Evolution from scratch with added points

Chapter 165 0164 Bite force and doctor-patient relationship

Chen Jue was in a good mood after ordering a new car that he liked.

After excluding the previous expenses of buying a house and decorating it, and then including the car purchase price, even if the entire balance is paid later, there will still be more than one million left in the card.

Compared to living on a budget, Chen Jue has finally experienced the feeling of being a rich man recently.

Buy whatever you like. As long as you can afford material things, you will never treat yourself badly.

Of course, the reason why he dares to spend money so "lavishly" is because he now has sufficient video traffic income every day, and the entire network can have a daily income of 20,000+.

I'm just too lazy to withdraw it every day now, and wait until I have accumulated enough at the end of the month to withdraw it all at once.

Earning 5 figures a day is definitely considered a real success for ordinary people. The most important thing is that this income is still growing. With the increase in the number of fans and the increase in business connection and external network income, it will not be a problem to earn more than 100,000 in the future.

As for the purchased real estate and cars, they are considered assets. If they encounter any difficulties, they can be mortgaged and sold for cash at any time, without affecting his cash flow on hand.

"I have a house and a car, and I also have a girl I like."

"The next step is to exercise and study step by step." Chen Jue got in the car and slowly returned to the apartment. Hang Piao finally had hope for his life after so many years.

Due to the rainy and snowy weather, Chen Jue did not plan to exercise outdoors. Instead, he packed up his textbooks and went to Jiangda University to attend classes.

But before that, he still took the time to send the pair of nylon gloves to Zheng Yuan and asked him to help find a student majoring in materials science to test the friction coefficient of the gloves.

Zheng Yuan, as the class assistant of a freshman, had some connections among Jiang University's student body, and he happened to meet his future brother-in-law asking for help, so he naturally took over this small job without saying a word.

There are many laboratories in Jiangsu University, so it is not easy to measure the friction coefficient of gloves.

However, after seeing the somewhat suspicious pair of white gloves handed to his hand, Zheng Yuan's eyes suddenly lit up, and he pulled Chen Jue and asked hurriedly: "Brother-in-law! Is that the mask guy who took away the gold brick before, you?"

"I was thinking that with so many internet celebrities on the Internet, you are the only one who can grab that gold brick!"

Seeing this exposed, Chen Jue didn't show any surprise but just nodded and admitted.

Anyway, his identity as the unique skill brother is not a big secret in Wu Fang's family, but he didn't expect that Wu Fang actually concealed the fact that he took the gold brick.

"Teacher Wu has a very strict tone! He is a person who knows how to live a good life." Chen Jue sighed in his heart.

Zheng Yuan and Chen Jue nodded with excitement: "It's really you! Brother-in-law! So awesome!"

"I'm just telling you! It's impossible to grab such a heavy gold brick without the world's best grip. It's really hard for my cousin to hide it from me. I asked her several times but ignored me."

Zheng Yuan is obviously very interested in seizing the BRIC, especially since he actually proposed to Chen Jue to seize all similar BRIC challenges abroad.

According to Zheng Yuan's analysis, the game of "gold bricks out of holes" was first introduced from abroad. Not only China's state-owned enterprises, but also many countries rich in gold mines such as Japan and South Africa have faced similar challenges.

This amount of income is tens of millions, which is huge when accumulated!

If Chen Jue can successfully capture all these gold bricks, he will at least be worth hundreds of millions.

The most important thing is that the news about the arrest of BRIC in China did not become popular on the Internet because the national conditions are different and the scope of news dissemination is limited. This gave Chen Jue an opportunity to catch others off guard.

However, in response to Zheng Yuan's suggestion, Chen Jue gave him a warning, telling him not to think too much all day long.

The environment abroad is not as safe as at home. Even if Chen Jue has the ability to seize the gold bricks, whether he can bring them back is a big problem.

If you have the life to make that money, you have to have the life to spend it.

After sending Zheng Yuan away, Chen Jue went to the cafeteria to have lunch first. When the lunch break was over, Chen Jue ran to sit in on an anatomy course.

The class is about the structure of the oral cavity. The oral cavity is the beginning of the digestive tract and the most important part of the many organs in the human body.

The organs and tissues that make up the oral cavity are divided into six types, from lips, cheeks, palate, tongue, teeth to oral glands. Since this is the first time to study the content of the oral cavity in such detail, the three-dimensional human body structure [specified point] on the panel is related to the oral cavity. Part of the information was also highlighted one by one during the lecture.

In addition, the class also specifically mentioned the human masticatory muscles that are inseparable from the oral cavity. This is the main muscle that controls the movement of the temporomandibular joint for chewing. It is subdivided into four types, namely the masseter, temporalis, and lateral pterygoid muscles. and medial pterygoid muscles.

"Through the contraction of masticatory muscles, a normal adult can explode into a bite force ranging from 22.4 to 68.3 kilograms."

"But this bite force value is only for ordinary adults. The limit of human strength is far from that weak."

"The known world record for human bite force is 442 kilograms set by Richard Hoffman in 1986. This record is six times that of a normal human."

