Tens of millions of local chickens looked at the conversation between the three people in the live broadcast room, and they were stunned one by one....

Their eyes widened in disbelief, what kind of martial arts masters were these three guys

? What else are they doing with martial arts alliance masters?

How is this possible

.....?" Hasn't the Qing Dynasty perished yet? I feel that I can still ascend the throne and become emperor, who wants to be the queen and concubine? All included in the harem..."

"Brothers.... The Qing Dynasty has been extinct for more than a hundred years... It's the twenty-first century, the moon is dancing, Mars is beckoning, the sun is attracting money

....""Brothers.... Is it possible that now it is anti-Qing and the restoration of the Ming Dynasty? Because most of the novels of the martial arts alliance are from the Ming Dynasty

........" Why is there a martial arts? What kind of Five Poisons Sect, aren't those villains in martial arts movies?

""You guys won't be in their heads! This is just a farce by Lin Dashen, and even the day after tomorrow it can be launched in the cinema to make tens of billions of taxes for the country

........" Anyway, I took it seriously.... He meowed, if he continues, Lin Dashen will definitely go to cultivate immortals, isn't this a novel routine?"

Stop it.... Let's continue to watch the play!"

Everyone's three views were shattered again and again, it was so shocking that they all began to wonder if technology had blocked the civilization of the ancients.

An ancient civilization is not a ..... of a declining civilization

Rather, it is the withering of the aura, leading to an era of the end of the law....

However, they stared at the live broadcast room, without blinking, to see if they could see a little unbelievable change.

Inside the wooden house....

A man who seemed to be a native of the tribe was the leader of the Five Poisons Sect, with a serious face, and said: "It is impossible for a strong person in the Heavenly Realm, in the martial arts, no one has been born for hundreds of years, how can it be?"

"I also think.... This kid is true or false, he must be a clown who jumps off the beam, just to make a wave of traffic, and secular people should be like this..."

The other person chimed in.

"That's it.... Recently, our actions and wanting a large amount of money have been impossible, and we have been targeted by a group of policemen, and if we are not careful, I am afraid that we will not recover, so we should hide for a while..."

The last person sighed.

The three of them glanced at each other, they could only do so, they failed repeatedly, under the big data, even if they had high martial arts and powerful means, it was difficult to avoid the wiring of the police station.

"Alright.... Forget it this time, about a month later, we should prepare well for a martial arts conference that will start. The Five Poisons Sect Leader gave the two of them a serious look.

"I don't have a problem....""I don't have a problem...",

the two of them naturally won't let go, and Wulin is basically a group of hermit masters, so they naturally won't

let go.

"Good.... That's the end of today's business, let's disperse!" said the Five Poisons Sect Leader with a wave of his hand.

The three of them blew out the lights in one gulp and were about to leave....

Suddenly, another spark drifted in, lit the light, and found that there was one more person in the wooden house, and looked at the three of them with a smile.

"Who are you?" The three of them were taken aback, as if they had seen a ghost, and someone actually entered without knowing it, there was only one possibility...

This guy is strong....

"No.... I'm the little anchor in your mouth..."Lin Dong crossed Erlang's legs and said with a faint smile.

"What?" The

three of them were even more surprised, and immediately glanced at each other, and then moved their footsteps slightly, their eyes were like torches, and they had already reached a tacit understanding.


The three of them shot out in unison, and with one punch, even the air vibrate, it was actually the peak strength of internal strength, tiger and tiger, even the tables, chairs and benches were shocked, and they were incomparably powerful.

With this terrifying combat power, tens of millions of native chickens feel a sense of touch that is about to explode across the screen....

Lin Dong smiled slightly, punched out, and exploded instantly, it was already a farmer's three punches, bang, bang... With three loud bangs, the opponent was knocked away in an instant....

The three of them were incredulous, and after looking at each other, they all got an amazing idea, this guy is really heavenly, a terrifying level.

They couldn't believe it....

Throughout the ages, there have been so few people who have been able to step into the heavenly realm, each of them is hundreds of years old, and this guy is only in his early twenties, how can he be so powerful?

They took a deep breath and had only one thought, to run away immediately, otherwise there would be no chance...


They shouted, and in an instant they burst out, eager to grow three legs and slip away....

"Do you want to leave, are you really joking?" Lin Dong stepped out, and he had already landed in front of the three of them, and with a palm out, the three of them were knocked out, spitting blood from their mouths.

They were deeply struck....

"Use your insect control skills...," one of them shouted.

"Okay..."The Five Poisons Sect Leader immediately took out a flute and began to blow it.

As a result, his face turned pale, a mouthful of old blood spurted out, and he found the five poisons of all people, and lost contact, which made him full of horror.

"How about it? I also have the ability to control insects, but you are Xiaodao, I am Dao..."Lin Dong grinned.

Insect control is just a small branch of the animal tamer, and naturally it is a small thing, and in the end you can only kneel.

"That's right..... Who did you learn your corpse expulsion technique from?" Lin Dong said very seriously.

"I..."The leader of the Five Poisons Sect swallowed, and when he saw Lin Dong's murderous eyes, he could only explain, and said: "That's a little skill of our master, he is the descendant of the Yinshan faction, and then he left the corpse expulsion technique to pass on to me..."

Yinshan faction....

An ancient and mysterious sect....

According to the legend, it is the evil origin of the Maoshan faction, who cultivates with charm and spirit, drives supernatural powers, and achieves the ultimate goal.

It is said that what is the five gods, what is the five ghost handling techniques and so on....

"Alright... Don't blame me for doing it. Lin Dong said coldly.

After the three of them looked at each other, they could only shatter the meridians, starting from the arm, a punch fell all over the body, vomiting blood on the spot, and they were tragic....

Da Da Da ....

At this time, the righteous voice of Wang Linglong and others quickly entered it, and saw three pale guys, with a wave of their big hands, they took gold bracelets and dragged them away...

Lin Dong smiled slightly and said to the live broadcast room: "Okay... Thank you for watching today, this time it's a collaborative shooting between me and Officer Wang Linglong, no matter what bulls, ghosts, snakes, and gods, they are all under the control of the police, and there is nothing to hide..."

"Isn't it... Wang Da Gonghua, let's take a look at a few words, let the local chickens howl..".

Lin Dong said very sincerely.

"Haha.... Yes... This joint shooting was very successful, everyone has to believe in science, after all, what gods and ghosts are just tricks.

Wang Linglong said very cooperatively.

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