Dong dumbfounded, she was really a woman with a knife mouth and a tofu heart, and sure enough, most of the women were complicated.


In the evening....

Lin Dong bought a box of dried sweet potatoes and a little persimmon cake, including a few plantains, not bananas, but old plantains in the countryside.

"You...."Wang Yan saw this bunch of things, even a domineering female president of Daxia Entertainment almost went crazy, and finally took a deep breath and moved all of them into the car.

"Don't make a fuss.... These things are rarely eaten..."Lin Dong said with a smile.

Wang Yan glanced at him, drove a car towards the capital, and after bypassing the high-rise buildings, he came to a huge courtyard house, surrounded by bonsai trees.

According to the geographical location, it happens that the place of the dragon's rest, opposite is the Forbidden City of the Ming and Qing dynasties, which is really expensive, no wonder the dynasty has declined, and the family is immortal.

"Miss is back!" A middle-aged woman shouted happily when she saw the two get out of the car.

"Auntie..... Is my grandpa, my dad at home? Wang Yan said politely.

The middle-aged woman laughed, although she was a nanny, she had served in the Wang family for at least twenty or thirty years.

Led by a nanny....

Lin Dong followed in, and sure enough, the courtyard was a good house in a cornucopia, it is said that hundreds of millions of dollars cannot be bought now, and it is full of treasures and antique.

Walking in the corridor, there are rockeries, bamboo, front yards and back yards, which are very large and make people feel an elegant tranquility.

Finally saw the main master, in the main hall, an old man and a young man were drinking tea, waiting for Lin Dong's arrival, to come to a dismount posture.

"Grandpa..... Dad..."Wang Yan shouted when she saw the two of them.

The two smiled and nodded, and looked at Lin Dong again, rustic, selling goods all over the place, looking very handsome, and bringing a bunch of rural souvenirs in their hands.

"Haha.... Old man, uncle.... Don't be surprised, this is a local product grown at home...."Lin Dong smiled.

Lin Dong is not restrained at all, anyway, he didn't plan to let them take a fancy to him, many people have a kind of self-respecting and cheap temperament, give you face, and really kick your nose in the face.

"Okay..... Sit back! The

old man who didn't say anything for a long time finally shouted a word, which made Lin Dong smile, and sat down unceremoniously, without seeing the old man cowering.

Only Wang Yan's father, Wang Long, frowned, he was really a newborn calf who was not afraid of tigers, he was not restrained at all, but very casual.

"Come on.... Drink a cup of tea..."

The old man personally poured tea for Lin Dong, both Wang Long and Wang Yan were surprised, this has never been seen, because among the younger generations, there is really no one who is qualified.

Lin Dong enjoyed a drink, a burst of aroma came to his nose, and he couldn't help but show a hint of surprise, and said: "This is a big red robe, or a rare good thing...."

Sure enough, if you know the goods, it's no wonder that you have a side job in hand, but..."

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