Evolution from scratch with added points

Chapter 202 0201 official operation is the most deadly

With the official end of Hangcheng Gate, this hot search trend has become more and more popular, so much so that official media such as Hangcheng Firefighting and Hangcheng Ping An have also joined in the hot comments. .

After seeing the figure climbing up the stairs in the night vision surveillance screenshot, @Hangcheng Ping An directly said, "Brother with unique skills, this is... a real punishment! (with pictures)"

Immediately afterwards, the unique skill brother responded immediately and admitted that he was cowardly, leaving an emoticon of a panda in handcuffs.

Fans were overjoyed to see the big internet celebrity they follow shivering when facing the official media.

"You, too, have today (akimbo)"

"To stop you from updating the video (laughs)"

"The desire to survive is very strong, and I am full of it (乐)"

“The official job is the most deadly (hahaha)”

The Internet was filled with joyful atmosphere. After being educated by the authorities for a while, Chen Jue also picked up his tail and behaved himself.

Anyway, there is no direct evidence to prove that he climbed into the building. The surveillance video only captured the back but not the front.

Moreover, the management of the Hangcheng Gate Building did not report any losses to the police, so the officials did not forcefully summon Chen Jue.

What’s more, the big IP of [Brother with Unique Skills] has greatly promoted the tourism market in Hangzhou. Wulin Square, a niche attraction that was originally deserted, has become a popular check-in spot because of the handprint left by Brother with Unique Skills.

Therefore, the "little mistake" he made was ignored by others.

On the contrary, it is the little-known Hangcheng Gate, which suddenly became famous on the Internet after interacting with the unique skills brother's updates.

The day after the unique skill brother posted the news, many fans and netizens came to check in. He even made a splash at the bottom of the hot search list, making a big splash in front of netizens across the country.

This is just like the emperor turning over brands in ancient times. One of them is popular, which really makes many MCN colleagues feel envious.

Just because of his incredible influence, he has almost become the first person to enter the internet celebrity circle, and even those who engage in the traffic economy will be jealous.

After making a fuss on the Internet for a while, Chen Jue quickly went to bed to rest after relaxing in the hot bath.

The next morning, I woke up at 6 a.m. as usual.

It's probably because my biological clock hasn't adjusted yet during the New Year holiday, so I missed the first ray of sunshine in the morning again on this day.

"You still have to hurry up and get into a regular routine."

"Otherwise, this great morning light will be wasted." Chen Jue sighed inwardly.

The so-called "purple energy coming from the east" is mentioned in the Longmen School's "Nine-Yang Eye Training Method" in the booklet he is currently practicing.

According to the red light therapy learned in the previous class, this "purple energy coming from the east" is actually the discovery by the Taoist priests of the Quanzhen Sect in ancient times through naked eye observation: when the sun rises in the early morning, the sunlight and the earth form a low-angle scattered blue light and The red light, combined with the morning glow and mist, shines into the eyes with an effect similar to purple energy.

The Taoist priests of the Quanzhen Sect, through accumulated practice and rubbing of the eye acupuncture points of the human body, have finally explored and summarized this set of "Nine Yang Eye Training Method" for eye training through generations of inheritance.

And the booklet also mentioned that if you want to practice [Nine Yang Eye Training], you need to supplement it with the consumption of animal offal such as pig liver, fish maw, chicken heart, etc.

Because animal offal is rich in vitamin A, which is an important trace element for the human body to maintain vision and prevent night blindness.

Just like modern people take cod liver oil to prevent excessive eye use and vision loss, the vitamin A content in fish internal organs is relatively rich and easy to absorb.

When the Quanzhen religion spread among fishermen groups in coastal areas, they also discovered that fishermen generally have better eyesight. This was summarized based on the fishermen's diet.

It can only be said that the wisdom of ancient Chinese people is actually far less than what modern people think. It is just that the way of expression is quite different from modern times. It is a little restrained and reserved until the inheritance is interfered by war and other factors, and a lot of it is lost.

Chen Jue now absorbs Western science and traditional culture at the same time, thinks from a dialectical perspective, and then uses panels to identify the authenticity of this gong and that method.

No matter whether the cat is black or white, it is a good cat if it can catch mice.

Whether it has any effect on the human body, Chen Jue knew as soon as he practiced it. It was much better than those on the Internet who blindly denied the Chinese tradition.

He went up to the roof of the apartment building and practiced the eye and ear skills for 40 minutes as usual. Although his attributes were not improved, Chen Jue felt that his ears and eyes were sharp and he was very energetic after the practice.

After going downstairs and changing into sportswear, Chen Jue drove to the park where he often goes for morning exercises.

Since Wu Fang was in closed training, there was no one to accompany her for morning exercises, so Chen Jue went to the chess table at the entrance first.

