Everyone Knows I’m a Good Man

425. Students returning from the infinite world (12)

Chapter 366

I can no longer hide things about the infinite world.

It's not that the country doesn't support it, but that countless players fell from the sky at the same time. Those players who still have sense are okay, but some players whose spirits are already on the verge of collapse, suddenly find that they have actually escaped from the sea of ​​misery, will not care. What? Something to hide information.

In particular, although players in the infinite world may have the possibility of briefly returning to the real world, they are also players who have completed their tasks well.

Young people like Maya Shirakawa and Han Ying are often more talented and can complete tasks more successfully.

More players will still be trapped in the infinite world year after year, until they finally can't stand it anymore and collapse under a high degree of mental depression.

Can you not be excited now that you are suddenly free?

As soon as I got excited, I naturally couldn’t hide it.

All kinds of information on the Internet have sprung up like mushrooms after a rain.

[xx University was celebrating its anniversary, and suddenly several people fell from the sky and hit the stage directly]

[How many people fell into a certain river?]

[How many people fell in a foreign amusement park? Someone hit a merry-go-round and fled]

One thing can be said to be an accident.

The two things can be said to be coincidences.

There are too many and they are all in the same time period, no matter how you describe them, they can’t be justified.

There are various opinions on the Internet, and there are all kinds of speculations.

And during that time, the news that a large number of soldiers were dispatched to blockade a park in City A also became evidence that "something must have happened."

Ordinary people make random guesses, but state departments are not as familiar with concealment as they think.

The country itself is still confused.

All the players present were taken back. These few who have worked hard to reach their current status are certainly not stupid, and they are all very cooperative.

Anyway, the shackles given to them by the Lord God are gone. If the sky falls and there are Lords holding them up, what are they afraid of?

Come to think of it, the Crow Knight turned into a human and flew away in front of the national soldiers. The magician probably didn't mean to hide the infinite world.

So, whatever the investigation department asked, they answered whatever they asked.

After all the information was registered, the leaders who received the information did not know what to say.

I thought that the appearance of a big octopus in the park toilet would be enough to give people a headache, but I didn't expect that the incidents that happened in the end became more and more violent.

And most importantly, according to the players who were brought back, the strongest player in the infinite world, the magician, revealed that the Lord God has brought the game field to the present.


In other words, people in this world are no longer dragged to the infinite world to play games, but this world is directly turned into a game field.

Players revealed that the game field is simply a hell on earth. Even they who have experienced countless games may lose their lives, let alone ordinary people in reality.

The leaders frowned, looking back and forth at the information, and finally asked: "Are you sure they don't know how to contact the magician?"

"Yes, they only know that the magician is the strongest among all players, his ability is magic, and his subordinate is the Crow Knight.

According to these people, the crow knights are the eyes of the magician. In the infinite world, they will fly everywhere to find out information for the magician. However, the magician himself rarely appears, and no one knows how to contact him. "

A leader tapped his fingers on the table: "Tell me more about this magician."

"Yes, among these people, Magician is a veteran player. He was the strongest player in the infinite world twenty years ago. He also assembled a group of players to fight against the Lord God. After the confrontation failed, he disappeared. Everyone thought he was dead.

Unexpectedly, twenty years later, he took the initiative to enter the infinite world. The reason for entering was unknown. Within a few days after returning, he defeated two masters and obtained the master tokens in their place, and transferred the first three masters to the infinite world. Some people take it for their own use.

Not long after, under the watchful eyes of many players, the magician, four hosts, and two players, a man and a woman, were swept away by the strong wind. The players all speculated that he had left the infinite world again. "

Facts prove that players’ guesses were right.

It is said that the magician who can fight against the Lord God and even came here specifically to let the Crow Knight speak is naturally a talent that the country wants to win over.

But the magician didn't show his face at all, and no one knew his true identity.

There is no way to check even if you want to.

"Where's the surveillance? Did you find anything following the crow?"

"The surveillance failed to capture the crow. The situation was urgent and we only had time to fly two drones, but they couldn't capture the picture. It can be seen with the naked eye, but not with the machine. It should be the magical ability those people inside said."

The leaders all have some headaches.

"This? The matter cannot be suppressed. Not only our country, but also many players from other countries, not to mention there are so many people who have seen players fall."

There are quite a few videos that have been saved, including surveillance videos and recorded videos that happened to be taken. These have been uploaded everywhere on the Internet.

In addition, they have no way to control players from other countries.

Behind the scenes, there is a main god who is said to have pulled the entire real world into the game field, watching with eager eyes.

