Everyone is a demon, why are you covered in holy light?

Chapter 246 This damn Dharma name! Sure enough, we have a deep connection with Buddha! 6292 words

Chapter 246 This damn Dharma name! Sure enough, we have a deep connection with Buddha! "6292 words"

Compared with the Hall of Ten Thousand Buddhas, the Mingfo Hall is less majestic and larger.

This is like a relatively gorgeous temple, but similarly, there are many golden Buddha statues in the Mingfo Hall.

When Yang Gu came here under the guidance of two Gami, the Gami guarding the palace door saluted him respectfully and welcomed him into the palace.

More than 270 destined people have arrived in the hall. Everyone is sitting quietly on the futon, waiting very quietly for the ordination ceremony to begin.

Yang Gu slowly stepped into the Ming Buddha Hall. Gami behind him closed the heavy door and blocked the natural light coming from the outside. The hall suddenly became dim, leaving only a candlelight and the light coming from the golden bodies. refracted light.

Facing Yang Eucalyptus, these predestined people who were sitting quietly on the futon and had not yet shaved their heads put their hands together and lowered their heads. The light scattered on their bodies like patches of spots.

As for Yang Gu, he walked forward on the empty path in the middle. A futon with golden patterns was prepared for him in the front position, showing his luxury.

As a Buddhist, the treatment he received was naturally the best.

Yang Gu also saw the holy boy named Mingbei that day. Mingbei was located slightly behind him.

The two glanced at each other inadvertently, and Singbeak slowly lowered his head.

After arriving at his seat, Yang Yu also sat down, quietly waiting for Zen Master Qingcheng, who was presiding over the ordination ceremony, to appear.

Not long after, faint chanting sounded from all directions in the Mingfo Hall, as if countless monks were chanting in a low voice.

Accompanying the sound of chanting, a golden lotus platform slowly fell from the sky above the Mingfo Hall. At the same time, a layer of faint golden light fell down, and the entire hall seemed like a golden rain.

Haishu Bodhisattva is sitting on the lotus platform, with kind eyebrows and kind eyes, and a kind expression, as he slowly falls down from the lotus platform.

Behind and to the side of him is a Zen master wearing a black monk's robe and red cassock, holding a golden wooden box in both hands. He must be Zen Master Qingcheng who presided over the ordination ceremony.

Why did Haishu Bodhisattva come here in person?

Everyone subconsciously looked at Yang Yu, who was sitting in the front, obviously for the sake of Buddha.

Only a disciple of the Buddha can have such an honor.

Yang Yu could naturally guess it, and she became even more nervous.

broken! If the Bodhisattva personally tonsures him, does he not want him to have the possibility of growing hair again?

Do we have to say goodbye to this flowing hair from now on?

It seems that he can only bear it and cannot resist.

Sure enough, when Haishu Bodhisattva and Zen Master Qingcheng appeared, Zen Master Qingcheng quickly announced that Haishu Bodhisattva would personally perform the ordination ceremony for the Buddha's son, and the rest of the predestined people could admire the glory of the Buddha's ordination ceremony.

The appearance of a Buddhist disciple is very rare. Being able to watch the Buddhist disciple's tonsure ceremony is an honor for everyone present.

Because it was not just Yang Gu who was undergoing the tonsure ceremony this time, but all the new and predestined people present.

Therefore, although Zen Master Qingcheng presided over the ordination ceremony, Haishu Bodhisattva was present. Before the ordination ceremony, Haishu Bodhisattva personally performed the prelude ceremony for everyone, and it was not until the time of the tonsure that it was handed over to Qing. Become a Zen master.

From another aspect, this is because the Bodhisattva personally performed the ordination ceremony for them, which is a great honor.

The ordination ceremony has a very formal process, whether it is in the secular world or in Dade Temple, it is the same, and it will be completed under the watchful eye of the Buddha.

"When you become a monk and enter the Tao, you renounce your love and relatives, and the Buddhist rituals and laws are now attached to your body. You should stop loving kindness and take it as your heart. Give up your illusions and return to the truth. The door to liberation is happy! Amitabha!"

Haishu Bodhisattva is sitting on the lotus platform, chanting loudly, and the golden bodies of Buddha statues in all directions seem to be paying attention at all times.

Under the guidance of Zen Master Qingcheng, everyone present stood up from the futons and bowed to Haishu Bodhisattva, and then bowed to the Buddhas in all directions.

