The dark and frizzy hair was like dry thatch, with a lot of filthy long hair attached to it, blocking the face of the man in the monument, but a pair of eyes looked at Eucalyptus poplar through the gap. Those eyes seemed to be full of fatigue and despair, and there was no trace of anything at all. of light.

Yang Yu blurted out the identity of the ibis, and it was because he saw the broken mask inlaid on the stone tablet for the first time that he subconsciously shouted out.

As the first boundary-repairing person he met in the deep world of Qiyuan Land, Ibis left a very deep impression on Yang Yu.

The person in the stele responded to Yang Gu's voice by immediately recognizing the identity of the ibis.

He really is an ibis! One of the former world-repairing people of the Earthly Dao Sect!

Why is he here? And why did it become like this?

Realizing that by calling the ibis' name, he had revealed the information he knew for no reason, Yang Yu subconsciously took a step back.

At first, if he thought that the great demon of Qi Dao in the Demon Cliff was just an ordinary Qi Dao, then he would not have any emotions.

But now that he knew that this guy turned out to be an ibis, Yang Yu couldn't help but feel a little shocked, but more defensive.

Ibis is very strong. As one of the world-repairing members of the Earthly Dao Sect, Ibis is on the same level as He He, and he must be treated with caution.

"I have seen you, no, to be precise, I have seen that mask."

Faced with the ibis's raised question, Yang Yu slowly replied.

"In a portrait from Central Continent, it is recorded that you were once a member of the Earthly Dao Sect."

Naturally, any portrait is a lie. At this time, there must be a cover-up reason. Yang Yu always has a calm face and a heartless heart when telling lies. She has long been accustomed to it.

As for why he didn't reveal his identity as a member of the world, he only said that he was from the Earthly Dao Sect.

It's because Yang Yu has made speculations in the land of Yiyuan before, and has never heard of any world-repairing people. Maybe this is some kind of secret about the earthly Taoist sect, and he can't reveal too much information anymore.

After hearing Yang Gu's answer, the ibis' eyes that were not without light were quickly covered with rich holes, and he slowly lowered his head.

"Is that so? Where did you see that portrait?"

He asked, but his tone was full of contradictory emotions, as if he wanted to ask but had no interest in it.

His body was sealed in the stone tablet. It seemed that except for his hands and head, no other parts could move. His whole body was extremely tired.

Yang Yu keenly captured this point and immediately changed the topic.

"That's not important. What's important is, why are you here? Why did you become the so-called Lord of Death?"

Dimo Cliff is a place where monsters gather. The ibis will be here, and it is very likely that it will also live as a monster.

Monks and demons have the same origin, so it is not surprising even if they lose their minds and fall into the devil, they become demons.

Therefore, Yang Yu was not very curious about why the ibis looked like this. He was more concerned about what happened to the Diji Dao Sect. As one of the people who made up the world, the ibis was not in Zhongzhou, but he actually appeared here?

But at this moment, the ibis, which had lowered its head, suddenly raised its head again, and the look in its eyes suddenly changed.

"No! No! Why do you know the name Ibis? You shouldn't know Ibis! You shouldn't!

who are you? ! "

He seemed to be suspicious of a certain issue that Yang Yu had not discovered, and suddenly became a little excited.

His body struggled hard in the stone tablet, but the stone tablet seemed to have taken root and was as stable as a mountain. No matter how hard he struggled, the stone tablet did not move at all.

Yang Yu's heart suddenly tightened. It seemed that this guy must have discovered something, but seeing that the stone tablet remained motionless despite the Ibis's struggle, he was slightly relieved.

Just as he was quickly running through various thoughts in his mind, and was about to put the ibis question away again, the ibis continued to shout.

"You are also a world-repairer, right? You are also a guy who has managed to survive to this day from ancient times! Who are you?"


Hearing the ibis' sudden emotional cry, Yang Yu noticed this very key word, but something was obviously wrong with the ibis now, and Yang Yu showed no abnormality.

"Sorry, I don't know what you are talking about. I came here to find the Lord of Death."

There seemed to be anger in the ibis's heart that wanted to be vented, but it was quickly extinguished.

After struggling for a while but being unable to leave the stone monument, I gave up the symptoms and calmed down again.