Concealing it now would be bad for ordinary people.

Finally, the top leader put down the hand rubbing his brow:

"Find a way to find the player who can predict. If it is guaranteed to appear in the game field from time to time in the future, let it be made public."

There's nothing we can do if we don't make it public.

At least the public must be prepared. Otherwise, if they are dragged into the game without knowing anything, the mortality rate will be too high.

Prophecy players are quite easy to find. After all, he is the only prophecy player in the entire infinite world, and other players basically have a good attitude towards him.

Although he used a code name, the state took action and entered the final appearance into the facial system to search based on the facial features, and he was quickly found.

In reality, this prophecy player plays a board game.

Werewolf board game, it is said that when he played the board game before, he often got the prophet's card.

After entering the game, everyone's abilities are like thunder, lightning, wind, rain, etc., but he is the prophecy.

Although his personal combat ability is relatively poor, because the ability of prophecy is very helpful for playing games, many players are willing to take him to play, so he has survived smoothly until now.

He was directly hit at a fruit stall in a remote city. After he fell to the ground, he had no money or mobile phone. He couldn't even compensate the stall owner for the fruit. He had no family at home, and he couldn't remember his friend's phone number. According to the investigation When the department comes to pick people up, they pick them up directly from the police station.

He was quite frightened at first, but he felt relieved after he quietly took out the playing cards and made a prophecy.

As soon as he arrived at the place, he took the initiative himself without waiting for anyone to ask:

"I'm just making a prediction. Dear comrades, I haven't eaten for a day. Can you give me a bowl of instant noodles? In the infinite world, I don't want to eat anything else but instant noodles."

Investigation Team: "...Wait a moment, I'll give you a dip here."

The prophet who predicted that he was not in danger, but that he had been invited by the country to help, and that he might even be able to eat from the public, calmed down, opened the playing cards, and pulled out one card.


His face suddenly turned ugly.

He closed his eyes tightly and felt: "To the northwest, about twenty kilometers away, a small game field has been opened."

"There is also one fifty-five kilometers to the southeast."

"Not only that?, more and more game fields will appear today. Because they are small and low-difficulty, they shouldn't cause many casualties at first, but this is just the beginning."

The members of the investigation team took a look at the noodles that had not yet been soaked, and they were a little doubtful.

But the results of the review came out quickly.

As expected, game arcades appeared in all the locations mentioned by the prophet, and what's even more sinister is that people inside these arcades cannot get out, but people from outside can enter.

In other words, it is like using a net to catch fish. Once the fish enters the net, they cannot get out, but new fish from outside will still rush in continuously.

The matter is big.

Members of the investigation team hurriedly passed the news on.

The prophet was eating instant noodles, and almost burst into tears after taking one bite.

A familiar smell.

How many nights in the infinite world had he fallen asleep thinking about this smell.

A member of the investigation team saw that he was enjoying the food and sat over and asked:

"Did you predict the outcome of this matter? Can we solve it?"

The prophet shook his head:

"I can only predict what is about to happen or what is happening now. It is difficult for me to predict things that are better than me."

"Then you are so calm, do you think there is no danger this time?"

"No, it's only a day if you can survive anyway. Don't even think about using weapons to fight against the Lord God. Players have tried it before, but it didn't work. Once you are pulled into the game field, what? All weapons are useless."

"But you can try? Find the main player. They are all very powerful. Even if they can't defeat the main god, they can still control the situation on the game field."

The prophet was a bachelor and said directly: "This catastrophe is global. We have no other way to go. We can only find ways to overcome or crack it after it comes. But don't think about it, no one can stop it."

The members of the investigation team asked tentatively: "Not even a magician?"

The prophet ate instant noodles for a meal.

The members of the investigation team continued: "The information we have investigated shows that the magician can fight against the Lord God, but he can't stop the Lord God?"

"All I can tell you is that I cannot predict the magician."

The prophet was silent for a while before replying: "Just like I can't predict the Lord God."

"Their abilities are too strong and have exceeded my business scope."

Can a magician really be compared to the Lord God?

The investigation team silently recorded the news and handed it over.

Even if it is impossible to know who the magician is, what is certain is that he is definitely not from the Lord God's side.

This day is a day of crazy gossip and speculation for many people. Countless gossips, true or false, are circulating on the Internet.


For the country, it is also a day of busy and difficult choices.

Finally, after the meeting, an urgent copy was released.

[The country discloses the existence of infinite worlds, and game fields will appear one after another around the world].