Then starting from Yang Gu, he took a stick of incense from the side of the incense tripod and walked around in a circle. The others also took incense in their hands and followed him, and finally returned to their original position, facing the Ming Buddha Hall. The tallest and most magnificent golden Buddha statue.

The burning fine incense is inserted into the incense cauldron, and a few green smoke rises, and the entire Mingfo Hall seems to be filled with clouds and mist.

Everyone returned to their original positions, and following the chanting of Haishu Bodhisattva, they all began to recite a set of relatively simple sutras.

Until the recitation is completed, bow three times and kneel down with palms together.

"Destroying one's appearance and keeping one's moral integrity, abandoning one's love and having no relatives, abandoning one's family to promote the holy way, and willing to save everyone."

Everyone sang together, this is called a monk's verse, with pious faces on their faces.

After all this is done, the next step is the most important ceremony of tonsure.

"Buddha, come forward!"

Under the call of Zen Master Qingcheng, Yang Yu slowly got up from the ground, walked to Haishu Bodhisattva under everyone's gaze, always keeping his hands clasped together, and then sat down again.

Haishu Bodhisattva stood up on the lotus platform, came to Yang Eucalyptus, stretched out his hand that did not look like an old man's, and caressed Yang Eucalyptus's head.

Yang Yu was still a little worried. There is a complete ritual to perform the ordination ceremony, and there must be necessary oaths and secret mantras.

But as Haishu Bodhisattva caressed his head, a layer of faint green light suddenly enveloped him and fell on him.

This immediately relieved him.

Another great method of karma!

If so, he wouldn't be afraid.

Since he used his purification power in Yan'an Temple that day, he has eliminated the cost of this Dharma secret seal to him. From an ordinary person to a predestined person, and from a predestined person to a Buddhist disciple of Dade Temple, he has experienced three major events in total. , everything has passed the test, even if it is a lie, there will be no price.

This also means that even if he is undergoing a tonsure ceremony at this time, no matter how solemn a vow is required, he can still get away with it under the law of karma and fate of this important event.

Very good! Very good!

Zen Master Qingcheng on the side opened the box he was holding and respectfully presented it in front of Haishu Bodhisattva.

In that box was a willow-leaf knife that was as long as a foot. The blade had a cold glow and was extremely sharp.

It can be used as an instrument for the tonsure ceremony at Dade Temple. Naturally, it cannot be a common thing. It is a magical instrument.

Haishu Bodhisattva gently held the knife, touched Yang Yu's forehead with one hand, and then asked three questions with a kind face:

I decided to become a monk, do I regret it?

Can I shave off the top of my hair?

Is it possible to practice Buddhist Zen diligently?

Yang Yu agreed one by one, lowered his head, his face full of piety.

Regret! Yes! Unsustainable!

He made it clear in his mind that no matter what happened, the cause and conditions could not affect him, and the Buddha could not control him.

"The first sword, I wish to cut off all your evil!"

Haishu Bodhisattva held the knife and just made a light stroke on Yang Gu's head.

Yang Yu suddenly felt a cold feeling on her head, like frost, and saw the soft black hair falling in front of her eyes, which made her feel quite heartbroken.

"The second sword, may you practice all good deeds!"

Another slash.

"The third sword, may you save everyone!"

This is the last cut. It only takes three cuts to shave. With the magic weapon, it can easily cut off three thousand trouble threads.

From then on, there was a brand new... bald head in the world!

"Now that I have shaved off your crown hair, I hope that you will respect the Three Jewels, follow Buddhism and go deep into the scriptures.

Practice precepts, concentration and wisdom diligently to extinguish greed, anger and ignorance.

Amitabha! "

Haishu Bodhisattva made a Buddhist salute with one hand, took back the knife, and put it back into the box held by Qingcheng.

But then I saw him reciting a secret mantra, stretched out his hand and pointed lightly from the top of Yang Gu's smooth head.

Suddenly a black seal appeared, covering the top of Yang Gu's skull like a spider web, and quickly penetrated through the pores and disappeared.

Eucalyptus Yang felt her head getting cooler and cooler, and at the same time there was a numb and itchy feeling, as if some mosquitoes crawled over it and flew away quickly.

At the same time, an information box suddenly popped up in front of his eyes.

"[Yunluo barrier]: It comes from the hands of Haijiang Bodhisattva of Dade Temple, and is made with the blood of the inanimate demon. It enters the body of a living being, confirming the vows made, and meditating as before.