He was silent for a long time, seeming to be constantly easing the emotions in his heart, until he became completely quiet and returned to his weak look before.

"Why did you come to me?"

"I need the soul of a great demon of Qidao." Yang Yu didn't hide anything about this. He came here for this purpose.

"Go back, or go somewhere else...

You can't kill me, and you can't kill any of the monsters here. "

Yang Yu could hear that the Ibis's tired tone was not a denial of his strength, but more like stating an established fact.


he asked confused.

"Everything here is the first to be polluted. We have been lingering, but we can't make any progress. We can't live or die. We can't leave here. We can only wait to perish with the world.

If you stay here too long, you won't be able to kill us, and you will become one of our kind sooner or later. It's better to leave as soon as possible. "

The ibis' tone was very calm, sounding like he had accepted his fate, and at the same time, he unexpectedly wanted to persuade Yang Yu to leave here.

Yang Yu couldn't help but fell into deep thought after hearing his words.

If he hadn't come into contact with an ibis in the deep world before, he might not know what happened, but now he has some guesses in his mind.

When he saw the ibis in the bath for the first time, his fingers were already stained with turbidity. Perhaps from that time on, he had been contaminated by turbidity.

The five heavenly sects cannot escape from the world, Central Continent is closed, and the ibis appears here again. He has become an alien. Could it be that he was expelled from Central Continent by the Earthly Dao Sect?

However, matters involving the Earthly Dao Sect seemed to cause this guy to lose control of his emotions, so Yang Yu had no intention of asking this question.

He knew the ibis, but the ibis did not know him.

This shows that the real world of the original world and the land of Yiyuan in the Earthly Dharma Monument have indeed become two separate worlds. There may have been a common space-time line, but the follow-up is completely different.

He was also more certain that what he saw in the deep world might just be some kind of "image" left behind by the original world of that era.

In this case, the real world is the future and the deep world is the past.

Perhaps he can use the future results to reverse the course and pry into the secrets of the past to understand what happened in between.

But before that, he had to let Gong Niang recover before he could enter the deep world again.

Of course, if the ibis is a person who can communicate, he may be able to know more directly what happened.

At this time, the ibis's words all revealed a message:

The demons here have become accustomed to being unable to die. It is precisely because of this that everything here seems so abnormal.

Sure enough, he was right not to do what those demons said before.

"Why can't I kill you?"

Yang Gu was a little skeptical.

If it were another monk, he might really not be able to kill these demons, but he not only mastered a large number of light spells, but now also mastered the power of light rules, so he might not be able to kill the demons here.

Under the reflection of light, everything will be dissolved, even natural disasters are no exception.

"You can try……

Many people have been here. Now the Southern Territory is actually occupied by a force whose name I have never heard of before. They are like a group of annoying flies. They can't kill us, but they want to become one of us. This That's ridiculous. "

Is it the Golden Soul Sect? Those flies the ibis talks about.

Yang Yu was thinking, but at this moment, outside the thick fog around him, several figures slowly walked towards him and approached him.

They were not monks, but some of the monsters that were chasing him just now. They seemed to have been summoned invisibly. They stopped a few meters away from Yang Gu and stopped making any movement, as if they were quietly What is waiting for.

When Yang Gu saw these monsters, he immediately guessed the ibis' intention and asked him to try these monsters to see if he could kill them.

"The price of eternal life is to sink into this place completely and be unable to escape, but the place outside of here is not a bigger cage."

The ibises were talking to themselves, not even bothering to see what the poplars would do next, because the outcome was already determined and no one could kill them.

Yang Yu took a look at the monsters who came in. They were all very strange-looking guys.

If it hadn't been for what Ibis just said, they would have been the first degenerates to be contaminated, that is, former monks.

It's hard to imagine that a monk could be twisted into this way, even more demonized than a demon.

They stood there quietly, without even any intention of resisting, and without any expectation in their eyes, as if they were just going through a simple formality.

Is there really no way to kill them?

Yang Yu was suspicious, then raised his hand and suddenly made a fist.

Invisibly, a white light instantly penetrated the bodies of several demons.

At the moment when this light appeared, the ibis in the stone tablet suddenly shook and raised its head suddenly.