As soon as Ji Changze turned on his phone, he saw the message with this paragraph as the first sentence.

All operators sent this exact same text message to their customers.

In addition to briefly introducing what the infinite world is, what is the game field, how ordinary people can save themselves if they are pulled into the game field, how to abide by the rules, etc., it also comes with a recruitment information.

The country is recruiting experienced players across the country who have been pulled into the infinite world. It is hoped that these players will be willing to join the newly created game field security department and lead the army to crack the game and rescue ordinary people when game fields appear in various places.

How many times did Ji Changze look at it? He could understand it in just one glance.

The country is treating ordinary people being imprisoned in the playground as disaster relief.

A certain place was used as a playground, ordinary people were trapped, and the army went in to rescue them.

Simple and crude, but with a strong sense of security.

It is also written at the bottom that if some players are unwilling to join the national department, they are also expected to carry out personal rescue activities at nearby game venues when conditions permit. The country will also provide them with such good people and good deeds after they have done so. Monetary rewards.

Also, if ordinary people know the players, they can ask them about their experiences, or some players can enter a special discussion forum to share their experiences. After their experiences are recognized, they can also receive monetary rewards.

In the end, I hope that everyone can get through this difficult period smoothly. The country will work hard to solve it. At present, we can only save ourselves first.

When receiving the text message, unlike Ji Changze who took one look and put it back in his pocket, many people's first reaction was that it was a funny text message.

What? An infinite world.

What? A playground.

What? A player who has been in an infinite world for a long time but time has stood still.

But when I opened all the social platforms, I actually received this message.

There are so many that it makes people wonder if today is April Fool’s Day, when all social platforms are uniting to play BoDa.

But countless authoritative accounts all spoke seriously.

The Ministry of National Defense even quickly released a video teaching people how to save themselves after being locked up in a game field, and how to wait patiently to save their lives while waiting for the national army to come in to save lives.


Everyone was in a trance.

Is this still the world they live in?

It's like making a movie.

For ordinary people, everything is unknown.

And for players, things are screwed up.

After working hard in the infinite world for so many years, they finally returned to their own world, and the Lord God actually directly pulled their entire world into the game field.

Now, if you enter the game randomly, no one knows whether you will wake up one day and find yourself in a game field.

In addition to facing such a fucked-up situation, they also have to think about whether to accept the country's recruitment and become a member of the game field security department.

The fact that the matter of Infinite World was directly disclosed to the public by the country gave many players confidence.

At least the attitude they felt from the country did not treat them as aliens, but as "soldiers who are stronger than ordinary people."

This makes players feel at ease.

After all, although their abilities can save their lives, they look different in the real world.

In addition, the country does not force players to join the army, which also gives them a sense of security.

Some players directly signed up to join the army.

Some players are tentatively posting some information about the infinite world online.

There are also some players who are unwilling to come out to attract attention. They stay dormant and keep a low profile, silently observing everything around them.

This is the case for Ji Changze's three students.

Because of their age and appearance that looks easy to bully, they feel much more malice in the infinite world than ordinary players.

Especially Maya, her mind-reading ability allows her to easily access the sinister things that many people try to hide.

She was the one who disbelieved the least.

If a magician hadn't taken them for a while, the three of them would have found a place to hide by now.

It's not like now, going to school as if nothing happened.

this is life.

When the country first announced the news, people all over the country were in a panic. Even some food and dishes that were convenient for hoarding had their prices hiked up.

National Dad is very experienced in this area. If the price increases, the price will increase. Anyway, they have sufficient supply.

It's a good thing that people want to stock up. After all, some game arcades have longer hours. If you bring more food, you won't be hungry by then.

When everyone realizes that no matter how hard people try to buy things, they still can't buy them all, they naturally won't rush to stock up.


Some people are so scared that they resign, and some parents are afraid to let their children go to school.

After being busy for a while, everyone realized that this was no longer a problem.

The game arcade is random, and no one can predict where it will appear. Maybe you quit your job and stay at home to avoid the game arcade, but the result is that your neighborhood becomes a game arcade.

Moreover, people who quit their jobs don’t stop eating or drinking. When the money is spent, they still have to go to work.

It is impossible for children to stay away from school forever. We cannot allow children to go without education for more than 20 years while the playground lasts for more than 20 years.

In just half a month, people went from being busy at the beginning to accepting the reality.

Various Sanda classes and Taekwondo classes are popping up everywhere, and various slogans such as "Learning these moves will ensure that you can survive in the wilderness" and "Learn to swim, otherwise what if the game asks you to swim" have appeared.