Price of use: The possessed creatures will not be able to grow hair; those who violate the oath will suffer the calamity of inner demons and will be unable to use all fundamental laws.

Status: Can be purified! "


Yang Yu did not hesitate to use the purifying power on the things that penetrated into his body under the eyes of Haishu Bodhisattva.

Anyway, I have tried it countless times, and no matter how high the opponent's cultivation level is, I can't see any clues.

He was afraid that if it was too late, he would never be able to grow hair again and would have to wear a bald head from now on.

I was still worried about this problem before, but I didn't expect that the Bodhisattva of the majestic Dade Temple would use such evil foreign objects. It is really cruel.

Fortunately, the devil is as high as the Tao. You have a good plan, and I have a wall ladder.

As for why it is an external object rather than the force of rules? You can guess it if you think about it.

Every new disciple will continue to grow in the future. No one can say with certainty how far they will grow in the future. Naturally, no one is willing to work for Dade Temple wholeheartedly despite the constraints of the rules.

After all, coercion and appropriate restraint can achieve completely different results.

Everyone present is a person who has gone through many layers of tests and screenings. If there are disciples who can grow to the level of great power, then the restrictions of such an external object will become very small, and naturally it will not matter.

"From now on, you will escape into Buddhism and I will give you the Dharma name - Yuan Ji!"

As expected, Haishu Bodhisattva did not see any clues, and then he said to Yang Yu very solemnly and gave him the Dharma title.

The name of the Dharma in Dade Temple is not static, but depends on the cultivation level of the holder.

Yang Yu's cultivation under the hidden seal was only in the late stage of Fake Food, so he was given the title "Yuan", which also accommodated his secular name of Zhang Wuji.

When Yang Yu reaches a breakthrough in cultivation in the future, his name will also change accordingly.

Yuanji's character is Guang, and when he reaches the name of Yuanji, he will be called "Guangji".

The characters for fu organs and stones are universal, the destruction of flesh is virtue, the dead spirit is celebration, and when it comes to Bodhisattva, it is the sea...

But when Yang Yu heard his Dharma call, his heart froze and he almost spit out a mouthful of old blood.

Yuan Ji...passed away...

This is a curse on him, right?

It was wrong to think about it. The Dharma name was compatible with the secular name. He should not have said that his name was Zhang Wuji in the first place.

Or call him Linghu Chong? Maybe it all sounds better.

Fortunately, the name is only temporary. When he lifts the concealment seal and reveals stronger cultivation, the name can be changed accordingly.

"Thank you Bodhisattva!"

Yang Eucalyptus immediately accepted it and bowed devoutly.

"I will give you the robe..."

When Yang Yu returned to his Zen room in Mingxin Zen Monastery, he seemed to be a completely different person than when he left, and his whole body had a completely different temperament.

There was a bronze mirror in the Zen room where he rested, and he couldn't help but look at himself up and down.

Although he has a shiny bald head and is wearing a gray monk's robe with gold-trimmed sleeves and collar, he has a handsome face and looks like a handsome monk.

But Yang Yu couldn't help feeling a little disgusted and frowned.

Like other predestined people, they all belong to the Sangha because of their cultivation, but as a disciple of the Buddha, he is naturally different.

The sleeve collars of monks' robes are edged with gold, and the collars of Zen masters' robes are also edged with gold.

This means that the treatment that Buddhist disciples can enjoy is the same as that of Zen masters. Although Buddhist disciples have a respected status, they also need to improve their public status in Dade Temple with their cultivation and contributions.

After all, he is still a monk, just not at the bottom.

After completing the ordination ceremony for Yang Yu, Haishu Bodhisattva left. He just left a message for Yang Yu before leaving, asking him to go to the Heart Buddha Hall in two days. At that time, he would personally teach Yang Yu .

Yang Yu was also looking forward to receiving personal instruction from a powerful Taoist master.

"Hahahaha, little bitch, you really made me laugh to death. I almost didn't recognize you. Look at your forehead, it's so bright..."

After returning to the quiet room, when she saw Yang Yu for the first time, Gong Niang's teasing suddenly reached Yang Yu's ears.

The bow of Gong Niang was quite special and could not be stored in the magic weapon. It could only be carried with her. However, she could not carry it with her during the ordination ceremony, so Yang Yu had to put her in the quiet room temporarily.

Hearing Gong Niang's words, Yang Yu rolled her eyes helplessly. She had nothing to say and could only accept the fact.

