Everyone Survives In The Fog

Chapter 247 Spiritual Land? !

In the end, Zhang Zhongyue only left one sentence: "Go ahead and do it! I will help you promote it!"

Next, this news spread quickly and became known to all parties at an alarming speed.

A lot of eyes are focused on District 7!

"I didn't expect that a district with the most immature means could still come up with such a trump card. Is this a fluke...or does it have another agenda..."

Compared to ordinary survivors, powerful survivors from all forces are more sensitive to this kind of thing and will naturally consider it more.

But no matter what they thought, Qi Yuan and others' actions were still proceeding in an orderly manner.

Qi originally went to Qin Zhenjun's shelter and brought back Zhang Yuan and Han Dong's 10 people.

Also brought back with them were six iron-backed mountain pigs, one large and five small. The piglets are already several months old and can live independently from the sow.

After returning to the shelter, Qi Yuan directly asked Han Dong and the others to return to the training area to teach others how to conduct professional training.

The six iron-backed mountain pigs were all given to Chu Wenxi and Zhou Yue to manage, and they were asked to re-open a pig pen near the bamboo rats.

As for himself, he went to the already opened cattail cattail field and used the "plant catalytic liquid" to quickly spawn a batch of cattail grass.

After they were fully mature, a large number of small-leaf cattail seeds were collected and then handed over to Zhong Maiyun for recultivation and improvement.

In the meantime, head to the prop-making area. Ask Wang Yihui to include the "Bird's Beak Helmet" in the list of items to make.

Moreover, the points are the same as the Hundred Scale Armor, both worth 5 points.

Let other workers start learning production as soon as possible and provide them with materials.

The new batch of workers studying in the "prop manufacturing area" have significantly improved their success rate after receiving the teachings from their seniors.

This time, only 5 people failed to meet the standards and were sent directly back to the dormitory area.

Among the remaining people, Chu Yang and Zhou Ming performed very well.

Especially Chu Yang was the first to learn to make the Hundred Scale Armor, and he also learned other props very quickly.

Their innate abilities are no less impressive than Wang Yihui's.

So, Qi Yuan thought about it for a long time and made a decision!

In private, he called Chu Yang, Zhou Ming, and Wang Yihui together and assigned a special task.

Shelter Island, outside the prop manufacturing area, near the cliff.

The sea breeze blew the clothes of the four people. Qi Yuan looked at the three of them calmly and said, "In the current prop manufacturing area, the talents of the three of you should be considered the best."

The three people looked over in confusion, somewhat confused about Qi Yuan's purpose.

Qi Yuan did not explain, but took out a copy of the "Defense Spirit Pattern" and handed it to them.

At the same time, a stack of leather carriers and a carving knife were handed to them.

"This is the production of a special prop. Go back and try to learn engraving. If you complete it, you can contact me directly through the communication spirit pattern."

After finishing speaking, he went back and added: "Remember, don't leak it to others."

Upon hearing Qi Yuan's instructions, all three of them narrowed their pupils and looked at the items in their hands with a bit more solemnity.

Letting them learn the spirit patterns was a decision made by Qi Yuan after careful consideration for a long time.

Logically speaking, it is impossible for them to come into contact with such extremely valuable props.

But considering that each spiritual pattern is completely different.

Therefore, even if they know how to create a "defensive spiritual pattern", it is just a spiritual pattern.

Moreover, all three of them have used the "Control Scroll", and their thoughts about life and death are all in Qi Yuan's hands, so the possibility of an accident is unlikely.

Once someone can learn or even discover the talent of carving spiritual patterns, Qi Yuan will not need to carve alone in the future, and the efficiency will be greatly improved.

Qi Yuan had a hunch that the demand for spiritual patterns would definitely increase significantly in the future, and he must take advantage of the present to develop it quickly.

After the matter was settled, Qi Yuan secretly went to the training area to investigate their training situation.

Brother Qin's teachings mainly cover three aspects: wilderness survival training, professional physical training, and combat training.

Among the three items, since the training time is not long, the combat training only teaches a basic level and is not particularly proficient.

The most comprehensive thing to learn is professional physical training.

This is also the most useful training in the training area.

Qi Yuan was very satisfied to see their more professional, richer and more effective teaching methods.

Once the beak masks are produced in large quantities, they can be arranged to try out and conduct simulation exercises on other islands.

Just when Qi Yuan was thinking about whether to come forward and say a few words to encourage them, the "Mist Survival Manual" suddenly rang.

Qi Yuan was not surprised. There were a lot of things going on in District 7 recently, so it was normal for someone to look for him.

Looking at the content, I saw it was from Zhang Zhongyue.

"It's strange. Why is Mr. Zhang looking for me? Isn't it Brother Yang who handles the matter of bulrush?"

Qi Yuan was a little confused. After all, he didn't care much about the Seventh District. Most matters were handled by Yang Zhenghe.

And now, most of them are basic affairs, and Qi Yuan puts An Changlin in charge of them, just to train him.

So, there are few things but he comes here.

However, after seeing the information, Qi Yuan realized that it was not about Cattail at all, but it was closely related to Cattail!

Zhang Zhongyue: "Qi Yuan, do you know that outside the eastern border, someone discovered a gathering place of spiritual places!"

Eastern border? Spiritual land?

The professional terms Zhang Zhongyue spoke made Qi Yuan confused. Could it be that he was behind the times and couldn't keep up with the development of the times?

After Zhang Zhongyue explained, Qi Yuan understood the meaning.

The so-called eastern border.

Nowadays, survivors from all sides regard the circular area originally covered by the mask as the living area of ​​human survivors.

Outside, there are no traces of humans at all, and the areas that have not been explored are all unknown areas!

And the boundary between the two is called the border!

As for the spiritual land, it is also a brand new special area.

In the natural world of the mist, there are areas similar to level five shelters.

These places will also constantly seep out spiritual energy, which may be good grade, excellent grade, rare grade, or even perfect grade!

This kind of area is called a spiritual land!

Shanfan, this type of spiritual land, has two characteristics.

First, there are extremely rare resources.

Second, there is a very powerful beast guardian, or the environment itself is very dangerous!

The chaotic spiritual energy is like the vast ocean, and the spiritual lands are like isolated islands scattered in the ocean.

Originally, due to the advent of chaotic spiritual energy, survivors could not survive in the chaotic spiritual energy for a long time, so their development was greatly restricted.

However, after discovering the spiritual land for the first time, everyone once again found a new way out!

As long as you can find a spiritual land and build a secondary shelter in the spiritual land, you can gain more space for survival and development.

But there is still an important question that lies in front of everyone!

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