It’s not that the bosses of these places are big-hearted and still want to make money after seeing something like this happen. It’s because their minds are spinning so fast.

When you enter a place like that, you first look at your own quality, secondly you look at your equipment, and thirdly you look at your teammates.

You can practice your own quality, but equipment and teammates cost money.

Make more money and hire an experienced player to protect you 24 hours a day. Even if you enter the game field, your chances of survival will be higher.

So after all is said and done, even if the sky falls, you still have to make money.

People always have to eat.

As a result, most of the teachers in the school asked for leave and some resigned, but Teacher Ji, who persisted and even offered to take over the class, finally no longer had to attend class alone for a day.

But this also means that his overtime pay and the red envelope specially given to him by the principal are gone.

School goes on as usual, but there is one more exercise than before: "What should we do when the playground comes?"

Basically, there is a drill once every two days. After each drill, the principal always scratches his head and discovers what equipment the school still needs to buy.

The good news is that children who are unable to protect themselves are always the first to be taken seriously. The country specially dispatches the army or police. Basically, a team of people is stationed in every school.

The number of people is allocated based on the school's population to ensure that even if the school is really pulled into the playground, these soldiers and police can do their best to protect the children as soon as possible.

Every morning, they are seen running and training on the school playground. No matter how much the children want to watch, they can't watch because they are in class, but the teachers have no such scruples.

Young teachers especially like to lie outside and watch the soldiers or police training below when they are not in class.

Just one look at it will make you feel at ease for at least a long time.

Ji Changze also likes to watch it.

Facts prove that he made the right choice.

Breaking the shackles of players, allowing them to reveal their identities and the secrets of the infinite world, and releasing them in advance.

While the Lord was caught off guard, it also gave the country a chance to react and prepare.

Hua Guo saw the situation clearly as quickly as possible and chose a path that was most suitable for the entire country.

Although there is no way to stop the Lord God, this can definitely minimize the loss.

At least if the school is pulled into the game field again this time, with these soldiers here and the school having been doing various exercises, the students will not be as seriously injured as in the previous timeline.

Thinking like this, Ji Changze took a slow sip of tea.

Inside the room, a few of the students he asked to write papers raised their heads and looked out curiously.

When I saw the teacher lying on the railing wearing a plaid shirt, he quietly said to the people around him:

"Is Teacher Ji watching the soldiers running below again? I want to watch too."

"Let's tell the teacher that we want to use the bathroom, and then quietly go over and take a look when we go down, right?"


"You have so much time, you might as well learn Taekwondo. My parents signed me up for three classes, boxing, Taekwondo, and Sanda. They all let me learn. They said that once you learn it, you don't have to be afraid of the playground."

The students sitting in the front row turned back to join the discussion: "As the saying goes, it is better to rely on yourself than to rely on others. There are so many students in our school. Even if something happens to their eight hands, it is impossible to protect them all, so we still rely on us." Just yourself.”

What he said makes sense. The students have never seen the danger with their own eyes. No matter what the parents and teachers say, they have no general idea in their hearts, and they even find it a bit exciting.

Immediately he said with some excitement: "Then I go back to my parents and tell them that I also want to learn. Which class are you in? Where are you? How about I go to your place."

"Why should I study? My parents also told me to sign up, but the crowd was already full and I couldn't get in at all. Hey, tell me, are there any players among the people sent to protect us? Are all players special? Very awesome.”

"I really want to see with my own eyes whether they can really defeat a monster as tall as a building alone."

Bai He, who was sitting in the front row, listened to him

The more they talked, the more excited they became. They turned around and coughed: "Stop talking."

He was the class monitor and the favorite student of all the teachers except Teacher Ji. Those students who were discussing did not dare to confront him, so they quickly shut up and continued writing papers.

Maya in the back row raised her eyes and looked outside and could only see Ji Changze standing sideways, turning a pen in his hand.

Time is really strange. She obviously hated the other party before, but this time she appeared from the infinite world, she actually felt that Ji Changze didn't discuss it that much.

Of course, this is just her personal opinion. It only means that her temper has become calmer recently. It does not prove that Ji Changze is a good teacher.

What good teacher would keep punishing students for running in circles?

This? If it weren't for the soldiers sent down to station, he would definitely find an opportunity to let them go down and run around.

Han Ying didn't pay attention to these things. He was writing and drawing on the paper. He wrote for a while and then erased it irritably.