The professors and lecturers on the stage were talking eloquently, while Chen Jue was taking notes below while squeezing the gripper.

Oral knowledge is related to digestion and eating, as well as dental health, which Chen Jue did not pay much attention to before. It is inseparable from supplementing nutrition in his daily diet, so he listened carefully.

As for the grip in Chen Jue's hand, he has also adjusted it from the previous 140kg to 150kg. This is the maximum normal grip strength he can use after improving his strength through recent exercise.

"I guess this gripper will not be enough before the winter vacation." Chen Jue glanced at the gripper with a maximum limit of 165KG in his hand. This is already the highest gripper available on the market.

Once the 165KG gripper loses its training effect, Chen Jue can only find a way to replace the spring on the gripper with a car suspension resistance spring.

After listening to an anatomy class, I passed by the classroom where I had previously attended the big class. Unexpectedly, I met the landlady Xia Xue who had been humiliated and humiliated by others and hurriedly left the classroom holding the course materials.

As for the person who criticized her, it was still Zhou Chuan, the famous scholar in Jiang University.

Zhou Chuan came out of the classroom surrounded by several classmates. When he saw Chen Jue, he came up to say hello.

"Senior Chen, I received your electronic medical record."

"Congratulations. Judging from the medical records, the stone has recovered very well!" Zhou Chuan looked high-spirited. He didn't know whether it was because he gained a sense of accomplishment from yelling at others or because receiving Chen Jue's medical records triggered new research inspiration.

"It's all thanks to your courage theory, Zhou Chuan. I tried practicing courage recently, but I didn't expect the effect to be so good." Chen Jue smiled slightly and began to brag with the other party.

This student has a lot of fantastic ideas in his mind, and having more contact with him will be a lot of help in exercising himself.

Just listening to Zhou Chuan's two class reports triggered the panel attribute income. If he could read all his papers, he might get something delicious, so Chen Jue also wanted to have a good relationship with this person.

After chatting with Zhou Chuan at the door of the classroom, Chen Jue invited him to the school cafeteria for a cup of coffee.

During this period, Chen Jue also gossiped about Zhou Chuan's grudges with Xia Xue.

After all, one is the Goddess of Jiang University and the other is Epilepsy of Jiang University. The collision of these two combinations has caused quite a stir in the forum of Jiang University teachers and students.

"It's a long story, but it has something to do with the illness." Because Zhou Chuan had seen Chen Jue's amazing physical fitness, he wanted to bring Chen Jue into his research topic a long time ago, so the two sides started to work together on their own. We sat and chatted with our thoughts in mind.

It turns out that this so-called grudge is related to the previous generation. Xia Xue's father is the chief physician of Jiangda Affiliated Hospital, and Zhou Chuan's mother suffered from tongue cancer a few years ago and became a patient of Xia Xue's father.

As a result, after a period of treatment, Zhou Chuan's mother's tongue cancer was not controlled but worsened and spread. Finally, the hospital issued a critical illness notice.

After all, cancer is a very difficult disease. It is a terminal disease other than AIDS and leukemia.

Even current medical technology can only have a certain effect on some patients with early-stage cancer. For example, the cure rate for papillary thyroid cancer can reach 95%, but for pancreatic cancer, the cure rate is only less than 10%.

Tongue cancer that Zhou Chuan's mother suffered from is also a type of cancer with a relatively high cure rate. Early tongue cancer generally has a cure rate of more than 85%.

However, despite such a high cure rate, the disease was not cured successfully, and eventually the cancer cells progressed to advanced stages and metastasized.

"Then your mother..." Chen Jue frowned upon hearing this.

"My mother was brought to an advanced stage by quack doctors. After being notified of critical illness, she received traditional Chinese medicine treatment. Finally, she was cured by using unicorn spirit combined with other folk remedies to fight poison with poison. The side effects were also obvious. The functions of her tongue and throat were damaged, and she was no longer able to eat and drink normally. Speak."

"If I had chosen traditional Chinese medicine earlier or switched to a more authoritative hospital, maybe my mother could have suffered less." Zhou Chuan sighed.

"So that's it!"

Chen Jue didn't expect that the relationship between Zhou Chuan and Xia Xue was so complicated.

This is no longer a simple doctor-patient relationship, but a problem left by the previous generation.

As an outsider, Chen Jue couldn't comment on Zhou Chuan's actions. He just thought of his own family because of Zhou Chuan's mother's cancer experience.

Because many members of Chen Jue's deceased family members suffered from cancer and tumors, they all chose Western medicine treatments provided by the hospital, but in the end they all had little effect.

The disease was not cured but also caused huge debts to the family, which caused Chen Jue's father to go abroad to work to pay off the debts, and his life and death were unknown.

If he had resolutely chosen traditional Chinese medicine treatment at the early stage of discovering the cancer, perhaps Chen Jue's family could have survived like Zhou Chuan's mother, and he would no longer have to be alone in Hangzhou.

"Illness changes the fate of a family. My family can be considered a typical example of falling back into poverty due to illness." Chen Jue sighed softly in his heart. (End of chapter)

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