But his words were spoken too late!

The light passed through the bodies of several demons and instantly turned into countless particle storms, swallowing all the demons.

These few were just monsters in the Flesh Realm. Before they could even react, without any change in their expressions, they were suddenly wiped out in a sudden burst of light.

At this time, Yang Gu heard the sound of an ibis.

He looked at the empty ground. The thick fog around him had been largely dispersed by the burst of light. Those monsters had completely disappeared, and even their breath had disappeared completely.

Yang Yu turned her head and looked at the ibis, just in time to meet the ibis's eyes exposed from the dirty hair, as if to say:

Are you kidding me? What about the promise that it can't be killed?

Ibis also saw this scene, and his dirty long hair could not block the look of astonishment on his face.

Just now, he instantly sensed the breath of the spell activated by Yang Yu, which was the breath of light!

The power that should have been taboo in this world after it was completely polluted has now appeared!

The reason why the reaction was half a beat too slow was that even Ibis was not sure whether the light spells that had now become forbidden spells could kill them. He was hesitant and doubtful.

But now I see that those monsters are just gone, and their breath has not appeared in the Demon Cliff, and they will never come back.

They...were really killed!

" did you do it?"

Ibis couldn't believe it.

But before Yang Yu could answer, he became excited again.

"Try again! Try again!"

As soon as he finished speaking, more than a dozen demons entered the place this time, approaching from the thick fog outside.

"Quick! Kill them!"

The ibis became impatient.

Yang Yu was silent for a moment, but still raised his hand and activated the network of spiritual light that spread invisibly.

Even if he didn't use the power of his fused rules, as long as he was within the scope of the spiritual light network, it would be easy for him to kill some flesh beasts or even zombie gods.

The next moment, a large amount of light flashed again, and the light energy rioted, swallowing up all the demons in an instant.

In just the blink of an eye, more than ten demons died in Yang Yu's hands, leaving nothing behind.

"Hahaha! It's true! It's true!"

The ibis once again saw that Eucalyptus poplar really had the ability to kill them. He suddenly grabbed the sides of the stone monument with both hands, as if he wanted to get out of the stone monument at all costs, but was unable to do so.

Excitement began to appear in his eyes, as if he had been waiting for countless years for this day to finally arrive. He was calling to Yang Gu crazily, almost in a begging manner.

"Please...kill me! Kill me quickly!"

Not only him, he also lost all his breath in an instant when he sensed two waves of dozens of monsters entering the thick fog.

The demons outside the thick fog also realized something at this moment, and they became uncontrollably excited in the blink of an eye. The demons danced wildly and rushed towards the thick fog uncontrollably.

It's not just the ibises that are waiting for this day, they are too.

"Get out! Die before it's your turn!"

The ibis was furious.

The next moment, the surrounding dense fog seemed to be under control, and suddenly swept up, forming a violent storm.

All the demons who wanted to rush in were torn to pieces by this terrifying storm in an instant, turning into countless pieces of minced meat and falling down. The area of ​​several hundred meters was filled with a strong smell of blood.

Yang Gu stood there quietly, watching every move of the ibis and these monsters without any movement.

Unexpectedly, these monsters who wanted to rush in died in the hands of the ibis and were torn apart by the storm.

Yang Yu was wondering, the ibis had obviously killed a large number of demons with his hand, and suddenly found that the bloody smell around him quickly disappeared.

He immediately noticed that the scattered minced meat disappeared quickly, leaving only streaks of black viscous liquid, which evaporated into black mist in the blink of an eye and disappeared.

At the same time, in his perception, in all corners of the Demon Cliff, in the distance and near, the auras of those monsters that had been torn apart by the storm just now appeared again, and they were rushing towards here again.

He was very sure that the monsters he had killed before did not appear again.

But the monsters killed by the ibis just now seemed to be reborn, leaving and coming back again.

It turns out they really can't be killed and only he can kill them.

"Please, kill me! As long as you kill me, I can tell you a secret."

The ibis called out to Eucalyptus poplar again, and his attitude was extremely low.

Yang Yu slowly narrowed her eyes.

Kill you?

"If I kill you, how can you tell me the secret?

How about this, if you can satisfy me, I will consider killing you? "

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