Mr. Wu, whom he hadn't seen for a long time, was playing early chess with someone with a red face. When he saw Chen Jue, his future grandson-in-law, arriving, the old man immediately waved to him.

"Happy New Year, Grandpa Wu! Long time no see. You look better than before." Chen Jue went up and said hello politely.

Mr. Wu also smiled happily and handed over the half-played chess game to his chess partner. Then he walked with a thermos cup and Chen Jue to the big banyan tree leaning against various weapons.

"You brat! If you fall in love with my Fangfang, I was the first to support it."

"But if you don't come to visit during the Chinese New Year, it's your fault!" Mr. Wu criticized Chen Jue a few words, thinking that this future grandson-in-law is good in every way, but he is a bit too raw.

Chen Jue also had an apologetic smile on his face when he heard this, thinking that the old man was complaining about not coming to the house during the New Year, so he had no choice but to go along and say a few nice words to coax the old man.

He patted his chest and said that he would definitely come to visit during the Chinese New Year this year. He also told him about his plan to accompany Wu Fang to teach in remote areas. He called out "Grandpa" a few more times, which made Mr. Wu's complexion immediately improve a lot.

"It seems you really like my Fangfang!"

"Otherwise, I wouldn't have traveled thousands of miles to an unfamiliar place to stay for a year and a half because of her."

"Those places on the border of Yun Province are not easy to stay in. The conditions are very difficult." Mr. Wu couldn't help but sigh, patting Chen Jue on the shoulder and praising him for his thoughtfulness.

Because according to Mr. Wu, in his early years, he also went to the remote border countryside to work as an educated youth, and he was also the grandmother Wu Fang he knew.

But Mr. Wu went to the northern border. Except for the cold winter, those places have abundant water and grass, flocks of cattle and sheep in other normal seasons, and the scenery is very beautiful.

Unlike the borders of Yun Province, they are all located in dangerous mountainous areas. In many places, there are no roads leading into the mountains.

In ancient times, it was a barbaric land in the southwest that was full of poisonous insects and miasma, and was a headache for emperors of all dynasties.

It is also in recent decades that China has become stronger and more economically developed. With the reputation of being an "infrastructure maniac", it has been possible to completely connect these mountainous southwest borders by digging mountains and building roads.

I chatted with Mr. Wu and listened to the love stories of the elders.

With blessings on his face, Chen Jue borrowed the red tassel gun that Wu Fang often used from the old man and planned to practice his spear skills.

First, I went to meet my senior brother Zhao Jianguo in the grove. While saying Happy New Year to each other, I also chatted with him about the current situation of my master, Master Shizheng.

Because during the Chinese New Year, Chen Jue saw the New Year photo posted by Zhao Jianguo through Moments.

As a new apprentice, although I did not meet Master Shizheng during the Spring Festival, Chen Jue did all the due etiquette on WeChat.

And after returning to Ruicheng, Chen Jue also purchased a batch of specialties such as sauced duck tongues, dried seafood, etc. and sent them to Baiyunguan in the imperial capital for express delivery.

After all, they are young people born in the 1990s, and their main focus is on cyber heritage, saying hello electronically, and not sticking to formalities.

On the contrary, it is Zhao Jianguo, an elderly middle-aged man who attaches great importance to formality, who would visit the master during holidays.

Chen Jue felt relieved after learning that the master had a strong body and ate a lot of nuts and hard vegetables during the New Year's Eve fast. He also praised the duck tongue and dried shrimp he sent as delicious.

The old man's teeth and mouth are good, which means that the bone marrow and hematopoietic function are still normal. It is expected that the life span is not over yet, and he can continue to live for many more years.

After chatting with his senior brother Zhao Jianguo, Chen Jue turned to the lake in the park.

Relying on a horse and holding a gun, we stayed at the lake for nearly an hour.

The proficiency of [Lancery] and [Horse Step] increased at the same time, and soon a prompt popped up on the panel.



[Proficiency reaches 100%, and skill level increases. 】

[Lancery Lv0→Lv1]

[You have mastered the movement posture of the cold weapon of the spear, and you have gradually become more proficient in it from the initial unfamiliarity. Basic spear skills are no longer a problem for you. 】

[Your upper limb muscle groups, finger grip strength, and wrist joints have been effectively exercised in the continuous endurance snatch, and your wrist strength has increased slightly. 】

[With the long period of spear thrusting and lifting, you are subconsciously constantly adjusting the connection between the lower body of the horse stance, the back of the spine, and the shoulders, neck, and arms to exert force. Your attention begins to focus and your willpower increases. 】

[Strength attribute +0.01]

[Mental attribute +0.01] (End of this chapter)

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