Anyway, he has purified the price of Yunluo barrier, so it's not like the hair can't grow back.

These humiliations are only temporary.

Ignoring Gong Niang, Yang Yu calmed down and began to think about a problem he had to face, which was the seal residue of the Earthly Dharma Stele that was still in his hand.

The prefectures that were still under the rule of Jinlu Pavilion used demonic disasters to devour flesh and blood, and the complete recovery of the Earthly Dharma Monument was not far away.

As long as he can get some more flesh and blood, he can completely restore the Earthly Dharma Stele. He can also take this opportunity to control the Earthly Dharma Stele and get the secrets within it.

Since the technique he practiced, "Explanations of the Wonderful Way," comes from the Earthly Dharma Stele, he must completely control the Earthly Dharma Stele and there is no other way.

Otherwise, the skills he currently masters will only be part of the Zombie God at best. If he cannot master the Earthly Dharma Monument, the future will be cut off, and his cultivation will be stagnant at the Zombie God stage in the future due to incomplete skills.

Although he has entered the gate of Dade Temple, has become a Buddhist disciple of Dade Temple, and has also become an undercover agent of Jinlu Pavilion, he cannot slow down his progress because of this.

So, how to obtain the remaining flesh and blood that can revive the Earthly Dharma Monument?

Among monks in the secular world, killing is a violation of the precepts and is a very serious sin.

But this is in Dade Temple, and they are all practitioners. Yang Yu doesn't believe that these guys don't kill.

Especially after witnessing the battle in the Hanzhou Minghe Sect, once these bald donkeys started killing each other, they would probably want to send people directly to hell.

He was thinking about this problem. With his current status, he might not be able to leave Dade Temple easily, so he could only find a way in Dade Temple.

Is there any way to directly obtain flesh and blood from Dade Temple? And it won’t be suspected?

As he thought about it, Yang Yu's eyes suddenly lit up.

Since they cannot leave Dade Temple for the time being, their enemies may not be there!

Generally speaking, it seems that among such a force, and it is a hegemonic force, there must be many enemies and a pack of wolves waiting for them.

There are only two types of enemies, dead and alive.

Since there are enemies who are still alive, if Dadeji doesn't want them to die, then there will naturally be a place to imprison the enemies, such as... a dungeon!

Isn't this a wonderful place just right for him to devour flesh and blood openly?

Thinking of this, Yang Yu suddenly had an idea.

It seems that he needs to collect more information about this in the future. As a Buddhist disciple, it will not be too difficult.

If there is one, you can look for opportunities to enter it, and the problem of the resurrection of the Earthly Dharma Monument can be solved.

A problem to be solved was temporarily revealed, and her bad mood was relieved due to the tonsure. Yang Yu couldn't help but look at Gong Niang who was quietly laying aside, and then looked at the monk's robe on her body.

If it were before, as a free practitioner, no one would care if he had a bow on his back.

But now he has become a monk on the surface. Wearing this outfit and being in Dade Temple, it would be too eye-catching if he still carries a bow on his back.

It is impossible for Yang Yu to keep Gong Niang in a quiet room all the time. If the guarantee is not complete, he will need to use Gong Niang to use some unconventional means.

However, there has been no new news coming from the Carnitas Tree recently, and I don’t know how busy the boss is.

He wanted to ask the boss if there was any way for him to carry Gong Niang with him, and at the same time, what was the connection between Gong Niang's secret and the Ten Thousand Buddhas Hall.

Thinking of this, Yang Yu immediately immersed his consciousness into the tree of flesh and blood, and sent a message to the owner of the shop, asking if he had any free time at this time.

However, Yang Gu was a little disappointed. After waiting for a while, there was no reply from the owner of the shop owner on the Carnitas Tree. It was obvious that he was still busy.

It seems that we can only continue to wait.

Two days passed in the blink of an eye.

On this day, Yang Yu followed Bodhisattva Haishu's previous instructions and found a Gami and asked him to take him to the Heart Buddha Hall, and he arrived as promised.

When they arrived at the Heart Buddha Hall, there were no monks guarding the place, so Yang Yu had to find his way into the door of the Heart Buddha Hall alone.

The heavy door opened slowly and automatically without any wind, and the light from the outside penetrated through the door, reflecting on a figure sitting on the lotus platform.

That is Haishu Bodhisattva.

Except for Haishu Bodhisattva, there is no one else in the Heart Buddha Hall.