In the past, among the three people, only Bai He had good grades and was a top student, but his poor grades did not seem to be out of the ordinary.

As a result, after the magician ordered them to study hard, Han Ying discovered that although Maya was not a top student, she could still improve her grades if she worked hard.

He was the only one with a weak foundation. Even if the magician helped him lay the foundation, he still couldn't understand many things.

For example, in the paper he was working on now, he clearly remembered that passage, but it just didn't feel right when he wrote it.

Han Ying became extremely anxious when she thought about seeing the magician again and seeing his sneering voice when he saw that his grades were not improving but falling behind.

As for the playground?

Can a magician be scary?

No matter how floods are outside, children of this age are still living a life similar to before under the protection of adults.

If you are struggling to do your homework, if you don't do well in the exam, you will be frowning and frowning. At most, you will have to sacrifice some rest time to improve your fighting ability.

There are many "playground preparation kits" on the market, most of which contain some food and drink, what? Compressed biscuits, mineral water, lighter seasoning packets, and to prevent the lighter from being blown. Other lighting supplies that can be placed wet.

Knives, scissors, and flashlights are all relatively small but practical items for easy portability, and they sold out as soon as they appeared.

Not only do office workers carry it on their backs every day, students also have one bought by their parents, who are repeatedly told to carry it with them and not to lose it.

The students in the class one after another carried various kinds of money on their backs

There are various types of "preparation bags", some are light and easy to carry, and some are extremely heavy and have been stuffed with a bunch of emergency items prepared by the seller.

Most children of this age are not very aware of the importance of such things, and for a while the classroom was filled with complaints.

During class, everyone did not discuss how handsome the military brothers downstairs were and how cool the military sisters were, nor how difficult Taekwondo was to learn.

Changed to "Preparation Pack" Complaint Conference.

"Originally, my schoolbag was heavy enough to carry on my back every day. Now I have to carry it on my back. I prepared the bag and just carried it. My mother thought there was not enough water in it, so she asked me to carry this water bottle every day. This ? Filling such a big kettle with water makes me exhausted. "

"My dad is the same. He makes me carry it on my back when I go to the toilet. Going to the toilet is like running with weights. It makes me not want to go to the toilet."

"Who isn't? My shoulders have been so sore for the past two days. I wonder why those merchants don't sell suitcases directly. Although you still have to pull them, at least it's better than carrying them on your back."

Students full of youthful energy chattered and discussed.

A student was saying?, when he turned around and saw Bai He sitting behind helping Han Ying and Maya with their homework, and he immediately became envious:

"It would be nice for Bai He and the others. They don't have to carry such heavy bags everywhere. They occupied the canteen space quickly after school last night."

Bai He, who was speaking softly, had a slightly stiff expression on his face, and his hand holding the pen paused.

Behind them, the students continued:

"Yeah, I really envy them. I'm so evil. In order to ensure that I carry this bag 24 hours a day, my mother even said hello to Teacher Liu and asked him to keep an eye on me."

"My mother is the same. The last time I went to the toilet without a backpack, the teacher told me."

"My shoulders are so sore. Please rub them for me. I'll rub them for you in a while."

Maya looked at the test paper, bit her lip, and continued to answer the questions.

Han Ying looked gloomy. She suddenly lost the joy of doing the questions. She raised her eyes and glanced at the classmates whose topic had jumped to "It's so comfortable for you to press. I'll do the same for you in a while."

What they thought was a heavy burden actually represented gentle parental care in the eyes of the three of them.

These days, watching the students around them all carry "preparation bags" and listening to them complaining that they are too heavy, only they know what they feel in their hearts.

They didn't get the "preparation package" not because their parents also felt Shen didn't want them to work hard.

But their relatives are not here at all

He doesn't care about his own child's life and death, so naturally he won't bother to buy a bag and just stare at it like the parents of other classmates and won't let him pick it off.

The news about Infinite World and Game Arena has been released for so long.

None of the three returned home, nor did they receive a phone call from home.

No one asked them if they were afraid or worried.

No one pays attention every day to see if they fell into the game field and whether they came out safe and sound.

Among so many classmates who feel loved and cared for every day, Shirakawa Maya, Han Ying and others seem to have become transparent people in the eyes of their relatives.

Even if they knew this would be the result early on, when it actually happened, they still couldn't accept it calmly.

The emptiness and loss in my heart cannot be described in words.

Especially, when being envied by other students, you will be filled with a moment of sourness.

They are powerful.

