Evil will not deceive you

Chapter 308 Alsace’s Heart Knot

"Me? How could I...this mission is really..."

Alsace's first reaction was to refuse. It wasn't that he didn't want to take responsibility, but that the responsibility was too heavy.

He is a prince, and his words and deeds have huge influence. A knight was directly sent to Stormwind City just for offending him slightly.

It's not that he has a problem with Stormwind City, but that Stormwind City is simply too dangerous: the Defias thieves are rampant, there are the dwarves and dark iron dwarves of Blackstone Mountain, and there are trolls and gnolls everywhere.

None of these exist in Lordaeron, and even if they do exist, they can't be found everywhere like in Stormwind City.

So in his heart, and in the hearts of many people, Stormwind City is a poor place.

During this time, he also reflected on his behavior that day and found that he was indeed a little extreme. He should not treat a user of the Holy Light like that. The other party was unquestionably loyal to the belief in the Holy Light, which also led to the other party's There is something wrong with my brain, and I need to use gentler methods to control it.

He really didn't do it well.

This is Alsace's evaluation of his performance during that period.

Yes, after calming down, Arthas reflected on what he had done.


Alsace, who originally wanted to refuse sternly, saw the image of Li Ke in his mind. That righteous and awe-inspiring look, standing in the cold, but sun-like holy light, made him feel instinctively. Feeling disgusted.

His thinking was directly biased, and an idea appeared in his mind.

"I am your future king, and everything I do is for the people. I bear responsibilities that you have never considered. No matter what cruel future you have seen, what terrible scenes you have seen, I also act for justice, and my justice and honor are higher than mine. How can you be so rude and arrogant..."

Alsace couldn't help clenching his fists.

He admitted that what he did was indeed impulsive and reckless, but Li Ke was not much better. He slandered and attacked a prince, saying that he was the one who destroyed his kingdom. He did not directly want him, but he was already his own. Kindness and reason worked at the time.

This was indeed the case, so when faced with his father's order to exile Li Ke, he did not express his opinion.

Because those who attack and slander the prince should be hanged, he is already magnanimous enough.

However, Arthas still couldn't let go of Li Ke's figure. The more he thought about it, the angrier he became, and the more he thought about it, the look of Li Ke's contempt for him made him angrier.

Are you the only one who cares about light and justice? !

Hypocritical Holy Light Messenger!

However, the anger was only temporary, but just when Arthas was about to contain his anger and return to reason, Kel'Thuzad spoke.

"No, no, no, my prince, my lord. Do you feel that you are not ready? Or do you feel that you are not worthy of this trust?"

In other people's mouths, these were undoubtedly sarcastic words, but Kel'Thuzad spoke again like an old loyal servant, using as gentle a tone as possible, with that kind of loyal attitude and expression.

"Do you really think so? Do you think you are not worthy of this responsibility? Or are you slandered by the words of the Holy Light Messenger, leaving a sharp thorn in your heart?"

Kel'Thuzad's loyal voice was like a sledgehammer, driving the sharp thorn in Arthas's heart directly into his heart.

Alsace was originally very embarrassed when he was easily defeated by Li Ke. Later, he heard about the battle in Andorhal, which made him feel the huge gap between himself and Li Ke.

This in itself was something that made him depressed, because he discovered something.

Apart from his family, knowledge, and responsibility to his people, nothing can rival Li Ke.

Although his Holy Light is also very powerful, it is nothing compared to Li Ke.

Although his martial arts are much better than Li Ke, these so-called martial arts are not worth mentioning in front of the terrifying Holy Light skills.

And the most important thing is that even Jaina...

"No! Kel'Thuzad, I will never deny my responsibility and run away like a coward because of rumors."

Arthas' words were not directed at anyone, at least on the surface, but Kel'Thuzad showed a relieved smile.

Because Arthas became more and more impulsive and irritable, and he was full of hostility towards the Holy Light.

After saying these words, Alsace fell down on the chair a little dejectedly, and he spoke as if he was frustrated.

"It's just that I, I don't have the authorization from my father, Kel'Thuzad. The reason why I can order the people here now is because of Baron Presto's delegation of authority and the respect of the surrounding nobles for me... To be precise, it is because of the My father's reverence, I'm sure of this. Without this identity, they won't listen to me at all. And I don't have my father's orders. I actually have no right to give orders here."

He was very clear about this. After driving away the obstructive deputy leader of the Knights of the Silver Hand, Arthas originally thought that this place could be left to his own devices.

But unfortunately, he found that he had wrongly blamed Li Ke and Jennifer to a certain extent, because although the nobles here listened to him, the problem was that these nobles and officials were acting against the will and did not dare to investigate at all.

At first, he thought that his orders were well executed, and he did not find any flaws when he went to investigate. However, when Kel'Thuzad used his magic to lead him to investigate in private, he found that it was not like that at all. .

The nobles still imposed excessive taxes, and the mayors and other roles appointed by the nobles still deceived the superiors and deceived the inferiors, running rampant in the countryside.

What Kel'Thuzad made him see was not the same thing at all as what he had seen and learned in the past.

Those people were talking about the Holy Light, but they were doing illegal things. During this time, he was thinking about how to investigate and collect evidence so that he could catch all the nobles and mayors here.

He can't stand this, and he can't bear to see this, but he doesn't have his father's orders and authority, so...

However, Kel'Thuzad, as always, became his guiding light.

"So why don't you listen to your father's opinion? Tell him that you want to do something, not for power or the throne, but sincerely, you want to do something for your country?"

Arthas was stunned. This was what troubled him, but he never had the courage because it was a very sensitive matter.

He spoke with a slight stutter.

"I, Kel'Thuzad, but..."

But Kel'Thuzad just pushed a letter in front of Arthas. Arthas saw clearly that it was the engagement ceremony between his sister and Lord Presto.

This urged him to go back.

He was a little irritated because he actually knew one thing.

His sister and a guard loved each other, and some time ago, a spy told him that the guard was dead.

But Kel'Thuzad didn't know this, at least Arthas didn't think he knew, so he just looked at Arthas with eyes full of meaning.

“You always have to be prepared.”

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