When Yang Gu entered here, the sound of chanting sutras came to his ears clearly and brightly.


Yang Yu entered the Heart Buddha Hall and bowed respectfully to the figure whose back was turned to him.

The door slowly closed, but no sound was made, and the Heart Buddha Hall suddenly became dark again.

Haishu Bodhisattva did not respond at all, and continued to recite sutras to himself.

In the direction facing Haishu Bodhisattva, there is a very tall statue of the Buddha with closed eyes, also sitting on the lotus platform. On both sides of the Buddha statue are two much smaller Arhat statues, one on the left Standing on the right side.

In front of the Buddha statue, incense candles are burning, and various vegetarian tributes are placed. On the columns on both sides, a pair of verses are engraved.

Letter: The mind is untainted and naturally perfected.

Second letter: But if you are free from false predispositions, you will be like a Buddha.

Other than that, the palace was empty and there was nothing else.

Different from the Hall of Ten Thousand Buddhas and the Hall of Ming Buddha, the furnishings in the Hall of Heart Buddha are relatively simple. If it weren't for the fact that this place is called the Hall of Heart Buddha, Yang Yu would think that this is just a simple Zen room.

Seeing that the old monk Haishu ignored him, Yang Yu saw a futon in front of him, so he walked forward and sat cross-legged, waiting quietly.

The secular monks love to talk in circles, but the monks of Dade Temple love to sell things.

Looking at it this way, as a human being, we cannot escape from the vulgarity, and we are all vulgar.

After waiting for more than half an hour, I saw that the chanting of the old monk Haishu seemed to have come to an end. He devoutly paid homage to the Buddha statue in front of him and recited Amitabha.

Yang Eucalyptus was able to keep her composure and did not show any impatience because of waiting.

Who told him to be an undercover? This is the self-cultivation an undercover should have.

Haishu Bodhisattva slowly turned around and faced Yang Eucalyptus, with a kind face and approval in his eyes.

"Yuan Ji has a very good character. Now that he has entered the right path, how do you feel?"

The old monk had already begun to address him with the Dharma title, and Yang Yu almost didn't react.

This damn Dharma name!

"Bodhisattva, Yuan... Yuanji has only felt that since he entered the temple, the spiritual platform has been clear and bright, and it has become brand new. The dust contaminated by the past has been washed away by my Buddha, and he has been reborn and entered a place of good deeds. This is truly the blessing of Yuanji's tenth life."

Well, who doesn't know how to flatter? Who doesn't like to hear flattery?

Anyway, once you open your mouth, don't worry about anything else. Just blow it where it's good, and you won't hit the smiling person with your hand.

Sure enough, after hearing Yang Yu's answer, Haishu Bodhisattva suddenly laughed, and the laughter echoed in the Heart Buddha Hall, as if epiphyllums were blooming everywhere.

"How wonderful! How wonderful!"

After praising Yang Gu, Haishu Bodhisattva began to talk about the main topic.

"When Yuanji first entered the land of Shanshan, he heard Qingnan say that you once practiced a method called "Nine Yang Divine Art". I don't know what this method is?"

Hearing the old monk Haishu ask this question, various thoughts flashed through Yang Yu's mind.

If it were not for this world, once a practitioner practiced any technique, he would not be able to change it. He would really be afraid that he would give up the technique he is currently practicing and change to other techniques.

Even if it is Qi Dao, it cannot be forced to change.

Although he didn't know why this happened, Yang Yu didn't panic because of this. He had already thought of an explanation.

"Bodhisattva, this is what I received from an unknown monk when I first started practicing Buddhism when I was in the secular world. I don't know much about it. I just heard what the monk said that this method needs to be combined with the practice of Zhiyang Zhichun. Or by using the method of body refining, you can become increasingly diligent in your practice."

Of course, Yang Yu didn't know what kind of practice method the Nine Yang Divine Art was. It was just a random joke by him, but when he thought of his own light spells, he took this opportunity to make some connections.

Not talking about light spells, just talking about the purest and most yang, the scope is quite large.

If he could take this opportunity to obtain more light spells in the Dade Temple, he would probably smile from ear to ear.

"The most pure sun?"

When Haishu Bodhisattva heard what Yang Yu said, he paused and then smiled.

"How wonderful! How wonderful!"

"The place where I advocate goodness is the holy land of Buddhism. If we talk about the most yang and pure Dharma, I am afraid that there will be no one in the world. Yuanji really has a deep connection with Buddhism."

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