Even if they don't have a preparation kit, haven't signed up for various combat classes, and don't have self-defense weapons bought by their parents through various channels, they can still be safe after entering the game field.

But just because you don’t need it doesn’t mean you don’t want it.

Even if they fight in the infinite world for two years, including these two years, they are still children.

As soon as Ji Changze entered the classroom, he noticed something was wrong with the expressions on the faces of the three boys.

Glancing at the other students who were discussing the topic "My parents have bought a lot of things these days and they insist on carrying them with me regardless of whether they are heavy or not", he threw the book directly on the stage. .

"If it's too heavy, that's because your physical fitness is too poor. Just the few of you carrying the bags are too heavy. What will you do if the school is really dragged into the playground?"

"Okay, let me talk to your physical education teacher. In the afternoon physical education class, you will be asked to run with your bags on your back. Practice in advance how to escape with your supplies."

Several students suddenly became sad.

"No, teacher! That bag is so heavy that walking is hard. If I run again, I won't be exhausted!"

Ji Changze chuckled: "It's better to be tired now than to die later. Is it possible that when you are dragged into the game field one day, you will really fight? Are you planning to lose your preparation bag and run for your life? Then what did you buy this preparation bag for?" "

It's not just a whim. Small playgrounds have appeared frequently recently. When Ji Changze was at school, he could still look after these students. After leaving school, if they were pulled in, he couldn't look for them one by one.

"Don't howl either, okay?

Not only our class has to do this, but other classes have to practice this way. This is called taking precautions before they happen. "

Teacher Ji threw down a big thunderbolt, ignored the miserable howls of the students below, picked up the school bell, picked up the chalk, turned around and started writing on the blackboard:

"Okay, today we study..."

Regarding Ji Changze's decision to let all the students in the class carry backpacks and practice running together, Baihe and the others had no emotions in their hearts.

It's just that they didn't prepare a package, so it seems they have to buy it themselves.

I was thinking about which store to buy. Just after school, as soon as the teacher left the classroom, Ji Changze came in carrying three bags with one hand.

When he walked to Bai He, he threw one over and threw the remaining two to Han Ying and Maya.

"This will be the bag for you three from now on. You must carry it with you. You must not leave anything behind when going to the toilet or the canteen. If I see you without a backpack, ha!"

After saying these words, Teacher Ji walked out of the classroom with a straight face as always.

In the classroom, three children were holding bags, with expressions of confusion on their faces.

They looked down at the bag in their arms. It was the most common "preparation bag" sold nowadays.

Some students came over curiously and expressed sympathy for the three people who could not escape the backpack battle in the end:

"It's so tragic. The teacher actually gave you three preparation bags. Show them to me. Let me see how heavy they are."

He put his hand down tiredly after picking it up: "Damn it, it's so heavy! What's in it? Why is it so heavy?!"

Bai He opened the zipper. In addition to the commonly used preparation materials on the market, there were also some test papers and questions inside.

The classmates who originally sympathized with them said: "..."

Oh my God, it's so tragic.

There are even test papers in the preparation bag. This is to let them not forget the rhythm of studying even after entering the game field.

"My mom, Teacher Ji really dislikes you the most. Did you offend him somewhere? He has been treating you badly in the past."

The sympathy on the face of a courageous student almost overflowed:

"Why don't you talk to the principal?"

Maya touched a few papers inside and shook her head: "No, he put these papers are pretty good."

Anyway, these weights are nothing to them.


She hugged the bag tightly, feeling an inexplicable emotion in her heart.

This? But someone else bought it for her.

Even if this person is always targeting them and punishing them in various ways

Our teacher Ji.

That's someone else too.

Han Ying also nodded despite the "you two are crazy" expression on that classmate's face.

"Yes, the papers are so good. They are much more useful than those of you who put out novels. If you are bored when you enter the game field and wait for rescue, you can still take out the papers and work on them. It will also help improve your grades."

After he finished speaking, he seemed to be inspired. He thought about it and put in a set of training questions that he specially bought.

Other students: "..."

The school hasn't been dragged into the playground yet, why did you go crazy first?

Baihe, on the other hand, remained silent, holding the bag in his hand and looking out the door in the direction where Ji Changze disappeared, lost in thought.

How can Teacher Ji pick up such a heavy bag with one hand?

The author has something to say: I am thinking about how I want to write the climax/climax

Also, it seems that you all want to hit me wherever the climax/tide stops. Do you want to write more in one go? I just haven’t returned the nutrient solution yet. Lily is free and the fastest update. No anti-theft, no anti-theft.

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